» Performing Arts » Shike, Robert J. Shea [ebook reader that looks like a book TXT] 📗

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>Jebu laughed. “That’s why men won’t let you talk. They’re afraid you’ll shame them. It may well be that I’ll be the only man who is aware of the full power of your mind.” The laughter went out of his voice. “Taniko, we’ll be on the march soon. We’ll have to find a safe place for you to wait it out. Perhaps you could stay here at Hiraizumi.”

“I wish I could rejoin my Uncle Ryuichi at Heian Kyo. Of all the older men in our family, he is the one I like best. I did blame him for letting Sogamori take Atsue from me and for not protecting me from Horigawa, but those things were out of his control. The moment that cruel arrow struck Kiyosi, my fate was decided.”

There was a note of uneasiness in the gentle voice that came to her out of the darkness. “If Kiyosi had not died, you and I would not be together today.”

“I know,” said Taniko. “But the world in which Kiyosi lived and died, the world in which Atsue was born, seems to me a completely different one from the world you and I inhabit. By your thinking, I should be grateful to the man who killed Kiyosi. I could never feel anything but hatred for that man.”

Jebu was silent for a long time. At last she reached out and stroked his cheek. It felt cold, hard and smooth under her hand, like a jade mask. He is thinking that he owes his happiness to the death of a good man, and he is ashamed, she thought. It isn’t his fault, though.

At last he said, “You can’t go to the capital. You’d be in the thick of the fighting. What do you want to do?”

“I really have no alternative,” Taniko said. “If I can find a way to make the journey, I want to go back to the place where you met me, my family home in Kamakura.”

Chapter Three

Eujiwara Yerubutsu, Hidehira’s son and heir, arrived at Hiraizumi at the end of the Third Month, after the sun had dried up the mud of the spring thaw. There was even a summerlike dust cloud over the road along which Yerubutsu and thirty Eujiwara samurai had come, escorting a baggage train loaded with pottery and silk from the southern provinces.

A few hours after Yerubutsu’s arrival, Hidehira sent for Yukio, asking him to come to the great hall of the fortress. Accompanied by Jebu, Yukio walked through the gardens between the guesthouse and the donjon. There was a different feeling in the air. Samurai who had been friendly only the day before now greeted them gruffly or pretended not to see them at all. Many more men seemed to be in armour than on the previous day.

By the time they entered Hidehira’s great hall, Jebu’s senses were as alert as a hunted animal’s. Hidehira sat on the dais wearing a stiff black robe of state with upswept shoulders. A row of councillors and generals, similarly dressed, sat on his right and left. All wore their two samurai swords, the long and the short, the hilts thrusting out from under the robes. All were stone-faced except for the aged Hidehira, who wore an uncomfortable grin, as if trying to dispel the unpleasant atmosphere.

Hidehira began by introducing his eldest son to Yukio and Jebu. Yerubutsu was nearly seventy years of age, his topknot grey. His head was as perfectly round as an iron ball fired from a Chinese hua pao. His mouth was wide and at first glance, lipless; his eyes were slits.

Servants brought sake, and a round of polite questions and answers concerning Yerubutsu’s journey to the southern provinces and Yukio’s sojourn in China seemed to Jebu to take all morning.

At last Yerubutsu said, “It’s a good thing I was only in Maizuru, not in the capital, Lord Yukio. Otherwise, your proclamation could have caused me grave embarrassment. As it was, I barely had time to get out of Tango province with the goods I had acquired before a detachment of Takashi samurai arrived in Maizuru with a warrant for my arrest.”

“I regret that my activities caused you distress, Lord Yerubutsu,” said Yukio with a low bow. “My oversight was unpardonable.”

“Nonsense,” said Hidehira testily. “I knew Yerubutsu was in some danger, being so close to the capital when you issued your proclamation. I said to myself, if he can’t get himself out of trouble, he’s no son of mine.”

“I appreciate your confidence in me, Eather,” said Yerubutsu coldly. “Still, you could have lost a son. Of course, now that Lord Yukio is here again, you may feel you can spare a son.”

“Lord Yukio’s father, Domei, was a brother to me,” said the old man sternly. “His son is my son. You have no right to resent that.”

Yukio quickly interrupted the bitterness between father and son. “Lord Yerubutsu, I’m most anxious to learn what impact my proclamation had in the provinces to the south.”

Yerubutsu gave Yukio a long, hostile look. “I had little time to learn its effect on others, since its effect on me was to force me to flee for my life. You can be sure, though, that now that the Takashi know you are in Oshu, a huge army will be on its way here before long.”

“Let them come,” said Hidehira fiercely, his white beard quivering.

“My father’s generosity and his loyalty to old friends are legendary in Oshu,” said Yerubutsu. “Because so many of our forefathers were comrades-in-arms, he extended his hospitality to you. Please forgive me, Lord Yukio.” Yerubutsu’s eyes glittered with hostility. “I fear you may have abused my father’s generosity. Unwittingly, I’m sure.”

A man with less self-control would have been provoked into drawing his sword. Yukio merely replied calmly, “If I thought that were true, Lord Yerubutsu, I would have to kill myself.” Having lived as long with Yukio as he had, Jebu understood that this was a threat. If Yukio were to cut his belly open because of Yerubutsu’s unjustified accusations, Yerubutsu would be disgraced.

“Certainly the matter does not warrant such extreme measures,” said Yerubutsu, shifting restlessly on his cushion. He’d love to hack Yukio’s head off and be done with it, thought Jebu. “I merely meant that by taking refuge with my father and issuing your proclamation of rebellion against Sogamori from here, you have placed us all in grave danger.”

“Sogamori has always been my enemy,” said Hidehira grumpily.

“I assure you, Lord Yerubutsu,” Yukio said, “the forces I have are more than ample to protect your domain from the Takashi.”

“We do not need your protection,” Yerubutsu snapped. The polite mask was slipping away. Rage was turning the ball-shaped head a deep orange colour. What was troubling Yerubutsu, anyway? It must be that he had plans of his own, and Yukio’s activities were interfering.

Yerubutsu said, “I presume by your forces you mean the swarm of barbarians camped on our land. I’m sorry to say it, Lord Yukio, but I’m shocked that the bearer of so illustrious a name as yours would lead foreigners in an invasion of our soil. Even Sogamori would not bring foreign troops to fight against his people.”

It was just as he and Taitaro had warned Yukio, thought Jebu. The Mongols would never be trusted.

Yukio continued to smile, just as if he had not been accused of treason to the realm. “The early Emperors invited Korean artisans and Buddhist missionaries to our shores. The honoured founder of your family, the Great Minister Fujiwara no Kamatari, brought Chinese law to the Sacred Islands, together with Chinese scholars to teach and administer the law. These were not invasions. We simply made use of the talents of foreigners for the greater glory of the Sunrise Land. The Mongols are not craftsmen, missionaries or scholars. But they understand one art better than almost any other people in the world-warfare.”

Jebu spoke. “If the great lords will permit a comment from this humble monk, Sogamori did bring at least one Mongol into the realm to fight against his people. Many years ago the Mongol leader Arghun Baghadur acted as an officer in Sogamori’s service.”

“Eormerly he fought for Sogamori,” said Yerubutsu. “Now he fights for you. See how little loyalty these barbarians have.”

Yukio shrugged and said, “The past is the past and the present is the present.” It was the slogan samurai had always used to justify changing sides in the midst of a war.

Yerubutsu took another tack. “I have heard that these Mongols have conquered half the earth. I am sorry if I seem to question you, Lord Yukio, but is it not foolhardy to bring ten thousand of them here?”

There was something to be said for the polite style of discourse cultivated in the Sunrise Land, Jebu thought. At least, Yukio and Yerubutsu were still talking. By now two Mongol chieftains would have exchanged coarse insults and been at each other’s throats.

“I see that you are well informed on our troop strength, Lord Yerubutsu,” said Yukio with a chuckle. “The fighting men of the Sunrise Land outnumber my Mongol contingent a hundred to one. The Mongols are masters of strategy and tactics, but I believe we can learn from them. We will have them under our control at all times.”

“I do not believe my father realized how many troops you would be quartering on our lands when he gave you his permission,” said Yerubutsu. “These savages take whatever they want without paying for it. They turn their horses loose to graze anywhere they choose. Several of our peasants have been injured in quarrels with the barbarians.”

Yukio bowed. “As I have already assured your noble father, we are prepared to pay for everything we requisition. We have gold, silver, copper and an abundance of trade goods.”

“Peasants who have lost all their rice cannot eat copper,” Yerubutsu growled.

“Enough, Yerubutsu,” Hidehira snapped. “I’m far from dead yet. I am still chieftain of this clan.” He straightened his back, and his son and the family retainers on the dais bowed in unison.

“I was well aware that Lord Yukio was landing a huge army in our domain,” Hidehira went on. “I am proud that the struggle to free the Sacred Islands from the Takashi has begun here at Hiraizumi in Oshu. Yerubutsu, you seem to have forgotten the long list of injuries done to us by the Takashi. As for the Mongols, who but a fool would reject an army of ten thousand well-armed, experienced warriors, no matter where they came from? I’d use hairy Ainu to fight the Takashi if they’d do any good. You know perfectly well our peasants won’t starve. Lord Yukio has already reimbursed us generously for quartering his army. Your complaints are nonsense, Yerubutsu. If you don’t have more wisdom that that, at your age, you’ll never have it.” Breathing hard, Hidehira sat back and glared at his grey-haired son.

One time you don’t have to be polite, thought Jebu, is when you are scolding a son. Hidehira’s withered face was as red as Yerubutsu’s.

“I’m sorry, honoured Eather,” Yerubutsu muttered. “I’m only trying to protect our clan.”

“By driving a wedge between us and our age-old allies?”

.“I don’t know whether Lord Yukio has a right to appeal to that alliance. His claim to the chieftainship of the Muratomo clan is false.”

Yukio leaned forward, ready to spring. “Who says my claim is false?”

“Your brother Hideyori is chieftain of the Muratomo, my lord,” said Yerubutsu with a triumphant smile. “I doubt that he welcomes your attempt to usurp his office.”

Yukio stared at Jebu. “I thought Hideyori was dead. We had heard Sogamori had him executed.” He turned to Yerubutsu with a sudden grin. “This is wonderful news.”

“Your brother may not find your call for an

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