» Philosophy » Universal theories, Kriss Orayan [top e book reader .TXT] 📗

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used to living in this material world oriented life. Let's call it worldly dimension.

   Outside of worldly dimension there exists another dimension. In that dimension non material values comes first. A person who entered in to this dimension, follow non material values as like love, kindness, caring, empathy etc. Let's call this dimension universal dimension. As like in worldly dimension, humans not loosing anything while following those non material values. Because in the universal dimension, a person getting non material and material values too without loosing anything. But the orientation is different. So it can call non material world oriented. There is another difference between these two dimensions. In worldly dimension humans guiding by the desire. In universal dimension humans guiding by the wisdom.




   Let's see what is the wisdom. In my experience most people think knowledge is the wisdom. But knowledge is not the wisdom. Knowledge is what you have learned under a specific subject. Knowledge is a value of this worldly dimension. Knowledge you can get by your effort. Wisdom is a value in universal dimension. You can't get it by the same way you getting the knowledge. Wisdom flow in to you by itself. If explain shortly, wisdom is knowing what are universal theories. Also wisdom is the path to connect to the universe, the source. Through the wisdom the universe revealing it's existence.




When we talking about the universe here, please keep in mind it is not only about physical universe. Scientists talking about the physical universe. They keep there eyes on planets, galaxies, asteroids and trying to see what new things they can find out. But here we are not focusing at the universe in that way. Behind those all visible things of the universe there existing a huge intelligence. Not only an intelligence, that is the source of everything. Source of every visible and invisible things. Here we focusing at the universe in that way. Early humans also felt this existence of the universe but they didn't see the correct picture, If say in other words they didn't see what they were feeling is the existence of the universe. Since in the beginning of human history humans used to do something. If they see something wonderful or something different or something they can't understand, they applied a personality to that thing. That is how gods appeared on earth. If the fire, storms or thunder, a huge tree, or a rock or anything given them an amazement, fear, a wonder, they made it a god. As we all know even today there is many gods. Some are believing in a one god. This is a slightly advanced step. Belief in one god showed that people understood that there were not many sources. But only a one. But even in this advanced step they were unable to detached from that habit of applying a personality to something they can't understand. But a person who opened to the wisdom can see that this is nothing else but the existence of the universe. The universe is a huge intelligence, it is the source, and it is alive. But it is not a person. I will explain more about the universe when it needed. But for now I think this will be enough to go to next step.


How to open to the wisdom


   We talked that the wisdom cannot be acquired in the same way that knowledge is acquired. The way to get wisdom is open to the wisdom. You know if something need to open, that thing is closed now. What you have to open? you have to open yourself. Your whole being. Your body, mind, spirit/soul and so on. If you still not opened to the wisdom that means you are shut down yourself to the wisdom. What that means. How a person shut down to the wisdom? I told that the wisdom flowing to you by itself. The wisdom and all the supply from the universe always ready to flow in to a person. But if the person is shut down or if the person is full, there is no way to fill. What I can see is most humans are shut down. Not only shut down, but filled and shut down too. Filled with what? how a person shut down to wisdom? Answer is this. When you are full with things there is no space for any other thing to come inside you. So when you are full, you are automatically shut down.


Mind polution


   Mind is the main controlling unit of a person. Behavior of the mind deciding where going the person. With what your mind is full, you becoming that person. When your mind is full with science, you becoming a person of the science. Then your life becoming science oriented. All the other things becomes not much important things to you. The same way, when your mind is full with this worldly values, you becoming a world oriented person. You need worldly values to live in this world. You need worldly knowledge too. I am telling you something. This world is full with intellectuals, but lack of wise people. That is a one reason this world going worse day by day. Let's go back to see what happened to human mind. Today the human mind is full with different things. Most times it is like a trash can, and it is full. Wisdom or any other thing can't go in.




   Now you know what I am going to say next. Yes, It need to remove those trash. Wisdom is waiting to flow in. There is some steps to follow to empties the trash can. You may be don't have trash in your mind. May be be your mind is full with very important and useful things. But, If you willing to get the wisdom, you need to empties your mind from everything.

   Empties your mind from everything NOT means you have to give up things you have. This emptiness doing for a short time only. Aim of doing that is let the wisdom to flow in to you, Let the love and energy flow in to you, Let the universe to refresh and upgrade you. You know that a motor vehicle taking in to a service station after run some time period. There the vehicle cleaning, replacing parts, oiling and such things doing. But, human running only. Never refreshing, never upgrading. The brain always running and it becoming a noisy, messed up place. Even though about mind, soul/spirit, result is the same. By go through this emptying step, a person getting refresh, upgrading and filling with wisdom, love and energy and healing, and many more. I am writing this with the experience. Not by learning or reading or studying from a book. So if you follow this correctly I can guarantee the results. Let's go step by step.


Shutting down to the world



   A person has links, bonds to this material world. By doing emptying we disconnecting, shutting down those links. For a short period of time, we totally offering, opening us to the universe. This is a kind of meditation. Find a silent time period of the day. Recommended time is 12.00 am to 3.00 am. But feel free to find your own time. At first you will need 2 hours approximately. Before the meditation you should get a better sleep, you should not be hungry, but don't eat a lot. Reserve this 2 hours for most important step of your life. This will change your life for good.

   After you reserved 2 hours, find a place to sit on comfortably. If you know some yogs asanas like padmaasana, sukhasana or vajrasana sit on that pose.




   Most important thing of the sitting pose is, your spine should keep straight and your head should keep straight forward. Your body and mind depends on each others. When you keep your body in a straight pose, your mind also following that. 


Step one



   Now we are going to start. The first bond to this world is what you see through your physical eyes. Now you going to shut down that bond. this is the easiest step. Close your eyes. Through whole meditation you keep your eyes closed. 


Step two



   Ever since we born and until die, we breathing. But how often we breath knowingly what is happening while we breath?. This is awareness of breathing. You are going to to do it now. Take a deep breath. Hold it a while and exhale slowly. While you inhale be aware of  energy, healing power, divine love, from the universe flowing in to you. While you holding breath, those all going through your every vein of the body. While you exhale be aware of all the negative energy flowing out from your body. This is also a kind of refreshment.


Step three



  Step three is about sensations. With many kind of sensations a person binding to the world.

We talking about sensations person feels base on the body. Now focus on what you feel on your body. You feel your body touched on the ground. You feels your legs touched with each others. You feels your hands on your knees. Start with what you feels the most. It may be a slight pain in your body. Focus on that sensation. Accept it. Then focus on another sensation. Accept it too and go to another one. The method is, accepting - let it be there - go to something else. When you following this method, your first sensation becoming powerless. When you going from second one to third, second sensation becoming powerless. Remember this method. It is necessary in this meditation.


Step four



   This is another thing that keep a person attach to the world. It is sounds. As soon as you hear a sound, your attention goes there. This bond also needs to shut down. Start with most closest sound you can hear. Focus on that sound. Accept it. Go to next closer sound. When you go forward, previous sounds will becomes powerless. Go more far. You will start to hear more far away sounds you didn't hear before start this step. But you will not hear closer sounds. In this step you can go somewhere where you were never before. That is not really a place, but you can go through this step to an even you have not been to. After you passed all the sounds, there you will 'hear' something. That is the sound of the silence. It is actually not a sound. But you will feel it. Something like very deep hmmm sound. This indicating that you came closer to a depth.




Step five


   Now we are in a difficult place. But you are prepared to face this step. In this step you are going to deal with your mind. If ever do, this is the only one thing you can take under your  full control. That is your mind. This is the hardest and last bond to this world. In other words this is the strongest and lasting rope that binds you to this world. What you have to shut down here is images and thoughts producing by your mind.



Start with the same method. This mind images coming alone and coming with a thought as well. Between mind images and thoughts hardest thing to control is thoughts. So, focus at mind images first. Take one by one. This will take time. But don't worry. You will not feels the time passing. With 'accept, let it be there and go to another' method you will be able to shut down mind images. Next coming thoughts. Thoughts mostly coming with an image or a vision. Not only that, thoughts coming as a chain. One thought linked to another thought. This will take you to an endless area of thoughts. If it is so, how to shut down thoughts?. Start with the same method. Move on. Sometimes you will be able to shut down thoughts

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