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This is a sample of a work-in-progress that I'll be writing soon, and when I'm done I'll put the whole thing up. If you want, you can post a comment, and I'll send you a message when it's done. But keep in mind that it might not be done for a couple of months.

Cats are a lot like humans. They fear what they don't understand. And they destroy what they fear.

Lilly, a cat in a tribe, is expecting kits, she learns something, then her heart is broken, she then gives birth to Snowflake, Raindrop, and Wind.

Autumn lives a normal life, well until her pack is forced into war. She must leave to save herself, and her friends, then she meets the mysterious pack, the MidnightsEternal Pack, and their secrets are just about to show themselves.

I have been running for so long it seems I will never be able to rest they have chased me so long, I thought they would have stopped..... This Book IS done just needs A LOT of editing but as a story line it is done. I hope you enjoy and read it again when it is fully finished thank you for looking into this and comment if you have any suggestions or comments I enjoy input. ;)

This is a true story that I wrote from the bottom of my heart. I had a wonderful childhood until my father decided to have an affair with another woman. Our entire family was in shambles…not to mention how heartbroken I was because I was a daddy’s girl. We finally had to move to the projects because that was all my mother could afford. Talk about going from riches to rags. I remember crying myself to sleep every night. I started hanging around with the wrong type of people and getting into a

Meaning, joy, and treasures; some last forever. Find them in the simple heart of a good dog. They're stories about YOU and amazing answers.

a very funny family with crazy idea's that will make you laugh( a short monkey loving story)

what we can learn by training our dogs using dog whisperer techniques