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These chapters are a continuation of "Comfort Ye My People." They represent a bank of promises that clearly are some of the greatest in the Old Testament. These verses are directed to all Israel, not just the Southern Kingdom. They are given primarily to a people who have become unfamiliar with the intimate love God has for them.

This book is an alternative representation of my thoughts, which have been presented more comprehensively in another of my books Writings @ Ankur Mutreja. I felt the need to publish this book separately to cater to the needs of those readers who don’t have much time to read books. The book is indeed a light reading. The book starts with the chapter entitled Satire, which, as the name suggests, comprises pointed attacks on the societal idiosyncrasies and hypocrisies, albeit mockingly. In the

"Ye..." I did not finish my words when my planet beauty in the vast universe took me by surprise. The round of our planet was constant and movable with the anti-gravity which allowed it to suspend like in midair like a balloon would. It was there with the color he projected in the glass of the ship through the mix of the water, the land, the desert, the trees and the clouds. The blue sky consent the beauty of our home in the galaxy and among the other planet in the solar system.

I fell in love with my stalker. I don't know what I got myself into. He is alwys sketchy. I am not sure what he is capable of doing and that's scared me but what scares me the most is that I don't think there is a way out. I got myself in this mess and there is no way to go back. Is this the best for me and Becka? I thought. I need to get my baby girl away from this mad man but how?