» Poetry » A Compendium of 4 Winter Poems & all other supplementary poems., By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [reading like a writer .txt] 📗

Book online «A Compendium of 4 Winter Poems & all other supplementary poems., By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [reading like a writer .txt] 📗». Author By Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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Government Chiefs !
Seemingly both these slogans are, prima facie, paradoxical,
Nullifying each other when we apprehend in practical,

Contradicting each other to implement simultaneously,
Water being essential element being used multifariously !
Its priority is indispensable in agriculture and plantation,
As so also in offices, schools and quarters of administration !

In the above aspects, water is being lavishly consumed,
How then can implementation proclaimed be presumed ?
Doesn’t it mean that the slogans are only aimed at the poor,
Who already face water scarcity with no source to hoover !

Merely announcing slogans could never yield fruitful results,
Right course must first be chosen via wise technical channels !
Instead, priority must be preferred first to block the wastage
Being occurred at high quarters, public gardens and alike heritage !

If, by chance, we traverse through these wide-spread places,
We may witness wastage and lavish leakage of water always !
Government and the public must stop all unusual water wastage,
Before announcing mere proclamations and slogans to envisage !



Dangerous lifers are interned in dark dungeons,
Dwelling life-long there just like caged pigeons !
A few of them happen to be repentant inter alia,
With the pace of time, recalling their nostalgia !
Imposed hard labour disposes of their dysphasia,
Thereby enabling them to sort out any panacea !
Inset agony, yet, surrounds them, wherever they be,
People shun them always even when they are set free !
The best modus operandi is to show love and sympathy,
Towards such lifers enabling them to forget all apathy !
Such exonerated lifers then may prove more benevolent,
To live left life with sense of renaissance and helpful intent !
Love and respect prove always ever-infallible device,
To yield beneficial results by undoing vitiating vice !


Craze, delay, ecstacy, greed, grudge, helplessness, hunger,
Inducement, instigation, innocence, jealousy, leisure, lust,
Mentality, Money, parsimony, selfishness, sex and thoughtlessness !
Alphabetically cited above are the main sources of crime,
Of which there are numerous kinds occurring time-to-time !
Hazardous, though, are almost all occurring ciriminal deeds,
The topmost irritating are these days terroristic proceeds !
The world population is stretching all over in billions,
Among them are hidden naxalites to be called non-civilians !
Mighty are armies along with security and detective personnel,
Though quite vigilant but awaiting only administrative signal !
Governments ever seem got bogged in lathargic legal labyrinth,
Holding only meetings as and when terror occurs above the plinth !
Just last Thursday, occurred gravely dreadful derailment,
Of Gyaneshwari Express thereby causing undue detriment !
Uprooting of fish-plates being its reason behind the scene,
A naxalite organization is said to have done what did they mean !
God knows why is administrative circle turned deaf and blind ?
Are there their links, which we ought to immediately find ?
Lest we should keep facing such fatalities too frequently,
Involving drastic damages now and then consequently !

“Hoary Hullabaloo”
Electioneering, festivities, processions of marriages,
Public meetings, ritual razzmatazz, & carriages !
These entail main menace of ear-piercing hullabaloo,
Creating crackling cacophony and irritable ado !
Old people, paients coupled with scholars & students,
Are irritated and disturbed badly losing their sentiments !
Though several aspects are occasional and ephemeral,
Running of trains and carriages is regularly eternal !
Studying generation feel annoyed during season of exams,
There being no remedy or redress such as making jams !
The only remedy appearing is to lay particular stress,
On making trains and carriages conveniently noiseless !



End of any age or era entails remorse or sweet memories,
It becomes thus a History of advisably educative stories !

This happens to be a subject for study and examination,
Yielding varying opinions of paragons for its vindication !

This subject holds good for scholarly discovery and invention,
For acquiring high degrees by dint of their witty apprehension !

Comparing past and present opens doors to better career,
After sorting out as to what we have now and what was so earlier ?


“Trivialities Strangling The Exchequer”

VIPs/VVIPs are liberal enough to frequent informal visits,
On bosbaraads, inaugurations and ceremonies without limits !
Unmindful of resultant fiscal fiasco by so strangling the exchequer,
Whereof they are supposed to be bonafide care-taker !
Other aspects of usual superfluous expenditure apart,
Security management alone involves extravagance over the chart !
All such formalities are lavishly upheld as a matter of protocol,
Merely to maintain status quo and magnanimity of VIPs at all !
It is now high time to undo ado to create public renaissance,
The youth/the intelligentsia/ the leaders should boycott this nuisance !
Literay idol persons must be preferred to address ceremonial events,
Instead of busy and expensive VIPs ever invited for such compliments !
This may reduce heavy burden of the exchequer to maximum extent !


Multiracial, though apparently is our world population,
Total interdenominational system is yet a mere speculation !
There are a number of anti-interdenominational nations,
Whose orthodoxy always vitiates international relations !
Unchallenged ever remain they in the name of religion,
Irrespective of geographic heterodoxy of the region !
Consequently our world is facing time-to-time dissolutioon,
Compelling the people always seeking homogeneous solution !
Powerful heterogeneous nations are enjoying this fun,
Selfishly and contrarily supplying them every bullet and gun !
Speaking equivocally using words with their enigmatic pun,
Just like “Done is done, if it’s wrong, simply beg pardon” !
Eradication of such situation has become now a hard nut to creak,
Which even International Governance under UNO cannot now break !
Poor nations thus becoming poorer and the rich growing richer ever,
Hoi-polloi of World is facing drudgery and penury, however !



The land I live in, I feel, is the best,
Everyday where is fair or lovefest !
Diwali represents Goddess of wealth,
A Festival Of Lights joyous for health !
Holi yields frolicsome colourful scene
Of jocular faces hardly later to be clean !
Janmasthami is observed with milk & butter,
To adore Lord Krishna breaking the shutter !
Rakhifest strengthens the ties of siblings,
By exchange of gifts between both wings !
Id, Moharrum, X-mas and identical festivities
Are also observed greatly by distinct entities !
Besides, there are hundreds of trivial festivals,
All along the year with indecipherable serials !
My land stands thus uniquely heterogeneous,
All over The Earth with little sense of animus !
Stretched are here many a sacred pilgrimage,
Picturesque enough to exalt nation’s image !
People from abroad are crazy often to visit
My country called India to gain joyous benefit !
We must be so proud to be natives of India,
Who is renowned for Her unique utopia !

“Labyrinthine Litigation”
In the Holy Geeta, Lord Krishna evoked in Arjun Parsa,
The dogma of action in inaction and its vice versa !
Analogous to that I say “action on reaction & reverse of that”,
Though that is philosophic oratory, yet hardly falling flat !
Unforgettable ever is the episode occurred long long ago,
Rendering our family helpless wherever we had to go !
Once when my youngest brother with Tehsildar’s squad,
Went to take care of 22 Bigha of our agricultural land !
He found a schedules caste member doing cultivation
For growing groundnuts by encroachment in its location !
On our visit, he, however, fled away and out of sight,
But clandestinely manipulated arson creating plight !
As a course of strategy against my brother to blame
Even on the face of his own default of illegal claim !
By preferring litigation under the umbrella of the Act,
Called “The S.C./S.T.(Prevention of Atrocities) Act”,
Resulting in non-bailable warrant to arrest my brother,
Who was quite innocent about such trickery, rather !
We were thus compelled to seek legal remedial redress,
Which could nowhere be attained by any legal process !
We had thus no course left for any remedy, but to relinquish,
By any possible negotiable process over and above our wish !
An accomplice scheduled caste leader came forward to meddle,
To persuade our side for negotiation to settle the squabble !
He presented both parties before the then District Collector,
Who also belonged to the counterpart schedule tribe
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