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Life has many ups, downs, and turns people are so willingly to share their adventures with others. However, death is often a diffcult subject to discuss with others especially with young children. It is my hope that this book will offer a bridge from adults to children in explaining how death can happen in a person life.

Mystery books have been increasingly gaining prominence over the decades. A continuously increasing number of readers is being hooked on fiction novels that feature blood-curdling and spine-chilling narratives. Indeed, the mystery genre is a prolific and profitable market, and to take advantage of this, more and more authors are now convinced to write mystery books.

As he started to read the headlines, his mother approached him. She had a stern expression on her face as she seated herself next to him. He had seen the same facial expression before, and inevitably, it meant some kind of tirade was forth coming. Past experience made him well aware of the fact his mother believed that her lectures, or conversations as she referred to it, were constructive and for the benefit of his welfare. But he didn’t see it that way, and most of the time he construed his