» Poetry » A Long Walk With God, Paul Curtis [best ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «A Long Walk With God, Paul Curtis [best ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Paul Curtis

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of kings
God in heaven where angels sing
Oh my lord, Way above
Look on us with love

Oh my lord way above
God in heaven, king of love
Please look down, from your throne
Look on us with love.

God of gods, king of kings
God in heaven where angels sing
Oh my lord, Way above
Look on us with love

Oh my lord guide our hand
God the father king of man
Please look down, from your throne
Dear lord guide our hand

God of gods , king of kings
God in heaven where angels sing
Oh my lord, Way above
Look on us with love

Oh my lord way above
God in heaven, king of love
Please look down, from your throne
Look on us with love

God of gods , king of kings
God in heaven where angels sing
Oh my lord, Way above
Look on us with love


God didn’t say
You must circumcise your children
God didn’t say
You can have ten wives
God didn’t say
You mustn’t use a condom
God didn’t say
You must pray five times a day
God didn’t say
My priests cant marry
God didn’t say
Woman must be covered at all times
God didn’t say
You cannot divorce
God didn’t say
Divorcees cannot remarry in church
God didn’t say
You must remove your shoes in my house
God didn’t say
You must kill the infidel
God didn’t say
There is only one church
God didn’t say
You must ritually wash your feet
Man said these things
These rules were made by men

(To the tune of “The gypsy girls dream” (I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls)
From an opera The Bohemian Girl composed by Michael Balfe)

Oh God in heaven Lord above all
Looks upon us with grace
He is with us when we triumph
He is with us when we fail
And when the time comes and I join him on high
I will touch his loving face
Oh God in heaven Lord above all
Watch and protect us until that day

Please watch us, protect us, until that day
God save us, Lord save us until that day

Oh god in heaven always loves us
Even when we may stray
He will support us and guide us
as through life we navigate
And when the time comes and I join him on high
I will take His loving hand
Oh God in heaven Lord above all
Watch and protect us until that day

Please watch us, protect us, until that day
God save us, Lord save us until that day


I believe in God
I believe him to be the creator
The creator of heaven and earth
Of the stars and the planets
I believe him to be the creator of the universe
The scientific community
Talk of the big bang
Which sparked off the creation of the universe
They call God a myth
And his creation a myth
Science of course call it the big bang theory
Theory being science speak for a guess
Or put another way a belief
They can no more prove their belief
Than I can prove the existence of God
For all there contempt for belief systems
They are locked in one of their own making
I have faith in the creation
But if there was a big bang
Then God pressed the button

Who is there?
In my darkest hours
When pain wracks my body
When dark thoughts plague me
Who is it who sustains me?

Who is there?
At times of anguish
When I feel so alone
When I feel all hope is gone
Who lifts me and guides me

Who is there?
In the depths of my despair
When I see no end
When I seek release
Who is it?
Who will take my pain

He is there
When the pain ends
When darkness is banished
In the light of love
My lord god will keep me


The sun gifts us
With warmth and light
Endowing and sustaining
The green earth with life
Then when day is done
After the setting of the sun
The Moons silvery disk appears
Boldly bright through its phases
And stars are liberally sprinkled
Across the curtain of night
These gifts from God
Make our days complete


Faith is such a simple concept
It’s so simple
It’s just about belief
It’s so completely uncomplicated
You just have to believe
No strings attached
Just unconditionally believe
And if you do the world is your oyster
All your doubts and fears subside
When you accept his existence
His, hers its
The creator, the deity
The master puppeteer
Don’t analyse it
Don’t try to define it
To deconstruct it
Don’t worry about the Who the what or the why
Its doesn’t matter
Don’t worry about who the creator is
It doesn’t matter what race
What gender, what creed or what colour
Just accept it, embrace it
You still won’t be able to see it
But you’ll know its there
It’s totally invisible to your senses
Yet it connects with you at the core
With your essence, your soul
You can’t see it yet its wonders are all around
You can’t hear it
Yet its sound fills the world
You can’t taste it
But it’s the spice of all life
You can’t smell it
But its exotic and heady fragrance is on every breath of wind
And you can’t touch it
But it can be felt when it touches you


Teardrops stain my cheeks
Now my love you’ve gone
Gone to join the angels throng
As sad and lonely I live on

I am comforted to know
In my sadness and despair
I’m alone but you are with me
As I feel you everywhere

With my faith for strength
I wipe my teary eyes
Safe in the knowledge
That no one really dies

We will be together again
If my beloved you will wait
Beyond the golden portal
Just through heavens gate


I thank the lord above
As I stand in the quiet of the morn
And when spring lambs are born
For the fields so full of flowers
And the peace of the twilight hours

I thank the lord above
For the blueness of the sky
And for a new born babies cry
For the smell of summer rainfall
And the joy of a songbirds call

I thank the lord above
When winters shroud is on the land
And when I take my beloved’s hand
When my lovers face is all aglow
And when we make angels in the snow

I thank the lord above
As I stand at the alter with my bride
And when I look at her with pride
When I stand together with my wife
I thank the lord for my life


Humanists and atheists
Refute God’s existence
But in all honesty
They mount a futile resistance
Because for all their vehement
Creation of fuss
The great lord God
Believes in them as well as us


At his bedside
The gentle angel stood
Watching as he slept
Listening to his quiet shallow breath
Then the angel softly spoke
And reached out a hand
“Your time has come to see the lord”
“Come with me now”
Then he slept no more
And he left his empty body
Taking the offered hand
The angel smiled and they began to ascend
To a better place and time
Traveling upward through a tunnel
Toward a light becoming ever brighter
Its brightness became almost blinding
Until with the angel he emerged
Into the land of light and love
The angel left him with a smile
With those who had passed before
Familiar faces greeted him
Loved ones from years past
Who showed him round heavens paradise
Where milk and honey flowed
Scenes of unimagined beauty met his eye
And the sweetest perfumes filled the air
Music was everywhere invading every pore
From simple refrains to grand symphonies
Musicians played on instruments of gold
While choirs of angels sang
But the most overpowering feeling
That assailed his senses
Was of everlasting love


In God’s name, for centuries
They waged their holy wars
Singing songs to God
As they march in their corps

In God’s name, across the years
From home to foreign shores
Tit for tat acts of religious hate
Are used to settle scores

God’s names, Jehovah, God or Allah
Differ only by rules and law
Although God by any name
Does not encourage acts of war

In God’s name, even to this day
They are prepared to fight and die
And beneath their holy banners
They use God as a battle cry

In God’s name, war is waged
And for every soul who dies
God sits on his throne in heaven
With sadness in his eyes

In God’s name, preach only peace
God is there for all humanity
In Gods name, put down your swords
His gift is love to all who see


In that favoured retreat
Of Gethsemane’s garden
Did the Prince of peace
In his agonies
Sweat blood upon
That fertile ground
Forsaken by his father
Doubting his destiny
And how wretchedly betrayed
By that simple Judas kiss


God is goodness
God is love
God and love
Go hand in glove

God is blessed
God is hope
God and hope
Will help us cope

God is loving
God is peace
God and peace
Will never cease

God is patient
God is grace
God and grace
Hold us in embrace

God is goodness
God is love
God and love
Go hand in glove


I went to a funeral today
What a totally depressing day
In was a humanist service
Cold and utterly soulless
With some mumbling buffoon
Waffling on in monotone
A couple of poorly read poems
From some well thumbed tomes
And ended in a fit of irony
To the tune of “stay with me”
He was not religious I will concede
But even a man lacking a creed
Should be launched into oblivion
To the sound of a rousing requiem


Wear your smile
Enjoy Life
If only for awhile

Enjoy the moment
It’s a special gift
That’s heaven sent

Life and death
Are separated
By a single breath

Then more or less
In an instant

Then the sight
At the tunnels end
Of heavens light


John, in his boat one grey autumn day
Bobbing on the lakes black water
His heart gripped by blackness
As he sobbed for the loss of his daughter

His blood ran cold through his veins
As he stared at the dark water there
Water that would welcome him
And end a life filled with despair

John’s life was as empty as his heart
Now his dear little girl was gone
That sweet yellow haired angel
Without her he just couldn’t go on

Then calmness came upon the water
And he became suddenly aware
He was no longer alone in his boat
As he stared at the dark water there

The boat no longer bobbed on the
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