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Mero, the Grand Advisor to the Holy Dragon King, is released into the wild to mingle with the "ground races" while a war rages on the Domain - a land that floats high above the sea and ground, masked by the clouds and other elements. While usually separated and without any contact between dragon kind and the ground races, Mero and two of his allies step foot on the ground in search of a way to save the Domain, though this path is not one to be taken lightly as a force prepares itself

Fashion is an important aspect of our lives. Why do women and beauty products get along so well? The answer is simple: cosmetics make you appear beautiful, and women want to look beautiful, so you've got yourself a match made in heaven - the perfect couple. Today's fashion and the newest lipstick colors are no assurance that you will look beautiful if you do not feel good about yourself.

When the Semitic free run on the Hindu turf under Sonia’s proxy watch ended with the ascent of Narendra Modi onto the Delhi gaddi, the Indian agendas of the Christian west and the Muslim umma faced impediments resulting in the brouhaha over the growing religious intolerance of Hindus towards India’s minorities. Given the racial biases and the religious prejudices of both against the Hindus and that the world media, by and large is controlled by them, a critical appraisal of their propaganda