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repeated, and where one is not influenced by a single suggestion, repeated suggestions along the same lines have a much greater power. Some persons have cultivated such a proficiency in the art of Suggestion that one has to be on his guard not to unconsciously accept some of the subtle suggestions insinuated into the conversation. But one who realizes the “I” consciousness, or better still, the Real Self and its relation to All, has no need to fear the power of the suggestionist, as the suggestions will not be able to penetrate his well-guarded Instinctive Mind, or even if it does lodge around the outer surface of the mind, it will soon be detected and discarded with a smile of amusement. But, a word of caution; be on your guard towards those who attempt to lead you not by argument or reason, but by assertion, pretended authority, plausible manner and a general “taking it for granted” way with you. Also keep your eye on those who ask you questions and answer them in advance for you, thus: “You like this pattern, don’t you?” or “This is what you want, isn’t it?” Suggestion and assertion go hand in hand. You can generally tell a Suggestion by the company it keeps.

Secondly, let us consider Thought Influence, present and distant. As we have stated in previous lessons, every thought results in the projection of thoughtwaves of greater or lesser strength, size and power. We have explained how these thoughtwaves are sent forth, and how they are received by another individual. We are all receiving thoughtwaves at all times, but comparatively few affect us, as they are not in harmony with our own thoughts, moods, character and tastes. We attract to our inner consciousness only such thoughts as are in harmony with our own.

But, if we are of a negative character, and allow our Instinctive Mind to go without its proper master, and become too receptive, we are in danger of having it accept, assimilate and act upon the passing thoughtwaves surrounding us.

We have explained the action of the thoughtwaves in other lessons, but we did not point out this phase of the matter, preferring to take it up here. The unguarded Instinctive Mind is not only affected by all sorts of passing thoughtwaves, which are floated down to it, but is also peculiarly liable to be affected by a strong, positive, conscious thoughtwave directed toward it by another who wishes to influence its owner. Everyone who is trying to influence another person, for good or evil, unconsciously throws off thoughtwaves of this kind with greater or less effect. And some who have learned some of the rudimentary occult truths and have prostituted them into Black Magic, consciously and deliberately send thoughtwaves towards persons whom they wish to influence. And if the Instinctive Mind is unguarded by its proper master, it is more or less apt to be affected by these efforts of selfish and malicious minds.

The tales of Witchcraft days are not all mere delusions and superstitions, but underneath the exaggerated reports and tales may be found a great foundation of occult truth, readily recognized by the advanced occultist as rudimentary occult power prostituted into Black Magic. All the combined Black Magic or Witchcraft in the world could not affect a man or woman who possessed the higher form of consciousness, but one of a fearful, superstitious turn of mind, with little or no self-confidence or self-reliance, would be apt to have an Instinctive Mind ready and ripe for the entrance of such hurtful thoughtwaves or thought-forms. All the conjurations, “spells,” etc., of the voodoos, “witches,” conjurers, etc., etc., have no efficacy beyond the thought sent out with their use - and the thought is made more powerful because it is concentrated by means of the rites, ceremonies, “spells,” images, etc., of the unholy devotees of Black Magic. But it would be just as powerful if concentrated by some other means. But, no matter how concentrated or sent forth, it can have no effect unless the Instinctive Mind is ready to receive and assimilate it, and act upon it. The man or woman “who knows” need have no fear of these practices. In fact, the very reading of this lesson will clear away from many minds the receptivity which might have, or has had, allowed them to be influenced to a greater or lesser extent by the selfish thoughts of others. This, mind you, not because of any virtue in this lesson (we are claiming nothing of the sort), but merely because the reading of it has caused the student’s mind to awaken to its own power, and to assert itself.

Remember, the mind attracts only such thoughts as are harmonious with its own thoughts - and the Instinctive Mind is influenced against its own interests, only when its owner has admitted his own weakness and lack of ability to master and guard it. You must guard your own Instinctive Mind, and assert your master and ownership of it, as, otherwise, that ownership may be asserted, claimed and usurped by others more masterful than yourself. You have the strength and power necessary within you, if you but assert it. It is yours for the asking, why don’t you demand it? You may awaken the “I” consciousness and develop it by the power of assertion, which will aid in its unfoldment. We will have more to say on this point in the following pages.

We will now consider the third form of Psychic Influence, which is known as Mesmerism, Hypnotism, etc. We can merely touch upon that subject here, as its varied forms and phenomena would fill books, if spread out.

But we think we can make it clear to you in a few words, as you have followed our thoughts in this and the preceding lessons.

The first thing to remember is that Mesmerism or Hypnotism is but a combination of the two methods just mentioned, plus a greater amount of Prana projected with the Personal Suggestion or Thought Wave. In other words, the Suggestion or Thought Wave becomes charged with Prana to a greater degree than is ordinarily the case, and becomes as much stronger than the ordinary suggestion or thoughtwave, as a thought-form is stronger than an ordinary thoughtwave. In short, mesmerism or hypnotism is practically the bathing of the person in a flow of thought-forms, kept stimulated and active by a constant supply of Prana, which has in such cases often been called “the mesmeric fluid.”

And, another thing to remember is that no person can be mesmerized or hypnotised unless his Instinctive Mind is unguarded or without its proper master, unless the person agrees to be mesmerized and actually consents to it. So that, in the end, it comes down to the fact that no person need be mesmerized or hypnotised unless he is willing or unless he believes that he may be, which is the same thing in the end.

Mesmerism has its uses in the hands of the advanced occultist who understands its laws, but in the hands of those ignorant of its proper use it is a thing to be avoided. Be careful about allowing yourself to be hypnotised by the ignorant pretender. Assert your own power, and you may accomplish for yourself all that anyone else can, on the same plane.

We have, in the brief space at our disposal, touched upon the various forms of Psychic Influence, and may have an opportunity at some future time of going deeper into the subject with you. But we trust that we have said enough to give you at least a general knowledge of the subject, and have at the same time given you a timely warning and caution. We will conclude by saying something to you about the “I” consciousness and its development, which we trust you will read with the attention it merits, and will put into practice that which is indicated.

There is, of course, a still higher form of consciousness than the “I” consciousness - the spiritual consciousness which causes one to be aware of his relation to, and connection with, the source of all power. And those possessing this higher consciousness are far beyond the influence of Psychic Influence of others, for they are surrounded with an aura which repels vibrations on a lower plane. Such do not need the “I” consciousness, as it is included in their higher consciousness. But those on the mental plane of development (and but few of us have progressed further) will find it well to develop and unfold their consciousness of the “I” - the sense of individuality. You will be aided in this by carrying in mind, and meditating often, that you are a real thing - that you are an Ego - a bit of the Universal Life set apart as an individual that you may work out your part of the Universal Plan, and progress to higher forms of manifestation.

That YOU are independent of the body, and only use same as an instrument - that YOU are indestructible, and have eternal life - that YOU cannot be destroyed by fire, water or anything else which the physical man looks upon as a thing which will “kill” him - that no matter what becomes of your body YOU will survive. YOU are a soul, and have a body. (Not that you are a body having a soul, as most persons think and act upon.) Think of yourself as an independent being, using the body as a convenience.

Cultivate the feeling of immortality and reality, and you will gradually begin to realize that you really exist and will always exist, and Fear will drop from you like a discarded cloak, for Fear is really the thought weakening the ill-guarded Instinctive Mind - once get rid of Fear, and the rest is easy. We have spoken of this matter in “Science of Breath,” under the title of “Soul Consciousness,” on page 70. In the same book, on page 61, under the title “Forming an Aura,” we have hinted at a plan whereby weak and fearful persons may protect themselves while they are building up a sure foundation of self-confidence and strength. The affirmation or mantram which has proven of more benefit than any other in these cases is the positive assertion of “I AM,” which expresses a truth and tends to a mental attitude which is taken up by the Instinctive Mind and renders it more positive to others, and less liable to be affected by suggestions, etc. The mental attitude expressed by “I AM” will surround you with a thought aura, which will act as a shield and a protection, until such time as you have fully acquired the higher consciousness, which carries with it a sense of self confidence and assurance of strength.

From this point you will gradually develop into that consciousness which assures you that when you say “I,” you do not speak only of the individual entity, with all its strength and power, but know that the “I” has behind it the power and strength of the Spirit, and is connected with an inexhaustible supply of force, which may be drawn upon when needed. Such a one can never experience Fear - for he has risen far above it. Fear is the manifestation of weakness, and so long as we hug it to us and make a bosom friend of it, we will be open to the influences of others. But by casting aside Fear we take several steps upward in the scale, and place ourselves in touch with the strong, helpful, fearless, courageous thought of the world, and leave behind us all the old weaknesses and troubles of the old life.

When man learns that nothing can really harm him, Fear seems a folly. And when man awakens to a realization of his real nature and destiny, he knows that nothing can harm

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