» Philosophy » Protocols, DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [macos ebook reader txt] 📗

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Item #: SCP-3777


Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3777 must be contained in a 5x5x5 meter large 9cm thick steel chamber with cameras in all 4 top corners of the cell. SCP-3777 emotional distress must be monitored at all times to keep violent outbursts low. Subject is to be given a level 3 approved book every 4 days. SCP-3777 must be fed 3 times daily. Good behavior is to be rewarded with extra food for one day.


Description: SCP-3777 is approximately 1.8 meters tall though, being relatively thin on the bottom and fatter and rounder on the top, arms approximately 0.90 meters long. SCP-3777 weighs 99.3 kg. SCP-3777 has 4 eyes in 2 sets which sit on top of another on the thickest part of SCP-3777 tear dropped shaped body. SCP-3777 has no ability to dilate its pupils, instead closing the top eyes in light and bottom in the dark. SCP-3777 does not have any legs but, rather has a large snail like foot muscle half a meter in diameter.
SCP-3777 is a slightly opaque white. Testing the effects of varying levels of stress indicate that when high distress, will turn an opaque dark brown in which SCP- turns hard as well. Testing the composition of this material in this state reveals it is entirely made of a polymer chain in wood called lignin, though it shows no other similar properties to wood.

SCP-3777 is omnivorous not caring what it eats. SCP-3777 absorbs his food and digests it.
When SCP-3777 speaks or makes noise SCP-3777 vibrates its body to create sound.

SCP-3777 shows high knowledge of various subjects. When asked how SCP- knows these SCP-3777 replied, "I used what you deem SCP-3777-1 to break in labs and examine the research, everything they sense goes me."

When asked how SCP-3777 hears subject says he feels the vibrations in his body and can translate that to sound. SCP-3777 when reading inserts its two arm like appendages on the inside of the cover, when asked how SCP-3777 reads, SCP-3777 states, "I have finger like protrusions on my hands that can extend and retract, they are small enough to get between pages and feel each placement of ink."
SCP-3777 when touched will pull the human now referred to as SCP-3777-1, who touched it in and sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes SCP-3777-1 will be ejected out clean, though will display properties of SCP-3777 sharing voice, behavior, and memories with subject. SCP-3777-1 will be hostile and want to immobilize any other humans by any means, only one case has resulted in someone's death. Humans who fit similar descriptions of the human who touched SCP-3777, such as crimes, medical problems, and relatives. SCP-3777-1 when touching a fit human will cause them to convulse and share the same properties as SCP-3777-1. Animals who touch SCP-3777 are not effected.

When in distress of moderate levels SCP-3777 will attempt to touch humans, creating SCP-3777-1. SCP-3777-1 when apprehended and made immobile will fall into cardiac arrest neither CPR or defibrillators will restart the heart, except one instance of a subject with a heart murmur.

See Addendum3777-1.

SCP-3777 after an instance of SCP-3777-1 dies from cardiac arrest will be in a state of high distress to the point of SCP-3777 turning to lignin. SCP-3777 will not be immobile, SCP-3777 will be slower than usual and its arms will at the tips become sharp, in this state SCP-3777 will be strong enough to shatter 6cm of plexiglass and is able to assimilate multiple humans at once into him. SCP-3777 will continue to collect humans until his number reaches 15 or 3 hours in this state passes. When SCP-3777's outburst is over he returns to an opaque white and releases the instances of SCP-3777-1 he collected.

Gunfire proves ineffective at stopping SCP-3777, footage slowed down shows the slugs are slowed to a negligent velocity. It is unknown what causes this effect. SCP-3777's lignin is also flame retardant. SCP-3777's lignin however has a property that is when exposed to high concentrates of carbonic acid will, at a rate of 5 square centimeters per second will turn back to SCP-3777 normal opaque white gel.


- Interview D-5731


Interviewed: [D-5731 (SCP-3777-1]

Interviewer: [██████]

Foreword: SCP-3777-1 Was hostile, spoke in fragments, and was loud.

<Begin Log, [1228]>

██████ SCP-3777-1 Why did you break that guards ankle?
SCP-3777-1: I cannot have have anything to impede new observations
██████ What are the observations?
SCP-3777-1 All my sensory info all goes to your "SCP-3777".
██████ What observations did you make this time?
SCP-3777-1 My host's prison conditions, and layout.
<End Log, [1236]>

Closing Statement: [D-5731 (SCP-3777-1) started to convulse violently and suddenly popped the blood vessels in his eyes. Subject was terminated shortly after.]

- Addendum3777-1

D-5731 Was a male 49 years of age with a history of heart problems, most prominently a heart murmur. When D-5731 was apprehended as SCP-3777-1 he did not fall into cardiac arrest, instead whispering for 13 seconds in an unknown language.
SCP-3777 was observed to be vibrating, creating the same "words" in the same language.
SCP-3777 was asked to translate, but kept saying he had no recollection of the past minute.



Item #: SCP-3302


Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: Public access to the 5 km2 region surrounding SCP-3302 (Containment Region-1) is to be restricted under the pretense of dangerous wildlife and unsafe trail conditions. Access to the immediate surroundings of SCP-3302 (CR-2, approximately 1 km2) is to be further restricted by means of barbed-wire fences under the pretense of toxic waste storage and processing. Hazard warning signs are to be placed at regular intervals along the fence in English and prominent regional languages (Bengali, Hindi, Burmese.) Outward-facing surveillance cameras are to be placed along the fence at 50 m intervals and should be immediately visible on approach.


Concealed surveillance cameras and directional microphones are to be placed throughout CR-2, focused primarily on the entrance of SCP-3302. Biweekly searches are to be conducted to remove any signs of human presence from the entirety of CR-2. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel to remain on-site after repairs or searches have been completed.


Any individuals found within CR-1 are to be escorted out under the officially established pretenses. Any individuals found within CR-2 are to be detained and further questioned. CR-2 trespassers with exploratory or environmental motivations in the region are to be administered a Class-B Amnestic and informed that they suffered a nondescript accident. If plausible, such individuals should be returned to their home countries during their recovery. Type-K individuals1 are to be fitted with GEDOT sub-muscular tracking devices.


Description: SCP-3302 is a cave in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. The sole entrance is 4 x 7 meters in size, and the body of the cave extends into the mountain for 16 meters without significant change in dimensions. A half-circle of stones encompasses the entrance to SCP-3302 at a distance of 6 m (marking boundary of CR-3.) Geological samples show no significant difference in the composition of SCP-3302 or the stones outside it when compared to the regional average. No anomalous activity has been detected within SCP-3302 except during Heliofen events.


Heliofen events occur when a SCP-3302-1 entity emerges from SCP-3302. All observed SCP-3302-1 entities have been conscious and capable of speaking dialects with close similarities to at least one modern or historical language. Apparent desires of these entities have ranged from mundane to extremely hostile in nature. SCP-3302-1 entities spend approximately 5-15 minutes in the immediate vicinity of SCP-3302, rarely leaving CR-3 (only recorded as occurring in the presence of external stimulus.) Most express dismay and confusion at their current circumstances, and a minority exhibit signs of extreme anger.

Instances of SCP-3302-1 instantly vanish at the conclusion of a Heliofen event. Phenomena caused by these instances remain active after their departure, and objects that have become separated from them remain intact. Internal monitoring of SCP-3302 has revealed no obvious means of arrival or departure at any point during an event. Work to predict the occurrence of Heliofen events is ongoing.

Addendum A

Heliofen Event #7

SCP-3302-1 Entity: Human male. Musculature and scarring suggest a history of violence. Exited SCP-3302 naked, covered in blood, and carrying the severed head of a large reptile.

<Begin Log: 19██/██/██, 13:55>

SCP-3302-1: Look, brothers! As promised, the son of Krogmar brings you nothing but victory! Alone, I sought the great ravager of our villages. Alone, I return with proof of my might! Let my trophy silence the whispering of cowards!

SCP-3302-1 notices its surroundings for the first time. Turns in a full circle twice before dropping its trophy to the ground.

SCP-3302-1: What foul sorcery is this? Who dares to cloud the eyes of Ramgork? Is it you, Mamgog, who hides my sworn brothers from my sight? This betrayal will be your last, conjurer! Taste the blade of Thundertongue!

SCP-3302-1 pulls a sword from the reptilian head and begins swinging it. A supercell thunderstorm spontaneously develops at the northern edge of CR-1. SCP-3302-1 continues swinging for three minutes and seven seconds.

SCP-3302-1: Face me, coward! Do not besmirch your honor for another hundred years! Do not disgrace your father anew!

SCP-3302-1 continues swinging its weapon for an additional minute before stepping backwards into SCP-3302.

<End Log: 19██/██/██, 14:03>

Closing Statement: This entity's similarity to several mythical characters raises the question of whether SCP-3302-1 entities are transported to CR-3 or are generated by SCP-3302 itself.

Addendum B

Heliofen Event #18

SCP-3302-1 Entity: Humanoid entity of indeterminate age and sex. Emerged holding a single branch of a lemon tree. Several puncture wounds on its extremities bled continuously over the duration of the Heliofen event.

<Begin Log: 19██/██/██, 04:10>

SCP-3302-1: We deem your sacrifice acceptable, brave heroes. We have traveled far to accept your offering. Farther than the sun must travel in its journey from one

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