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No matter who you are, no matter what your profession, if you are a student, no matter what you studying, you will rise to there top. Not only that. You will also become a indispensable person. Because the universe fills you with divine love. These are not just words. If you follow the guidance of the wisdom correctly, you will see that all this becomes a reality. Let me say something here that encourages you. That is, in this all activities the universes does certain things for you. It will

A witty but insightful narration of ‘normal’ and ‘orderly’ cultural realisms of contemporary world, from the perspective of a young duffer. This duffer believes; a normal person should know how this world looks to a stupid, whom the world loves to label ‘abnormal’ and ‘disordered’, to truly visualize realities of benchmarking. This duffer’s wife asked him to make it different; he truly does it!

You stop and think to yourself, "When did everything go wrong?" You try to remember but there is nothing, your memory has faded into nothing. A person comes by your side, are they going to help you or hurt you? It all comes down to that you have to make a decision to help someone else or help yourself. Which will you choose? Both choices have consequences. Are you willing to take the risk?

Audiobook Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Serta Bahasa Inggris Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Surah At-Tin (Arab: التِّينِ, "Tin") adalah surah ke-95 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini terdiri atas 8 ayat dan termasuk golongan surah Makkiyah. Surah ini diturunkan setelah surah Al-Buruj. Nama At-Tin diambil dari kata At-Tin yang terdapat pada ayat pertama surah ini yang artinya buah Tin. Surah At-Tin merupakan salah satu surah