» Philosophy » The War Within - Between Good and Evil, Bheemeswara Challa [books for 7th graders txt] 📗

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Jack, 212
Krauss, Lawrence, 601
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 202, 204, 291
Kshatriya, 5, 490, 491 (— dharma, 490)
Kuang, Xun (Xunzi), 625
Kubera, 300
Kumbhakarna, 478, 489
Kundalini, 257
Kundera, Milan, 58, 78, 544
Kurukshetra, 5, 37, 85, 86, 100, 226, 260–
267, 379, 459, 461, 489, 490, 573
Laing, RD, 36, 582, 596, 625
Lakshmana rekha, 23, 132, 516
Lanier, Jaron, 26, 587
Lapham, Lewis H, 340, 344, 345
Larkin, Philip, 530
Laski, Harold, 348
Lauda, Gertrude, 570
Lawrence, DH, 300
Lawrence, TE, 301
Lennon, John, 221
Lewis, CS, 154, 410, 422, 564
Lieh-Tzu, 220
life span, 50, 52, 58, 77, 79, 197, 200, 219,
275, 390, 403, 474–476, 482, 508, 509,
511, 530, 532, 533, 545, 546, 586
Ligotti, Thomas, 56, 57, 70
Lincoln, Abraham, 80, 407, 539
Linden, David, 483
Linzey, Andrew, 485
lobha, 379
Locke, John, 326
Long, Lazarus, 476
Longfellow, HW, 578, 582, 590
Lovecraft, HP, 136, 386
loving kindness, 87, 147, 189, 367, 564, 616
Lynas, Margaret, 139
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
Maanava seve madhava seva, 51, 438
Macbeth, 45, 66
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 519, 540
mada, 379
Madison, James, 232
Maha Upanishad (see Upanishads)
Mahaprabhu, Chaitanya, 303
Mailer, Norman, 547, 558
Maini, Darshan Singh, 312
Maitri Upanishad (see Upanishads)
malice, 3, 9, 32, 41, 43, 56, 98, 106, 110,
127, 132, 154, 172, 174, 180, 190, 196,
215, 223, 229, 254, 268, 280, 283, 284,
306, 359, 366, 379, 404, 408, 413, 422,
467, 468, 506, 508, 554, 583, 584, 589,
Mammon, 299
Manichaeism, 42
man–machine merger, 21, 98, 244, 631
Mann, Thomas, 247
Mara, 222, 283, 285, 295, 298, 568
Marcus Aurelius, 151, 224
Marcus Cicero, 159, 224, 288
Marcuse, Herbert, 114
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, 323, 593
Mars, 89, 151, 152
Marshall, Alfred, 331
Maruyama, Shigenori, 302
Marx, Karl, 127, 314, 315, 324, 347, 392,
586, 591
Maslow, Abraham, 239
Mata Hari, 308
materialism, 6, 125, 172, 205, 285, 316, 317,
324, 337, 350, 356, 364, 449, 454, 629
matsarya, 379
Maugham, Somerset, 288, 332, 499, 534
maya, 160, 178, 283, 295, 298, 449
McEwan, Ian, 21, 63
McGinn, Colin, 404
McKenna, Terence, 214
McKibben, Bill, 337, 631
McLuhan, Marshall, 556
Mead, Margaret, 154, 547
Mecca, 176
Medea, 59
Medha Sutra, 216
Medina, 176
melete thanatou, 501
Melville, Herman, 2, 367
Menachem Mendel, Rabbi, 609
Merton, Thomas, 144, 264, 319, 352, 366
metacognition, 111
Methuselah, 79, 133, 182, 476, 499, 508
Michie, Donald, 194
Milken, Michael, 346
Mill, John Stuart, 80, 316, 335, 351
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 518
Miller, Henry, 210, 511, 589
Mimamsas, 377
--intuitive —, 194, 213
--rational —, 194, 204, 213, 549
--bicameral —, 195
--driven intelligence, 99, 374
moha, 363, 379, 492
moksha, 356, 540
Momoi, Sakari, 511
--electronic —, 316
--lifestyle —, 305
--management, 307, 338, 437
--metallic —, 316
--dark —, 286
--moral —, 390, 619
--paper —, 287, 290, 316
Monod, Jacques, 136
Monroe, Marilyn, 251
Montague, Ashley, 318
--absolutism, 359
--accountability, 262, 436
--activism, 429
--ambivalence, 263, 417, 548
--barbarism, 454
--behavior, 97, 182, 258, 364, 422, 444,
445, 457
--capital, 96
--choices, 56, 363, 364, 416, 469, 548
--codes, 360, 406, 435, 469
--commandment, 366
--continuum, 469
--cowardice, 429
--decision-making, 431, 432, 434, 464
--decline, 61, 90, 326, 345, 438
--equipment, 469, 622
--escapism, 400
--exceptionalism, 387
--failure, 429
--gangrene, 407
--grammar, 428
--intuitions, 466
--machine, 164, 180, 200, 454
--malevolence, 383
--man, 35, 95, 299, 396, 414
--masquerade, 394, 429
--meltdown, 304, 362, 365, 549
--nihilism, 91
--order, 275, 396
--progress, 382, 422
--prohibitions, 421
--relativism, 359
--transgression, 267, 388, 526, 548
--watchdog, 157, 589
--animal —, 469
--Gandhian —, 382
--in crisis, 181, 399, 429
--pill, 568
--zoological —, 341
Morris, William, 44, 72
Morrison, Toni, 6
mortality (morbidity and —, 499, 500)
Moser, Thomas, 83
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya, 477, 505, 526
Mrutyuloka, 504
mudita, 579
Muhammad, Prophet, 3, 34, 37, 57, 193,
330, 590
multiplanetary species, 10, 182, 575
Mundaka Upanishad (see Upanishads)
Murchinson, Clint, 290
Murphy, Joseph, 305, 560
Musk, Elon, 98, 152, 475
Nachiketa, 339, 531
Nachman, Rabbi, 279
Naess, Arne, 169
nanotechnology, 54, 77, 120, 509, 529, 586,
609, 631
Narayana sena, 261
Narcissus, 599
Neumann, John von, 166
Neuralink, 164
Newton, Isaac, 440
NFL (National Football League), 443
Nicholi, Armand, 448
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 414
Nietzsche, 201, 275, 448, 463, 485, 487,
492, 537, 602, 604, 623
nihitam guhayam, 192
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
Nikhilananda, Swami, 264
Nirguna Brahman, 578
nirukta, 377
nirvana, 137, 141, 151, 291, 310, 540
nishkama (see karma)
niti / niyama, 377
nitishastra, 313
Nitya mukti, 542
Niven, Larry, 543
Nivritti marga, 204
Nobel, Alfred, 554
Noble Savage, 177, 320, 329, 360, 451, 547
Nordau, Max, 341
Nordhaus, William, 343
Norman (AI), 76, 454
Nostradamus, 537
nothing-but-ness, 303
Noumenon, 269
--Armageddon, 268, 555
--war, 268, 389, 576
nyaaya, 377
O Tuama, Padraig, 87, 566
O’Hara, Scarlet, 488
O’Leary, David, 61
Ogechukwu, Nwaocha, 203
Okun, Arthur, 342
Olivier, Laurence, 353
On the Beach (film), 11
Ornstein, Robert, 271
Orwell, George, 2, 31, 398, 420, 551
Osho (Acharya Rajneesh), 332, 463, 482
Ouspensky, PD, 320
over-consumption, 614
Overman, 449, 485, 602
oxytocin, 369, 548
paapa, 325
panchabhutas, 532
Panchatantra, 313
Pandavas, 37, 86, 214, 263, 264, 267, 268,
378, 474, 490, 573, 574
Panikkar, Raimon, 175
paramatma, 49, 532
Paris Commune, 411
Parkin, Sara, 10
Pascal, Blaise, 276, 445
Pavamana-Abhyaroha mantra, 477, 504
Pavese, Cesare, 90
Pearson, Ian, 389
Perry, Whitall, 424
Philalethes, 532
Picasso, Pablo, 323
Pietzker, Mary Ann, 133
Pinker, Steven, 451, 561
Pisonia tree, 106
pitru-paksha, 381
pitru-runa, 381
Plath, Sylvia, 114, 141,
Plato, 213, 277, 348, 367, 372, 479, 495,
502, 533
Plutarch, 100
Pohl, Frederik, 550
pollution, 26, 83, 95, 354, 421, 453,501,
Polo, Marco, 290
Polonsky, Abraham, 580
Pontoppidan, Henrik, 35
Pope Benedict XVI, 406
Pope Francis, 165, 204, 212, 342, 351, 571
Pope John Paul, 180, 597, 605
Potter, Harry, 45
Pound, Ezra, 16, 156, 495
Powers, Richard, 553
practical immortology, 502, 509, 511
prana, 134, 162, 338
prapatti, 90, 116
prarabdha (see karma)
Pravritti marga, 204
preyas, 46, 66, 67, 263, 362, 548, 629
Primack, Joel, 386
Proctor, Robert, 126
Prometheus, 22
Protagoras, 353
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 350
punya, 325
Purdy, Jedediah, 607
purusharthas, 296, 377
Pythagoras, 191
Quran, Holy, 176, 268, 339, 340, 367, 615,
raga, 188
raga dvesha viyuktaihi, 188
rahmah, 367
Rai, Tage, 396
rajas, 412
Ramakrishna Paramahansa, 186, 193, 400,
Ramana Maharshi, 82, 158, 494
Rand, Ayn, 304, 315, 316, 325
Ratnatraya, 459
Rawls, John, 373
Redfield, James, 202
Rees, Martin, 103
riba, 339
Riess, Helen, 564
Rieux, Bernard, 515
Rifkin, Jeremy, 271
Rig Veda, 396
Rilke, Rainer, 206
Rinpoche, Chogyam Trungpa, 227
rishi-runa, 381
Robinson, John, 600
Robinson, Mary, 389
robot, 170, 172, 200, 253, 363, 364, 454,
455, 496, 524, 545
--citizen Sophia, 363
--vassal, 529
--autonomous —, 524
--biological —, 484
--human —, 485, 586
--killer —, 226
--responsive —, 221
--sex —, 614
robota, 170
robotization, 21, 60, 78
Rockefeller, John D, 298, 345
Rogers, Will, 331
Rolling Stones, 570
Ronci, Seido Ray, 157
Ropeik, David, 602
Rosie, 167
Roth, Philip, 1, 386, 527
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 279, 320, 338, 349,
409, 451
Rowling, JK, 100, 149, 443
Rowson, Jonathan, 566
Ruka, Mackie, 366
Rumi, Jalal ad-Din, 154, 192, 206, 224, 247,
301, 370, 412, 484, 585
Rusesabagina, Paul, 400
Russell, Bertrand, 124, 273, 348, 352, 434,
rutambhara prajna, 99
Saguna Brahman, 578
Saint Augustine, 332, 399
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
Saint John, 151, 571
Saint Paul, 87, 270, 458, 459, 548, 615
Saint Teresa, 193
Saint Thomas Aquinas, 273, 450
Sainte-Exupéry, Antoine de, 276
Sale, Kirkpatrick, 98
sallekhana, 501
Salvation Army, 11
sama, 226
samadhi, 599
sampoorna avatara, 378
samsara, 140
samyak charitra, 459
Sandal, Michael, 284, 286
Sankara, 193
santhara, 501, 502
saranagati, 116, 557
Saroyan, William, 547
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 243, 517
Satan, 18, 19, 43, 48, 246, 537, 558, 570,
Sat-chit-ananda, 48
sattva, 412
satya, himsa, and ahimsa, 395, 396
Sawaki, Kodo, 410
Sayer, Rose, 627
schadenfreude, 41, 106, 441–444, 579
Scheidel, Walter, 589
Schoeman, Karel, 571
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 187, 338, 442, 488,
489, 531, 532, 559, 626
Schweitzer, Albert, 370, 586
science-fiction, 200, 365, 476, 496, 508, 530,
Scott, Jess, 228
Scott, Peck, 363
Second World War, 36, 434
self-realization, 151, 175, 477, 506, 571
self-righteousness, 19, 20, 111, 123, 177,
215, 234, 254, 264, 370, 420, 446
Seneca, 338
Seton, Elizabeth Ann, 335
Sexton, Anne, 83
Shakespeare, William, 244, 315, 386, 507,
604, 620
Shanti Mantra, 526
shanti, 84
Shantideva, 158, 571
Shaw, Bernard, 273, 290, 333, 514
Sheldrake, Rupert, 457
Shelley, Mary, 171, 210, 557, 609
Shermer, Michael, 77
Siddhartha Gautama, 309, 544 (see Buddha)
Silesius, Angelus, 372
silicon being, 585
silicon-immortal, 611
Simcha Bunam, Rabbi, 534
Sinat chinam, 9
Singer, Peter W, 464, 629
Sivananda, Swami, 137, 138
Sixth Extinction, 517
Smith, Adam, 127, 269, 286, 516, 564
Smith, AQ, 580
Sobchack, Vivian, 595
Soboslai, John, 181
Socrates, 213, 324, 332, 352, 360, 478, 486,
501, 502, 505, 508, 536
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 48, 162, 207, 622
Sophocles, 29
SpaceX, 79, 84, 152
Spinoza, Baruch, 208, 326
spiritualized wealth, 296
sreyas, 46, 66, 263, 362, 548, 629
Sri Aurobindo, 161, 264, 278
Sri Chinmay, 505
Srimad Bhagavatam, 299, 324
St. Maarten, Anthon, 350
Star Trek, 177, 227
Star Wars, 525, 575, 586
Steinbeck, John, 622, 625
Steiner, Rudolf, 195, 266, 275, 337, 440
Stevens, Wallace, 578
Stevenson, RL, 4, 29, 45, 562
sthitaprajna, 150
Stockholm syndrome, 169
Stone, Michael, 360
Stuarte, Wilde, 335
--chitta —, 119, 267
--nadi —, 119
--bootha —, 119
--anomic —, 143
--species-scale —, 20
--spiritual —, 24, 572
Summum bonum, 304, 306
Summum malum, 304, 306
superhuman caste, 475
supramental being, 449
Svendsen, Lars, 45, 411
Svetasvatara Upanishad (see Upanishads)
swadharma, 105, 287, 391
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 51, 72
Swift, Jonathan, 182
synthetic biology, 180, 484
Tagore, Rabindranath, 161, 246, 478, 482,
Taittiriya Upanishad (see Upanishads)
Talbott, Stephen, 567
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 431
Talmud, 200, 548
tamas, 412
tapas, 90
Tat tvam asi, 48, 137, 193
Tathagata, 463
technological (— adventurism, 549; —
singularity, 166, 528, 610)
technosphere, 98
Tegmark, Max, 136
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 271, 487
Teran, Mario, 538
Teresa, Mother, 155, 438
Thanatos, 162, 495
Theobald, Robert, 592
thigh-vertising, 317
Thirukkural, 339, 340, 407, 425
Thiruvalluvar, 339
Thomas, Andy, 89
Thomas, Dylan, 148, 481, 508, 542, 559
Thoreau, Henry David, 205, 261, 430
three Es, 104
three Ms, 9, 94, 95, 98, 218, 220, 222, 281,
292, 621, 630
Tikkun olam, 156, 157
tipping point, 99, 198, 216, 380, 555, 573,
Tithonus, 77, 78, 500
Todorov, Tzvetan, 404
Tolkien, JRR, 23, 45, 475, 547, 564
Tolstoy, Leo, 261, 326, 443, 531, 562, 571,
Topol, Eric, 73
Torah, 365, 398
Torres, Philip, 575, 608
Toynbee, Arnold, 393, 597
transference, 223
transformation (human —, 2, 3, 130, 143,
189, 218, 229, 272, 297, 550, 555, 567,
transhumanist, 114, 567
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
Trimurti, 522
Trotsky, Leon, 124, 375
Tufayl, Abu Ibn, 326
Tulku, Lama Tarthang, 138
Turing, Alan, 166
Twain, Mark, 94, 102, 110, 114, 157, 226,
398, 459, 468, 515, 596
tyaga, 492
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 599
Tzu, Chuang, 124
Tzu, Lao, 84, 93, 151, 203, 237, 374, 412
Tzu, Mo, 424
umwelt, 240
Unabomber, 234
Unamuno, Miguel de, 46, 474, 543, 568,
--Brihadaranyaka — 162, 249, 309,
477, 504, 517, 526, 586
--Chandogya — 150, 504
--Dhyanabindu —, 9
--Ishavasya — 365, 526, 595
--Katha — 204, 362, 475, 497, 505,
531, 548, 615
--Kena — 118, 119
--Maha —, 465
--Maitri —, 118, 372
--Mundaka —, 586
--Taittiriya —, 492, 495
Updike, John, 136
Utnapishtim, 481
Van Dyke, Henry, 528
Vaneigem, Raoul, 121
Vasudaiva kutumbakam, 627, 631
Veblen, Thorstein, 22, 403
Vedangas, 377
Vedanta, 160, 199 (Advaita —, 147, 151)
veeragati, 381
Venter, Craig, 529
Verne, Jules, 152
Vidyasagar, Iswar Chandra, 186
Vietnam War, 525
violence (interpersonal —, 189; organized —,
virtual reality, 484, 570, 583
Vishev, Igor, 509
Vishnu Purana, 203
Visudhimagga, 492
Vivekananda, Swami, 120, 157, 181, 191,
193, 229, 232, 263, 336, 423, 510, 592,
Voltaire, 175, 210, 288, 446, 537
Vonnegut, Kurt, 1, 39, 604
Voss, Karen-Claire, 301
Vyasa, Veda, 379
Waal, Frans de, 108, 109
Wallace-Wells, David, 631
Walsch, Neale David, 604
water wars, 389
Watson, James, 202, 619
Watts, Alan, 309, 547
Weber, Max, 94
Weinberg, Steven, 446
Welner, Michael, 39
Werther Effect, 90
Wharton, Edith, 340
Whitehead, Alfred North, 445, 447
Whitman, Walt, 520, 556, 603
WHO (World Health Organization), 371,
606, 613
Whyte, David, 175
Wilde, Oscar, 99, 144, 178, 419, 541, 593
willful blindness, 75, 190, 328, 460, 498, 574
Williams, Bernard, 55, 530, 620
Williams, Robin, 506
Wilson, Colin, 440
Wilson, EO, 82, 220, 397, 423, 449, 465,
517, 550, 553, 554, 568, 572, 586
Wilson, Woodrow, 618
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 90
Wojtyla, Karol, 29
Wong, David, 40
Wood, Henry, 17, 23, 24, 72, 534, 604
Woolf, Virginia, 399, 506
Wordsworth, William, 619
Worth, Jennifer, 171
Wright Brothers, 554
Wright, Robert, 469, 622
WWF (World Wildlife Fund), 614
Xiaoping Ren, 167
Xiaoping, Deng, 286
Yagnavalkya, 309
Yajurveda, 578
yaksha, 474
Yama, 399, 531
Yancey, Rick, 182
Yeats, WB, 192, 224, 560
yetzer hara, 249
Yogananda, Paramahansa, 151, 225, 457, 540
Young, Edward, 311
yuddha, 381 (— dharma, 378, 381)
--Dwapara —, 263
--Kali —, 108, 114, 176, 218, 255, 263,
287, 322, 429, 438, 471, 506, 518,
Zapffe, Peter Wessel, 595
Zapffe, Peter, 105
Zenji, Dogen, 496, 498
Zhavoronkov, Alex
Zimbardo, Philip, 631
Zoroaster, 246
Zoroastrianism, 246
Zuboff, Shoshana, 555



Publication Date: 06-29-2021

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Dedication to a Daughter In fond remembrance of my daughter Padma Priya Challa, who died, solitary through her life, at the age of 54, on 22nd March 2020. She was innately loving and giving, exceptionally endowed—a rare blend of beauty, brilliance, and above all, as a friend described her, an ‘enormous heart’— much admired but much misunderstood. She was a bundle of pure joy while growing up, scaled high academic and professional heights, but a slew of fateful setbacks, professional and personal, set in, and a life of uncommon promise went woefully wrong. She was carefree about her future, and whenever I worried, she used to heartrendingly reassure me: “Don’t worry, Dad; I will die before you’. Doubtless, she is now in a far, far better and more caring place, surely to join the many she loved down here who are already up there. By the way she led her life, she helped me to settle my karmic dues of this life at her own expense.

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