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King, clergy, and nobles were compelled to submit to the atrocities of an excited and maddened people. Their thirst for vengeance was only stimulated by the execution of the king; and those who had decreed his death soon followed him to the scaffold. A general slaughter of all suspected of hostility to the Revolution was determined. The prisons were crowded, at one time containing more than two hundred thousand captives. The cities of the kingdom were filled with scenes of horror. One party of

Snared in a trap by Vice, the leader of Howling, Austin is forced to go to the Capital where he meets with this important figure who holds the future of his hometown in his hands. With some help from Aizen Hell, the God who gave him his powers, he engages in Howling politics and consolidates all of the power in one person's hands by simply assisting this person. However, something lays deeper and darker than politics. A lack of freedom and control.

An analytical commentary on how energies of ideas for socio-political changes, create a stampede of stupidities, when they are reactive and participants of change fail to observe assimilative perspectives, compromising the sanity of system, which could weed out loads of aggression, chaos and conflicts from the soil of struggle. A global reality, elaborated with India as a case study.