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Taking your first step into this crazy little industry that we call “video production” can be a rather scary thought. From picking up your first camera, to learning how to edit like a ninja, this book was written to help you understand the basics of video production in today's digital age, what gear you’ll need to get the best footage for your stories, and finally, what software you’ll need to put it all together.

For those of you who read Kvistr, these are some pictures that accompany the book. These pictures are mostly from the movie advertisements, but there is a map of the country that I edited for pro-Inheritance use. i did research for several hours and THIS IS THE ONLY PRO-INHERITANCE MAP OF ALAGAESIA! Yay! If you want a copy of it for yourself, just PM me. I decided to make this book because I have a hard time describing any characters except Alanna and Faolan, so I figured this would help.

Characters from my book House Of Guy's! Felincity, Miranda, Mason, Alec, Lannen, And the rest of the people from the story I hope you like who I have choosed and if you have any suggestions let me know :)

Insect - ugly, hated, feared and often killed without thinking. But there is another way - butterflies, bees and many beetle can also be beautiful. So here I present the first pictures of my journey into the world before the insects. What only a few millimeters to centimeters in size, is presented here in XL. So a glance ventures into the realm of creepy-crawlies, and I see that they are not so terrible.