» Poetry » Poems for the Soul - revised, Gareth James [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗

Book online «Poems for the Soul - revised, Gareth James [books for 7th graders TXT] 📗». Author Gareth James

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with your pure heart

I love you with my heart, my darling Natasha Leigh
You opened my eyes to my pained life, at peace I can be.

How have I been gifted to be the luckiest man on earth?
You look and say “someday Honey, you will know your self-worth”

Passing the blame

I gave you my soul, I trusted you.
You inspire the things I do.
You made me feel warm with emotion,
I gave you my life, I gave you devotion.

You know better than the rest.
I love you, I consider you the best.
Everyone I have loved, I’ve lost.
Let down by you, It chills like frost.

Such a gutting feeling deep with-in.
To break the cord, feels like such a sin.
You swore that you wouldn’t’t let me fall,
maybe I don’t have a Spirit guide at all?

Empty oaths from your very heart,
I feel I need to begin from the very start.
Why did you promise such things?
Now I see you, my angel, with no wings.

Loosing my faith, I’ve lost my way,
not caring where I am or the time of day.
It is not the chapters you insisted would be.
Let down by many. All alone now, for that I see.

Maybe I should take part of the blame?
Perhaps I’m an fool to think of promised fame?
You have hurt me deep in my soul,
bruised and hurt, I will never be whole.

My heart cries and will continue to do so.
One more hit from you and it’ll be the final blow.
Cards and emotions tucked away for sure,
please leave me be, I cant take this any more.

Perceived Hell

You’re like a water spring in a summer drought
A painted red rose in a place so grey, this is what you’re about

Together, we have a bond that even gravity couldn’t part
My dreams, visions of smiles and love. Where did this all start?

I could feel the pronounced beating drum through my chest
My eyes began to focus on everything, they would not rest

This lonely night crept up with no prior warning
Lost love tonight, I must express with silent mourning

My nights cold with this dream, empty and hollowed
You said you’ll be here in a moment, but never followed

Why did you capture the good times we had?
You Left me alone in the deep, you looked, and I’m so sad

Your name echo’s like the sound of a fired gun
You are an imprint so deep, I don’t want anywhere to run

I offered you my aching heart on a plate
You took it, smashed it then left it in a beaten state

Trust so strong, now the fracture will never heal
Forever devastated, ailing with anguish, it feels unreal

Never willing to release myself from this sorrow
Wounded or not, having you with me I can face tomorrow

For me is a version of hell that shall haunt me for eternity
Pinch myself, is this a dream? Will I live in serenity?

Cold sweat pouring like a waterfall from my brow
Jolting up from my bed, this nightmare I can now disavow

Lying next to me, I run my fingers through your hair
Kissing your head and smiling, knowing you are blissfully unaware.


I dreamed a dream so vivid and true,
lucid, this magical woman just happened to be you.
Offered hand, selfless as you embraced my fears,
your kindness overwhelmed which led to my tears.

Still apprehensive, how thoughtful you are.
You cherished me, as much as I cherish a falling star.
Blessed and valued by your eternal embrace,
for with you, all my problems, now I can face.

Feeling your tenderness as we fly up high.
Warmth from your heart, tears parched as I cry.
Why do you care so? Encased with your affection.
Adoration for all, good or bad, no-one feels rejection.

How you shine, you hold the key to humanity.
Civility to all, how your honesty led me to Christianity.
Pure sincerity from your soul, an amazing grace.
Polite, moral manors that is needed in the human race.

Now I must leave and wake to the bitter land,
as I found respect from my dream, like you I will offer my hand.
Spreading the word that graciousness to all is pure love.
Hand in hand to a peaceful place, that’s the dream from up above.

I love you my Angel, thank you for your inspiration.
With your help from heaven, I’ll carry on with my salvation.
You gave me my place in life to be a Humanitarian,
knowing how people will turn against this, the contrarian.

Forever in Eden

Sun shining, angels draw attention from the softest touch.
Seeing the glow from your aura, love at this time, I didn’t have much.
You looked at me with an inner love, you touched my lonely soul,
no wonder with you I could not wait any longer to enrol.

You held my hand, shared your deepest thoughts with me.
You unwrapped your heart, a gift opened for all to see.
How did you break down the barricade around my core?
I’ll never know, but for that reason its you I adore.

Feeling the warmth of your radiant skin, can you be from up above?
Overwhelming, as the angel I embrace is protection sent to love.
I close my teary eyes, disbelief that you was encompassed by light,
visions of a Halo so full and calm, so tranquil but so bright.

Wanting you is the easiest task I have ever employed,
having been blessed with you, I remain forever overjoyed.
Feelings that damage you absorb, replaced with loving devotion.
How my life runs more structured, even with all the emotion.

I treasure the time we spend together, moments forever stored.
Golden meadows, a glorious place. My thoughts are never ignored.
Loving you is a wonderful vision, made real by you in my life,
that’s the reason why you allowed me, to call you my Wife.

Never alone

I feel you looking down upon me
So calm, gentle like the summer sea.

I gaze thoughtfully at the late evening sky,
At peace, lifting up as if I can fly.

Closing my eyes, you are in my mind,
The love you have is of a different kind.

I hold my breath and count slowly to ten,
When I open my eyes you’re gone again.

So fragile, so I softly whisper your name,
So strong, you are my souls inner flame.

The spread of your wings are so grand,
A touch from you and love covers the land.

You guided and protected me from the very start,
You are truth, you tell me to open my heart.

You embrace my worry, it’s part of life’s plan,
My Angel, my guide but most of all, my Nan.

Azna in Heaven

Aznas’ wings protect throughout the night,
beautiful as the lustrous morning light

Cascade down from heaven, glowing.
Divine while engulfed in knowing.

Endless truth and unconditional love.
Frightened while visited from above.

Godly essence of the soul,
holy visions begin to take its toll.

Innocent thoughts now take the lead,
joy starts as it’s planted a seed.

Kindred, surround as clear as day.
Loneliness a rumour, never to play.

Mother God to you and I.
Night as bright as the day light sky.

Opera, the sound of the song.
Nightingales sing, never a note wrong.

Protection in life for our sacred blueprint.
Questions asked, answered in a subtle hint.

Realm of records, held in a grand hall,
secrets that are given out freely to all.

Touched by an aura, making me think twice.
Unforgiving actions, knowing I must pay the price.

Victorious today as she is each and every time.
White army surrounds me, the harmonic chime.

Xanadu, such a rich and glorious place to see. Yuman families blessed also, but never meant to be.
Zoetic, as she creates life and peace to you and me.


Sunset rolling on through the sky,
Haze, what a truly magnificent sight.
To look ahead on the dusty track,
I see the outline of the home that is mine.
Never a thought to look behind me.
One foot in front of the other,
even closer to my desires.
Rubbing my eyes to clear the tears,
overwhelming feeling of pure emotion.
On one side of me, a lake so hypnotic,
shaded gently around the edges
with pine scent trees.
Red and yellow hues colour the sky,
highlighting the thin outline of clouds.
I gaze to the other side I see an assortment of beauty.
Dense woodland half covering a mountain range.
To see pure white snow on peaks,
but feeling the comfort of the warm sun on my face.
As I approach the place I now call home,
I sit on the rocking chair and face the setting sun.
Listening to the blend of the crickets playing the chorus,
my children laughing, leading each verse.
My wife next to me composing the harmony.
As I smile with a glass of Pinot Noir in hand,
I look over to my wife and see our lives endless.
Sun having set, there is no orange tint in the sky.
I vast blanket of black overhead with millions of diamonds inset.
How I feel at peace with my heart secured here.
Worry, a word that has no meaning.
Never having to wake from this lucid slumber
Knowing how blessed I am to have my dream made real.

Don’t worry, my Son

Hold your head high my Son
For this cut will heal, what’s done is done

As time follows on you will learn
There is much hurt, but love you’ll yearn

Gifted with the feeling of pain
Cursed by the effect, love will drive you insane

When the time comes, hold her dear
With you by her side, she’ll have nothing to fear

Such a tender heart beating inside you
I just know the skies above will never remain blue

I’ll be there ‘till the day I die
Helping you every step of the way, until you can fly

I will always do what you think is best
Comfort, in the knowledge you can do the rest

Unconditional is the love for my boy
I’ll never break your heart, just like your best toy.

Be the man I know you are
Learn from my mistakes, trust me you’ll go far

Pure love

Every time I look into your eyes,
I close my eyes and you are clear as the skies.

I hold your hand as I walk along the pier,
I’m all alone but hoping you feel me near.

How I laugh drinking a glass of wine with you,
the empty chair suggests my life is still so blue.

The movie we are watch, cuddled up together.
Reality strikes as I get up turn on the weather.

We plan a trip out to visit

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