» Performing Arts » Ascension, Drew Wagar [pdf to ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Ascension, Drew Wagar [pdf to ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Drew Wagar

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nowhere spoke in a curiously feminine voice.

‘Ident Computer Activated.’

Miri frowned and pressed the button again.

‘Ident Computer Deactivated.’

‘Miri stop messing around with things you don’t understand! Come out of there now before you…’

Miri had pressed another button.

‘Escape pod sequence initiated, please standby. Ejection commencing in ten…’

The hood suddenly began to lower into place. Miri glanced up, fear etched on her face for a moment, before a look of resolution replaced it.

‘Eight, seven, six…’

‘Miri!’ Meru demanded, trying to hold the hood open. It was no use, the mechanism was robust and far stronger than he was, ‘Get out of there, please! Now! Miri!’

Miri sat with her hands folded, ‘Meru go! I want to do this! You know I don’t fit in at the Cathedral. This is why I’m here! This is my purpose! Meru…’

The hood closed with a solid thunk, there was a hiss of pressurised air. Meru could see Miri speaking, but he could no longer hear her.

Meru pounded on the hood, ‘Miri! No! Stop it! Make it stop!’

Steam issued from the area immediately around the hood and sections of the metal exterior began to fold away in sequence. Meru could see Miri gesturing for him to get out of the way.

He jumped back with a last desperate look. She smiled and waved, her face composed and almost serene.

There was a loud roar and he jumped, falling into the soft ground beside the Fallen Star. By the time he rolled over and looked up, all he could make out was a vapour trail, shooting up from the Fallen Star and rising into the sky. Meru could just make out a small dark dot towing a sheet of blue flame. Within minutes it had disappeared from view and the vapour trail slowly drifted aside in the morning breeze.

The whole forward section of the Fallen Star appeared to have detached itself and lifted off into the sky, carrying Miri with it.

The Words came to Meru’s mind. They had spoken of them only the night before.

‘The Canticle…’ he mouthed silently.

‘I looked, and I saw a wind-storm coming out from the winking star - an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The centre of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like a woman. She ascended to the right hand of the Gods, there to become the glory of their likeness.’

Meru wondered. The High Priestess? Was it possible?

He staggered slightly and then drew himself up and adopted an attitude of prayer.

‘Bless you Miri, and bless us too.’

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