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„The time is coming to put the ages back to their places, for the time of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), changed from their places My times and My heavenly feast-ings. Behold, I come with this establishment too, to put it back to its place ...”

„I let everyone know that the Bridegroom is coming, and He has prepared His bride and is coming, for the spirit of the bride is My Spirit, and the Spirit and the bride say: Come, Lord!”

„Oh, I am coming from the Father as word on earth to teach the man what fast means, what church means, what salvation means and that he may know these things from Me.”

„No matter how wrong the man might be before Me, if he loses his soul because of the confession of My word, not being ashamed of Me in the midst of the people, to that one I will give his salvation, especially if he brings Me fruit of souls that get up to believe and then to do My will, ...”

"Dear king, These three dolls are very special and made to suit, one for you, the king, one for your minister and the third one for the court clown. Your majesty has to decide which is suitable for whom among you three and tell me why. This will be my pleasure to see that someone will understand my idea and appreciate this." The artist said

Muslims who tried to finish jewish last of torah from end of times Muslims who tried to finish jewish last of torah from end of times Muslims who tried to finish jewish last of torah from end of times Muslims who tried to finish jewish last of torah from end of times

An old Native American Indian man is telling a story to his grandson. His grandson does not know his Grandfather is very sick, and slowly dying. Before he leaves this world he has to know if his grandson walks the good red road, and that he will keep the stories alive and tell them to the next generation.

For those wondering how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins inquiring into the ultimate meaning of love, true love, and unconditional love. Other questions may also arise, such as: To cultivate unconditional love, is forgiveness required? If so, how can I learn to practice forgiveness prayer? In the context of unconditional love, what is marriage? Can a husband and wife relationship transform into living for love, and ultimately become an

Hello, Sheriff Dawn, are you ok? Where are you. I got out of the hole. I am going to your ranch house. Hello, where are you, this is a nice place or is it?

Crows - Only black birds or companions of souls?