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Nothing causes a prince to be so much esteemed as great enterprises and giving proof of prowess ... He may almost be termed a new prince, because from a weak king he has become for fame and glory the first king in Christendom, and if you regard his actions you will find them all very great and some of them extraordinary. At the very beginning of his reign he assailed a city, and that enterprise was the foundation of his state. At first he did it at his leisure and without fear of being

The Manusmriti, the social doctrine of yore, and the Bhagvad-Gita, the spiritual tome in vogue that lay down the discriminatory dharma (duties) of the four social classes (castes) have been the bugbears of the Hindu backward classes. However, to their chagrin, of late, as the latter is being mindlessly promoted even though the former was constitutionally debunked, they began advocating that it too should be dumped in a dustbin.

In the very distant future, a fierce war is being fought between two super-city-states, Ensarian and Imgradon, on the planet Zegandaria over the resources zegandarian kevlarite and interon fuel. The two camps begin the clash lightly as a joke with good intentions much like children, but from a minor dispute and local conflict, it quickly grows and spreads to the entire planet, and later even reaches universal proportions. Many other distant planets such as Sebur Nag and Osonia are also

The essays in this book unravel the Karta (subjective consciousness) from the perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and Causality. The effort is to make you – the Karta, assimilate the core idea as how a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of the 3Cs helps you in attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness. Makes you meet a new empowered you.

Insightful and inspiring Life-Utility dialogues on – Happiness, Solutions, Intelligence, Love, Dreams, Loneliness, Consciousness, Realism, Life-Choices, Poise, Success, Self-Worth, Excellence, Meditation, Wisdom, Objectivity, Life-Management, Destiny and Gender. Utility of book has got to do with decisive, straight-forward and objectively logical words. Centarlity of theme is of holism.

Most of us, living in today’s world of complexities, conflicts and confusion, have questions as what a person should consider as ‘perpetual-utility’ in life, amidst feelings of ‘futility’ of everything around. What is the life and living positioning, which can make us live life in perpetual joyous consciousness, endowed with ‘true utilities’, shunning away all those ‘futilities’, which land us in pain and regret?