» Performing Arts » Shike, Robert J. Shea [ebook reader that looks like a book TXT] 📗

Book online «Shike, Robert J. Shea [ebook reader that looks like a book TXT] 📗». Author Robert J. Shea

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“I took it off at sunset. No time to put it back on. I’ve got my sword.” He waved it. “Come on, everybody’s going down the hill.”

An officer galloped by, his face scarlet in the torchlight. “Into the pass. Try to outrun them. We’ll make a stand in the open country beyond the pass. Keep together.” He raced past them.

They dashed down the hill together, Atsue glancing from time to time at Isoroku to see if he was keeping up. The torchlit enemy arm seemed to be right behind them, thundering down the slope. Again he heard oxen bellowing.

He and Isoroku were in the pass now. The hills on either side of them blotted out the moon. Behind them, the pursuers had overtaken the rear of the Takashi army. They heard screams, the crash of armoured men falling, the neighing of horses. The enemy torches blazed, lighting up the trees, the struggling samurai, the tossing horns of


“It’s not samurai,” Isoroku called. “It’s a cattle stampede.” Now some of the Takashi were slowing down. Atsue could plainly see, at the base of Tonamiyama hill, the humped backs, the rolling eyes, the gleaming horns of the oxen.

“Let them through,” voices called. “Just get out of the way and let them through.”

“They tied torches to their horns to madden them,” said Isoroku. “A dishonourable trick,” Atsue replied.

Atsue and Isoroku pulled their horses to one side as a huge grey ox, groaning angrily, charged past. Sparks from the torches tied to each of its horns stung its humped back. Atsue patted the grey’s neck as the frightened horse danced and threatened to rear.

There was some laughter, shaky with relief, as the samurai realized that their attackers were only a herd of cattle. The oxen continued to crowd the warriors, though, pushing them deeper into the Kurikara pass. The hundreds of torches still sizzling on the horns of the huge animals lit up the Takashi army so well that Atsue could recognize the faces of comrades halfway across the valley.

Something hissed past him through the air. A night bird? There was another whisper, and another. Thudding sounds. Someone screamed. Again there was the clang of a falling, armour-clad body.


“Arrows! They’re shooting at us,” Isoroku cried.

Now, looking up, Atsue saw lanterns on the hills above and behind them. Winking balls of light, red, yellow, green, blue, white, almost like the fireflies in the distant trees, signalled to one another across the valley.

Someone near him cried out and fell. In a flash Atsue saw it all. The stampeding oxen had driven them from their secure hilltop position into the valley. The torches on the horns of the cattle made the warriors into perfect targets.

The whole valley now echoed with the shouts and screams of men and animals. There were no orders, just wild, confused cries. In a mass, with no more thought than the stampeding animals among them, the samurai urged their horses into the pass, desperately trying to escape the arrows that hummed down on them like a murderous swarm of bees.

“Eorward! Hurry, hurry!” they screamed at those blocking the pass ahead of them.

But now there were cries from the front ranks.

“The valley is too narrow. Stop! We’ll be crushed.”

Atsue had been expecting to see a wedge of starlit sky at the end of the pass. Instead there was solid blackness. The arrows poured down. Atsue felt himself struck many times, but the arrows glanced off his helmet and armour or embedded themselves harmlessly in its plates and padded under robe. He glanced over at Isoroku, racing his horse beside him. Isoroku lay along his horse’s back and neck to present less of a target.

We left our whole camp behind, Atsue thought. They’ve got everything, our tents, our baggage, our armour, most of our weapons. How will we be able to fight tomorrow? That doesn’t matter. How will we live through tonight? By now the packed mass of men and horses wasn’t moving at all.

A man ahead of Atsue said, “They say the valley is open at the other end, but it’s only wide enough for one man at a time to go through. It will take all night for us to get out of here.”

Erom somewhere on the slopes above them came the pounding of drums. There were wild, high-pitched cries, like the screaming of gulls. Hoofbeats reverberated against the hills.

Something struck the western flank of the Takashi army with such force that a shock wave surged through the mass, crushing men and horses against one another.

Atsue suddenly found there was room for him to urge his horse forward. Terror had crowded those ahead even deeper into the narrow end of the valley. The screams from behind were deafening. Steel clanged. Something was biting into the Takashi army, like a shark devouring a frantic swimmer. His hands ice-cold with fear, Atsue pulled Kogarasu from the scabbard.

He caught a glimpse of big men with fur-trimmed helmets waving curved swords, lances, and axes. Their triumphant shrieks drowned out the cries of the dying. One of them struck at Atsue. Kogarasu fended off the blow.

A lance plunged into Isoroku’s back, was jerked out again. He fell from his horse, his eyes fixed on Atsue, his mouth open, not making a sound.

The barbarian who had killed Isoroku glanced over his shoulder for a moment, and Atsue saw his face clearly in the light of a near-by torch. Dark brown skin, huge white teeth, mad ferocious eyes. It was a face from hell.

Screaming at himself to run, Atsue made himself jump down from his horse. “Isoroku,” he called. He tried to find his friend in the darkness. There was no answer. Isoroku is dead, he told himself. Get back on your horse and ride out of here.

Ride where? There was nowhere to go. The torches were going out now. There were struggling men and animals all around him, but he could see nothing. He was stepping on flesh, whether animal or human he couldn’t tell. There was nothing he could do for Isoroku. He couldn’t even find him.

A horse bumped into him. “Out of my way” snarled a voice edged with fear.

“Help me, please,” Atsue called. “I’ve lost my horse.”


“Yes, Takashi.” If he’s Muratomo, I’m dead.

“Come on, climb up here.” The voice had a ring of experience and authority. Atsue took the man’s hand and clambered up behind him on the horse.

“I’m a fool to do this. Two riders will slow this horse down too much. What’s your name?”

“Takashi no Atsue. Why are you going this way?”

“Oho. The chancellor’s grandson. I guess you are worth saving, after all. I’m Hino Juro of Ise. We’re going south, back the way we came from.”

“But that’s where the enemy is.” Atsue knew of Hino Juro, a veteran fighter who had distinguished himself in the battle at Uji bridge. Even though he protested, he felt safer.

“The enemy is in the pass, slaughtering our men. There’s no escape that way. Our only hope is to head south.”

Sodden with despair and defeat, the Takashi samurai gathered the following morning by a bend in a stream far to the south of Kurikara pass. Notaro was among those still alive. His red brocaded robe stained with blood and dirt, he wandered dull-eyed among his surviving troops. He ignored Atsue’s greeting.

“Lord Notaro, I’ve brought you your nephew safe and sound,” said Juro heartily. “That ought to cheer you up a bit.”

Notaro shook his head. “Yesterday I had forty thousand men. Today, eight thousand.”

“What happened last night, my lord?” said Juro. “Does anybody understand it?”

Notaro grimaced, baring his blackened teeth. “They tricked us, made us think they were going to fight like honest samurai. The bodies of our men are piled ten deep in Kurikara pass. Yukio and his barbarian monsters!”

“Where is Yukio’s army now, honoured Uncle?” Atsue asked. Notaro looked at him with dread. “No one knows.” He shuffled off without another word.

The remnants of the Takashi, still numb with shock, began the ride back to Lake Biwa later that morning. They would have to cover the distance to the capital quickly. Even though there were fewer of them, they had already stripped bare the land through which they were passing, and they would get nothing to eat until they reached Heian Kyo.

As he rode along on a horse Juro had found running riderless, Atsue kept glancing over his shoulder. He expected to see Yukio’s army thundering down upon them at any moment. He had been at three big battles and had not won a single combat. I’m not much of a son for my father, he thought. Kiyosi must have killed hundreds by the time he was fifteen.

But then, none of the Takashi were worthy of those who had gone before them. They had let themselves be tricked and terrorized. With so few men left, how could they defend the capital and the Emperor?

What would his grandfather say? He hoped he wouldn’t have to face Sogamori. As for Uncle Notaro, he would have to kill himself. How could he account for the loss of more than thirty thousand men?

Isoroku, forgive me, Atsue prayed. I failed you. Eather, forgive me. I failed you, too.

They had all been so sure of themselves, so triumphant. This battle with Yukio was to be the last, the one that would secure the realm for the Takashi forever. It was now no longer a question of finishing off the last of the Muratomo. Now the question was: could anything be done to save the Takashi?

Chapter Eleven

A small, rectangular lamp illuminated Hideyori’s statue of Hachiman. The war god’s stern features flickered as if they were alive. Hideyori had placed before the statue a blue vase containing a cluster of handsome purple wisteria blossoms.

Bokuden and Ryuichi were both seated with Hideyori in his bare chamber when Taniko entered. The Muratomo chieftain sat like a stone, immobile, impenetrable. A scroll lay on the floor before him.

“You know my half-brother better than either your father or your uncle does. I want you to tell me what he will do next.”

Taniko bowed and knelt facing the three men. Her father looked frightened; Ryuichi, beneath his white powder, appeared bland and calm.

“That depends on what he has done lately, my lord,” said Taniko with a little smile.

“He has done what I could not do,” said Hideyori, almost choking on the words. “What my father and grandfather died trying to do. He has broken the Takashi.” Hideyori described the battle of Tonamiyama to her.

She felt her body grow cold as she grasped the enormity of it. Eorty thousand Takashi, the largest army ever mustered in the Sacred Islands, had gone forth from the capital. Now over thirty thousand lay dead in Kurikara pass, slaughtered by a single tuman of Mongols and whatever samurai Yukio had recruited. Next, she thought, there will be Mongols in the capital. Arghun, the red giant who had tried so many times to kill Jebu, would smash his way into the Imperial Palace, perhaps even capture the sacred person of the Emperor. To the Mongols no monarch was sacred, not even their own.

We should be celebrating the defeat of the Takashi, she thought. Instead, we’re all frightened to death.

“He will take the capital,” said Hideyori. “Then what? Will he proclaim himself chancellor? Will he set himself up in Sogamori’s place?”

“I’m sure he won’t act without orders from you, my lord,” said Taniko quickly.

“What does he need me for?” said Hideyori, a note of self-pity in his voice. “How long will the Muratomo follow a chieftain who leads them to defeat, when they can turn to another who has won the

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