» Poetry » Feelings of Love, Paul Curtis [icecream ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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“Absolutely, please do”
I replied rather pompously
“I love this corner” she said
“I like to sit and watch the world go by”
We exchanged a smile
But now she was actually here
I was speechless and my head was spinning
And I felt a little guilty
For stalking her like prey
Then, in a soft easy tone
She spoke again, which put me at my ease
“Didn’t I see you in here last week?”


The night was of crystal clarity
No clouds obscured the stars
A new moon graced the sky
And the lover’s moon was ours

A shooting star crossed the sky
And we both made a wish
Then I held you in embrace
And we shared our first kiss


I have been struck down by delirium
I am restless and unable to focus
I try to read a book
And read the same paragraph repeatedly
I am in a state of confusion
One minute I am sure of something
The next moment I’m not
And sometimes I hallucinate
I think I see something or someone
I’ve looked it up online
I have all the symptoms of delirium
But none of the causes
I don’t have a fever
Nor have I been poisoned
And I’m pretty sure
I don’t have a brain injury
No I have to face facts
I either have a brain tumour
Or I’m in love
I don’t know which is worse


I love everything about you
Every inch of your 5 foot 2
I love the way you dress
And disrobed as well I confess
I love your overt sexuality
And your subtle femininity

I love your seductive smile
And your soft tender lips
I love you from head to toe
And each and every finger tip

I love your bobbed brown hair
And your dazzling green eyes
I love your curvaceous-ness
Your breasts, your hips, your thighs

I love you lying in my arms
Beside me in my bed
I love to hold you close
And kiss you softy on the head

I love everything about you
Every inch of your 5 foot 2
And the greatest thing of all
Is that you love me too


Hey pretty girl, yes I’m talking to you
Don’t think you can keep hidden from view
You may try to hide in your tomboy guise
But I can see you; I can see the hidden prize
You may dress in oversized jeans and a baggy T
And try to hide yourself in shapeless anonymity
But I can see the real you beneath the scruffy hair
I can see the pretty girl who’s hiding in there
You’ll come out soon and everyone will see
The girl inside the tomboy who will marry me


As I sit in the musty library
In a once great house
I read, not one of the leather bound tomes
That fill the shelves from floor to ceiling
But a collection of letters
Neatly tied in ribbons
And they take my breath away
For each page is part of a remarkable story
About a most extraordinary couple
And their exceptional love story
For this lovingly devoted couple
Never met
Yet their love was evident
In their personnel correspondence,
No in their Love letters
Let’s say it how it is
The flowery words of an affaire d’amour
Echoed in the calligraphy on every page
Each billet doux
More affectionate and romantic than the previous
They bill and coo on every page
Each lovingly constructed sentence
Heavily laced with innuendo
Subtle yet explicit at the same time
Flavoured with delicious nuances
Flirtatious and lustful
Romantic and affectionate
A love of such purity
Not for its pureness of thought
But for the absence of any hope of physicality
She was an invalid, bed ridden
He a subject of an enemy state
So she couldn’t go to him
He couldn’t come to her
They could never meet, would never meet
So they made love via correspondence
An affair lasting more than forty years
Only ending with his death
His dying wish that her letters be returned to her
So that they at least should lie together


You have elegance
Poise and grace
A certain sophistication
And what was once called “it”
You have beauty
And sex appeal
You know what you’ve got
And how to use it
You have style
And fashion sense
You know what goes
And what does not
So answer me this
Why do you choose?
As your date
A tattooed Neanderthal


I have always been magnanimous by nature
Generous of heart and noble of spirit
Kind, forgiving blah blah blah
In short I have always been a door mat

I don’t get to be the significant other
I am destined to forever be the paramour
The elicit lover, skulking in the dark
Never to come out into the light

Never to be amative, never to show my feelings
Always effacing myself in public
Confined to simple flirtatious episodes in view
And elicit sexual dalliances behind closed doors

Hotel doors mainly, locked against the world
Sometimes another mans bedroom door
With another mans wife or fiancé
I am not proud of what I do, but I do it anyway


I knew her name
And her email address
And I knew she was a poet
But that was all I guess
From her writing I divined a little more
She was clearly a Christian
And seemed to be an optimist
But I learned little more than this
Her profile only told me her age
And that we were from the same country
However I thought I should contact her
I don’t really know why
I don’t make a habit of it
It’s not in my nature to pry
And I’m not one to seek out correspondents
I have never foisted my self
I’ve never been a joiner of things
Or active looked for acquaintance
However I felt almost compelled
No I actually felt compelled
There was something you see
In her writing I suppose
That struck a chord in me
A kindred spirit possibly
Maybe we saw through the same eyes
Or shared the same moral compass
Or both like apple pies
I don’t know what it was
A connection of some kind
On some obscure level
I should say quite clearly
There was no romantic motive
I’m wasn’t looking for a lover
That ship sailed long ago
Nor did I need a companion
So what prompted it, I don’t know
That aside I then faced the problem
Of what I should say to her
I couldn’t say I felt compelled
Or I felt there was a connection
She would have thought me mad
But while I struggled to find the words
A message popped into my inbox
And it was from her, I opened it instantly
Read the first line and smiled
“I hope you don’t mind me contacting you
I’m not sure what prompted me to write”
Isn’t life strange?


I don’t want gimcrack
I don’t want a big rack
I don’t mind frumpy
Though I’m not keen on grumpy
She can have an ordinary face
And two left feet and lack any grace
I don’t even care about her age
And her favourite colour can be beige
I don’t care if she wears specs
But I do want a girl with self respect
And inside a beautiful spirit
That’s the type of girl who’ll fit


I saw you in a different light today
A dazzling light of femininity
You were not the normal little tomboy
In the cargo pants and baggy “T”

The usual beaten up old trainers
Had been replaced by four inch heals
Which shaped your normally hidden legs
Whose black clad debut certainly appealed

The sheer black of your stocking-ed legs
Disappeared beneath the tailored hem
Of a skirt that fitted hitherto, unknown curves
Accentuating hips, thighs and of course them

Tucked into the tiniest of waistbands
Was a crisp white blouse tailored to fit
Buttoned at the wrist and open at the neck
Three undone buttons so that it gaped a bit

I saw you in a different light today
Where you emerged from tomboy obscurity
Causing heads to turn and eyes to stare
And thoughts were those of impurity


The Spanish maiden with the come hither look
Resplendent with curves shaped to arouse
A maiden possessing that perfect combination
Of come to bed eyes and a gaping blouse


The special love we once shared
Has gone forever, disintegrated
Smashed into a thousand pieces
Impossible to reassemble, beyond repair
Shattered into a thousand mirrored fragments
Each piece reflecting back another painfully memory
Stabbing at my heart like hot needles
Each shard a reminder of your betrayal


I was fourteen when I met her
It was the school holidays
And time could hang heavily
As you tried to fill the days

But that was before Maria
We met at the local lido
During that long hot summer
When she affected me so

She was a big busted girl
A full year older than me
And the stirrings in my trunks
Were due to her close proximity

Everywhere that was important
Maria was big soft and round
An open smile and wondrous lips
And a voice of honey sweet sound

I lost my heart on that summer day
Her charms I could not resist
That summer of sexual awakening
Her lips were the first I kissed

What a great summer it was
With Maria by my side
Our first summer of love
My heart full of love and pride

The summer passed much faster
After I first saw her lovely face
We parted in September
Never again to share an embrace


Emblazoned on my heart
Seared into my soul
The fire of love burns within
Please don’t extinguish
This fire in my soul
Don’t add another scar
To my tortured heart
Scar upon vivid scar
Keep the embers aglow
Let our love forever burn


You were so self conscious
Yet you never saw the beauty in yourself
The beautiful brunette hair
That framed your lovely face
Which you thought lank and lifeless
Your fabulous legs that so often were hidden away
Which you thought were unsightly and fat
Your intoxicating laugh
That you heard as a cackle
The tiny scar on your cheek,
That went red when you drank too much
We could only see it if you pointed it out
You always thought yourself ordinary
Nothing could have been further from the truth
You were beauty personified
And my biggest regret
Is that I missed my chance
I dithered and dawdled
And I lost you to another


The way into my heart
Is not with silver or gold
Nor money or jewels
Or five star dining
Expensive sports cars
And holidays abroad
It’s nothing of material worth

The way into my heart
Is a gesture of kindness
An unselfish act
You holding my hand
And gazing into my eyes
It’s a gentle caress
It’s simply being you


I fell in love with you
All those years ago
Because you were oblivious
You simply didn’t know

You didn’t know
That beauty shone from every pore
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