» Philosophy » I Am God, Santosh Jha [highly illogical behavior TXT] 📗

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a pattern all around them in immediate nature, which they could decipher. It was revealed to a few. The later humans also understood it and they chose to express it in metaphors and symbols. Usually, early metaphors were derived from nature. As language was developed, they put up language metaphors.

It is understandable as metaphors were most easily replicable even for an un-arrived brain. The knowledge of process facilitates replication. It had to be as there was a discernible pattern of cosmos, which were replicable in nature. Even later, when language was developed quite well, the metaphors took the shape of verse not prose, as brain would accept the verses more easily. That is why all ancient human documents or oral traditions of wisdom were written in verse style. The metaphor model also shielded the wise from societal backlash as these models were above the popular languages and as most metaphors were designed for dualism, they were easy to be defended, in case of societal backlash.

Metaphors are replicable patterns and they are all around us to understand easily. For example, we are told, the life is like a jungle and we have to make our own roads to success by clearing the bushes and trees. And how this success comes? This comes when we as a brain, prune or unlearn some of the info of our subconscious as well as the cultured mind and create a path of higher consciousness.

There is also an Oriental spiritual metaphor of the world being a ‘maya-jaal’ (plexus of senses). This matches with the scientific pattern of brain functioning in which brain creates a huge branching network of axons, dendrites and synapses. A good and rational human being, a prudent mind has to rise above this network created by a subconscious mind and ambient culture, with the help of higher consciousness, to engender new synaptic avenues. We are all told how most get lost in this jungle and few succeed in creating the right path.

They chose metaphors because brain accepts most things as pictorial and relates it as templates of imageries. That is why, metaphors, which abound in nature around us and can be seen from bare eyes, were chosen. Eyes feed large majority of sensory inputs to the brain.

Despite the worthy compassion of the ancient wise men and their brilliance in selecting excellent metaphors and symbols for laying out the processes of the wisdom they acquired, the average human could not benefit as the processes were very subjectively received. Scientific answers, when laid as procedures have singular and objective reception by all minds and that is why, the technology is universal, even while languages are different.

As these ancient metaphors and symbols lacked objectivity and singularity of reception by all minds and every individual mind accepted them in its own subjective interpretation, they could never be objectively replicated by the society at large. These rather engendered multiplicity of expressions and actions, creating bad replica in the forms of calamitous rituals, which now are huge burdens for larger humanity. There is a huge enterprise for humanity to unlearn them.

The metaphor system of wisdom dispensation was good only for the arrived brains but for most, the majority of the common masses, even this metaphor was a matter of great misunderstanding and conflict. That is why; ancient wisdom is the most misinterpreted and bears more conflict of mind than order. Religion and spiritualism remain confused and conflicting domains, ridden with precarious rituals, all competing to be the right one, at the cost of the denial of others.

Sadly, as is with almost every human enterprise, some of the unscrupulous elements of society at all times, used this confusion, conflict and misinterpretation for their own petty and selfish ends. The religion, spiritualism and philosophy have always fallen on the hands of some of these elements and some confused people.

The humanity has always suffered. These selfish elements converted these meaningful metaphors into set of rituals, which were masterly designs to suit individuals, and a group of individuals who wished not religion but its ownership. Wider ignorance of humanity made it all very easy, they still are.

It is truly sad that the original version of the ancient wisdom, especially of religion and spiritualism may not be present today, as human instincts are designed such a way that in long use, any wisdom is degenerated. But, as we said earlier, if we read the ancient wisdoms with a scientifically objective mind, compassionately making allowances to subjectivity of artistic expressions and time-tampering, we can easily see that core ideas of all wisdom, subjective or objective has a common ground.

I must thank you for being patient enough to read all the above paragraphs, as it was necessary to go through them before we actually commence the tough enterprise of putting new interpretative light to the ideas in the domain of divinity. The purpose of saying all the above words were aimed at preparing you to a state of higher consciousness, which is in super holistic-assimilative-integrative mode of reception of ideas and realisms not amenable to utility and fruition, if witnessed from the already colored perspective of a cultured mind consciousness, used to traditional notions of cognition and causality. Thank you so much for being patient with me.


I Am God

If you accept and allow the macrocosmic perspective to build on a hypothesis that singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness. This hypothesis is not a figment of pure imagination; rather it is a primary acceptance of innocence of intelligence. This hypothesis is an initiation into the complexity of this multidimensional universe of mysticism, marvel and magic, which are now ensconced and embedded deep into our mind consciousnesses. It is even accepted that these cultural ideas of mysticism, marvel and magic are now very much part of our instincts, our genetic wiring.

This mysticism and marvel of mind consciousness of contemporary humans, engenders an ‘I’, a sense of subjective self, which has now put the idea of divinity into an external domain. However, some ten thousand years back and even beyond, this mind consciousness of early humans were not what it is today of we people. The early consciousness could see and accept that all ideas and dimensions of divinity were not external but deep within. This consciousness defined and accepted divinity not in a cultural way, as we accept it today. It was only natural that early consciousnesses of humanity, thousands of years back created such beautiful and insightful metaphors of divinity, which now stand as completely degenerated. It is tough to understand and accept those metaphors as contemporary mind consciousnesses have become highly cultured by degenerated notions of divinity.

We shall attempt to recreate the old consciousness here and this shall lead us to understand the internalized idea of divinity, where God is only within, experienced with such intensity of pure consciousness that it was somehow possible for a mind then to engender a metaphor of ‘I Am God’.

When a mind consciousness, positioned in a state of poise of all tangible and intangible elements of being and cosmos expresses this idea of “I Am God”, it creates a marvelously precarious superposition of entities. This super consciousness, assimilating and identifying the ‘self’ in complete linearity with the idea of divinity, has almost no choice to express its situationalism in any other set of words. This super consciousness, understands, accepts and internalizes the 3Ms – Mysticism-Marvel-Magic, with a perfectly novel perspective of 3Cs – Consciousness-Cognition-Causality.

The expression, “I Am God”, can be anything but never the narcissistic expression of an intelligent mind consciousness. Rather, it must be primarily accepted as the self-negating expression of an innocent mind consciousness, stretching the self beyond all signs and semblances of ‘self’. We shall unravel all possible aspect of this expression of “I Am God”.

At the very start, we need to accept a very natural and fruitful mechanism of mind consciousness, which shall help us in understanding, why the proposition, ‘I Am God’ becomes a realism. You must have noticed; when you listen to your favorite music, you start with listening music, then your consciousness moves with the music and you feel like being part of the music and finally your consciousness merges with the music and you become music.

The best experience of this merger of identities – external and internal into singular identity happens in love. Be in love and you will see and experience the multidimensionality of all realisms around you – be it within self or in the milieus outside, merging into a singular consciousness. Be in love to experience the magic and then you yourself become The Magic. Deep within the body-mind intimacy and emotion of love, you shall cease to be an experiencer and turn to be experience itself. You start as being in love and then become love. Love happens and this merger happens – the experiencer becoming the experience. All pluralism, all dualism and all multidimensionality of consciousness and realisms merge into singular linearity. All ‘somethingness’ first enters the domain of ‘nothingness’ and then finally it swims effortlessly in the ocean of everythingness.

The same and even far more spontaneous and lasting is the experience of the experiencer of divinity becoming the experience itself and in the state of such ultimate consciousness, where all somethingnesses become singular everythingness, the conscious self merges into the unity and linearity of cosmic consciousness. As this merger, dissolution and ultimate union ends up the segregation of external and internal realisms and people start feeling being the love or music itself, a consciousness in the domain of divinity also feels being divinity itself and what comes out as a light from the consciousness is put in humanly designed words as – ‘I Am God’. This however is difficult to happen, because in the case of divinity, there is a missing tangible of physicality of lover and music.

As we have talked about it earlier, the mind consciousness does not speak in the language we humans designed for our social exchange of ideas. The experiences of mind consciousness and its expressions are not amenable to be put in human words. That is why, when someone says in exalted state of higher consciousness that he or she is the music, the love or the God, there has to be an innocent and compassionate acceptance that the words are just extremely poor shadow of the pure and primary imagery of the experience and expression in his or her mind consciousness.

Now, we need to understand that the purpose of the above metaphors of music and love was used to simply and facilitate the above hypothesis, we had accepted earlier. The hypothesis was –

“Singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness.”

This hypothesis was necessary to arrive at the theoretical realism that when a consciousness says, “I Am God”, it is this same registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, unraveled through his or her mind consciousness. Moreover, those minds, who object to it and arrive at different interpretations of realisms, are also because of this same registry and artistry. That is why there has to be huge amount of innocence and courage of compassion to rise above the constraints of a cultured mind consciousness, which sees and accepts hypocrisies of all shades.

Now, we shall discuss in detail about the mechanism of this “Registry and Artistry of Mystical Marvels of Mind Consciousness”. We shall attempt to arrive at the processes of mechanisms, which engenders the possibility of a consciousness state, which accepts this proposition of “I Am God”.

There is a mechanism of human consciousness, much of it is now understood and this facilitates understanding of how all realisms, we see and accept, are within mind consciousness. There is a cyclicality among elements in external milieu, elements

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