» Poetry » Ecstasy: A Montage of Poems and Short Stories, Suleman Nasir [top young adult novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Ecstasy: A Montage of Poems and Short Stories, Suleman Nasir [top young adult novels .txt] 📗». Author Suleman Nasir

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in unison, tribulations that loom,


For you, O man, she is your blue-eyed Queen,

For you, O woman, he is your noble king,

Thus, reign in pride, in the kingdom of your abode


For you, O man, she is your moon,

For you, o woman, he is your sky,

 Thus, brace one another, with tenderness and love,



For you, O man, she is your soil,

For you, O woman, he is your seed,

Thus, with intimacy, conceive the fruits of your joy,



For you, O man, she is your fire,

For you, o woman, he is your furnace,

Thus, blend in one another, and set afire, the flame of love


For you, O man, she is your flower,

For you, O woman, he is your scent,

Thus, render each other whole, with warmth of your embrace



For you, O man, she is your sword,

For you,O woman, he is your shield,

Thus, slay the monsters of sorrow, with slashes of loyalty,




For you, O man, she is your ladybird,

For you, O woman, he is your firefly,

Thus, shepherd one another, in dark of the night,


For you, O man, she is your nightingale,

For you, O woman, he is your lark,

Thus, soothe one another, with songs of joy,


 Let not the fiber of your matrimony, be torn apart,

 Let not from your hands the sparrow of happiness, depart,


Let not hatred vanquish your love,

Or else with rage, will tremble, the throne of God.


6. Longer May I Reign


Longer may I reign,

In the vast intricate kingdom of your heart,


Longer may my head remain adorned,

 With the crown of your unconditional love,


Longer may I stay imprisoned,

In the deep valleys of your eyes,


Longer may I be kept safe,

 In the stronghold of your arms,



Longer may my loneliness be eclipsed,

By the soothing chants poured forth by your blushing lips.


7. Her


The abysmal ocean of her eyes,

rimmed with darkness,

drown me in cold blood,


Her gleaming cheeks,

that shame the stars,

with their lightness,


Her lustrous hair,

that veil her angelic face,

like a dark night encircling a burnished moon,




Her rosy lips,

that turn flowers green

with envy,


Her melodic voice,

that falls on my ears,

like a mynah’s chant,


Her sparkling smile,

like a string of pearls,

 stunts the flaring sun,


Her lurking aroma,

that scents alike blooming lilies,




Her slender contour,

 manifests like a glassed sculpture,


Her fair velvety skin,

 tinges scarlet by a gentle graze,


Her fiery ire,

plunges me to the crypts of despair,


Her solicitude,

resurrects me in the womb of joy,


glowing tears,

trickle from her eyes

like cascading pearls,



Her graceful tread,

paints her a goddess,

ambling on heaven’s vault.

8. Mirror of My Soul


O you, who droops nobly,

mirror is your name,


I question not your verity,

for you unveiled, the likeness of a vile architect:

an Architect of his own destruction,


For you reflected the portrait of a man,

who wavered not, from treading on the trails of Lucifer,


For you limned the sketch of an assassin,

who strangled to death, the song in himself,


For you unmasked, the rebel,

who rendered naught, but deceit,


O my wise mirror,

I question not your sagacity,

for you evolved me,

from the whisper of a boy, to the shout of a man


For you entrenched in me,

That God lives not, but in the breast of each one he devised,



 O valorous mirror,

I kneel in gratitude before you,

for you freed me from the fetters of mine arrogance,

and taught me, that I am naught,

but a puppet of clay,

foredoomed to be mixed in it again,


O heralding mirror,

 I question not your prophecy,

 you Admonished:

Death shall always be on my heels,


And O Suleman,

You shall be lost in the mists of time,

Nothing of your name,

But, your saintly feats will remain.

9. A Confession


Dearly Beloved!

My love for you,

is on the rise,

A fire burning,

in my eyes,

A love so deep, 

deeper than the abysses,

A love so high,

Higher than the skies,

A love so chaste and pure,

As untouched snow,

You, beloved,

 course through my veins,

Keeping me wide awake,

So you too, pour the rain of love,



Render me anew,

Let’s get lost,

You in me,

and I, in you.

10. I Am My Home


When castles of my hopes fell apart,

shattered to splinters,

 the dreams of my heart,


My eyes, awaited a hero,

a salvager, to lock sword,

with my hapless fate,

wait grew infinite,


My door hankered a knock,

no one came,

and grains of hope,

escaped my hand,




A light beamed in my chest,

and illuminated my way,

armed my hand,

with daggers honed to slay,


It dawned upon me that all this time,

I craved a savior,

and was blind to the one

that resided within,


I am the hero,

 I yearned for all along,

I am the sanctuary,

I searched for all along,



I am not lost,

and I am not alone,

 For I have myself,

and I am my home.


11. A Pilgrim's Song


I am a pilgrim,

this earth is my holy shrine,


To serve every soul,

is my worship,


To draw smile on every visage,

is my hallowed duty,


To wipe tears off every eye,

is my sacred ritual,


To preach love,

is my revered journey.

12. Leila



Lying on his deathbed,

sands of time slipped from his hands,


Tears flowing from his eyes,

said he, to Leila, with parting sighs,


“O my Dukhtar Jan, whom I despised all along,

I loved my sons, and resented you all life long,

Yet, here you are, and they have deserted me,

Let alone hell, my guilt is enough to punish me,



Your words of kindness are razors to my heart,

Halt this tenderness, for I deserve it not.”


Said Leila,

“You are my father, the earthly author of my blood,

You a whole flower, and I, your trivial bud,

With your blessings, in heavens will I dwell,

Without them, I am destined for hell,

You fed me, clothed me, and kept the wolf away from door,

What is it Baba, that I could wish more?

O Lord! Let not my father be dead,

endow him life, take me

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