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Genre Philosophy. Page - 31

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Suppose you had only the tweetspace of a moron's attention span to write out your life's meaning. Would you try or simply refuse to play?

De onde vens palavra minha?! Para onde vais?!... Espuma e sombra sob os véus reluzes e sombreias a minha prancha doce é o enlevo do teu beijo e formosa a composição de tuas formas .............................................................. mas a sombra não descalça os teus pés...

Issues in the ethics and practice of demography and bioengineering - population control, the right to life, cloning, and abortion.

What is Philosophy? Is it the exclusive domain of those who dream in abstract? Or is it the manifestation of the struggle of those who practice in material? Does it originate in the minds of professors like a Ganges flowing out from the hair-locks of "Lord" Shiva? Or is it rustic and puerile, evolving into maturity through the experiences of common men. I started writing philosophy without actually knowing that I was writing one. To start with, it was an outlet to project my