» Poetry » Places In Her Eyes, Osama Aldeyasty [feel good novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Places In Her Eyes, Osama Aldeyasty [feel good novels TXT] 📗». Author Osama Aldeyasty

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so close and kiss,

With shiny warm love lather,

The harsh edges of steady cliffs.


My heart, my pen and my face

With lines from seas in cord;

And words to praise your grace,

All men of letters cannot afford.






Her dress is beige, roses in hand,
Dimness in sight, haziness in my head.
What is the matter lovelorn strand?
I have no more hearts to shed.

How often I've told you, my poor little heart,
To leave the dreams of love for truth.
To shield yourself against Cupid's dart;
Once you're hit, no cure can soothe.

Here you come to me once again,
You come to me weary and weak,
Mourning loud her farewell's pain;
Asking me a cure to seek?

Alas my dear, too late for cure,

To break a heart is a legal crime.
Your fatal pain you should endure,

Until your sunset: the slumber of time.

Her tears define the aches of heart;
They wet her cheeks with rain of sorrow.
My love defines when we are apart,
I will not wait for tomorrow.



A Black Round Table


A black round table, with glass in the middle.

He used it to eat or write or even to solve a riddle.

A five-year boy, so young and happy inside.

A very beautiful lady, sitting by his side.

She's holding his hand, guiding his pencil, with a loving touch.

She's looking at him: I love you dear, I love you so much.

Teach me mama …

Teach me how to feel, teach me how to love.

Teach me to be real, but take my hopes above.

Hold your pencil dear … easy not so tight.

Write smile dear … you make my life so bright.

Draw a flower dear … draw a loving heart.

Read the letters dear … I want you to be smart.

A, B, C … 1, 2, 3.

Come closer dear … come to me.

I still remember, as I grow older,

The black round table, with glass in the middle.

A grown up man, old and happy inside.

A very beautiful old lady, sitting by his side.


* Dedication *

With love to the one who taught me how to read, how to write, how to feel, how to love, and how to think. To the most wonderful woman I have ever met. To my mother.




A Broken Heart

A broken heart has the deepest feeling.

A sad eye has the sweetest tears.

A lost ship has the fastest sailing.

A loser's life has the bravest fears.


A lost love could bring a new friend,

The darkest night has the brightest moon.

A bad start could lead a better end,

The saltiest water makes a pure lagoon.


Strange words I'm saying to you,

But trust your heart and start your way.

Say and do to make it true:

Life is beautiful, sad and gay.


So lag no leg young lonely lad,

Find a heart and start your way.

Lonely nights can drive you mad,

So love to live and then you may;


Sit down there next to them,

Having a family round your chair.

Feeling your heart safe and calm,

Feeling home deep down there.


Then you'll know my dear lonely sailor

Before you die, before your fall:

A broken heart has the deepest feeling,

A loving heart has the best of all.



With love to every lonely broken heart:Life begins when we begin and stops when we stop.



Planting Life In A Battlefield

The smoke came from the burning trees as we marched ahead.
Victorious we marched though tired and cold, the mud was all around.
Me and him with her were walking, but she knew what we intend.
Suddenly, he stopped. She knelt on her knees; eyes both were closed.
She lowered her head and raised her cheek as if waited to be kissed.
She was in peace with no tears, how brave you are, I thought.
How many nights she filled with delights in her man's arms?
How many lives her womb gave to life and filled her house's rooms?
"But sir, can we spare her to keep our hands clean? She was typing,
She wasn't fighting, we took her from that office over there."
"Shut up soldier, she's one of them. Can't you see her uniform?"
I recalled the story of my old man about Adam and his family:
It makes him, her and me brothers and a sister in a different country.
He placed his gun on her short tress; she didn't even utter a breath.
"But sir......."
"Shut up soldier, I have my orders: take no prisoners."
I said to myself," she shouldn't die; I must stop this crime.
I'll interfere with no fear, whatever comes is mine.
I'll plant life in this battlefield by sparing this innocent soul."
But came the bang, the usual sound, still the ugliest of all.


I wrote this poem about war. It's not about who won or who lost. It's not about who is good or who is bad. It's about us. The three persons in the poem represent that sad scene that kept happening since the dawn of history. But it keeps happening only when we stop thinking, living and loving then we start war to do what we wish to do.
This poem is about life and death, love and hatred, mercy and anger, war and peace inside our hearts. It's a poem about us: about the human nature. It's about this crazy world we're living in where we become mad tools or in other words slaves serving the everlasting demons inside our hearts and minds: greed, hatred, races, nationalities, power, revenge, and getting rid of everything you don't like. Because we still serve those demons the only thing that we can understand is the idea of living happy first and alone. We can't learn to live happy and together. We keep shouting (me) not smiling and saying (us).

We always answer the call of that angry demon (Anger) instead of thinking of that sweet creature standing right in front of you. Just try to take a deep look at him or her. See how sweet is the smile. See how pure is that look. See that miracle in the structure. Listen to the words. Try to understand the point of view. Come closer, touch and feel that hand while you shake it. Keep looking into those eyes and trust me if you're human enough you'll know that he or she used to be your brother or sister but your family got bigger and that's why you forgot.






Daydreams are wishes dreamt to please,

Your heart and mind, no one can cease.

A ray of sunshine into your day,

A gust of wind to sail away.

Open eyed or even blind, still you dream with heart and mind.

Wherever you want, whatever you do,

Your wish is true; it's here for you.

All the faces and places you wished: love, joy and glory exist.

I've closed my eyes and laid my head,

I've kept on walking; still I'm in my bed.

I've kissed the star and hugged the moon,

I've stepped on diamonds and gained a throne.

I've danced my love till the morning light,

And ordered the sun to shine love bright.

I'm the best in the world to dance or sing,

I've kissed my love and bought her a ring.

I've lain in a flower and talked to an angel,

I've reached the poles and explored the jungle.

I'm a knight in armor; I'm a royal prince.

I'm the head of a firm; I'm a man of wealth.

I'm the best of doctors. I've designed the tower.

I'm a famous artist. I'm a man of power.

I'm the reality; I'm the dream.

I'm my destiny when I write the scheme.



I'll Cry No More


Lonesome? Yes, I am. Lonely? Yes, It's me.

But I won't sit in the dark; I'll be what I want to be.

Tomorrow, I'll go out and look at the sun, smile and run.

Tonight, I won't cry in bed. No, I'll rise and stand in pride.

I'll go up to the attic to meet my ghost. No, I won't hide.

I'll listen to my music. I'll dance to bring me joy, not the pain.

I'll cook my dinner and taste my food, with hope again.

A hope I used to feel: to have a better tomorrow, to pass it with no sorrow.

And I'll wait, to dance finally on your grave,

You cursed misery, no one will save.

I'll pull no knife or trigger, I'll look in your eye, that's my dagger.

I'll stab you twice: once with patience, and once with hope.

And if I failed, I would smile at you, and you will drop.

I'll pray to my Lord: to nail your coffin in hell forever,

Then we all shall no more cry or shiver.

Finally, I'll be born again. I'll feel as before,

I'll live as before: before you walked in through my door.

I'll wait, till patience itself gets bored to death.

I'll fight, till war itself is out of breath.

Then, I'll be dancing on your grave. Then, I'll win.

I'll go home: to the land of happiness and content.

I'll open every window; unlock each door.

I'll sit there smiling, I'll cry no more.



With love to every person hoping for a better tomorrow: riding patience and wrapped in hope …Go on …You're the one …You will win.



She Left in Peace with Grace


She left in peace with grace,

Yearning for love; searching for his face.

She left in peace, with tears flowing from a lonely gaze,

And death was her secret wish; her sacred place.

It wasn't an illness that tore her piece by piece,

It was to know that finding her love is a hopeless case,

So she left in peace with grace.

Look at her, innocent like a child haunted by a woman,

Yet wise and kind; pure as the rain just dropped from heaven.

Being together, we were all there with her everyday.

Then we left, we had new lives to start away.

So do the same, start again, but she missed the train.

Her own train had no name and she ran in vain.

The train of life has no name, you just wait there,

Guessing, hoping and waiting for a flare:

To show you the way to a life time ride,

To be a star or a loser to hide. To be a dad; to be a bride.

Maybe you're in, safe and calm, or a simple mistake:

Under the wheels to smash your soul and more heartache.

She ran and ran to catch her van but stepped on a wrong place,

That's when she came to an end and left in peace with grace.



In the memory of our beloved friend. We miss you so much. We still love you the same. We still have your place in each reunion. We don't talk about it, but we know it's yours. We hope that you're in a better place now. In our hearts your memory still lingers on.



Midnight Fairy


Midnight was falling, in its dark cloak,

Lighting each star in the sky chandelier,

And their lights to my heart spoke:

The midnight fairy is to appear.


She stood right there, above them all,

Smiling gently as her lights blend.

She whispered softly: Hey, sweet soul,

Say your wish to be fulfilled.


I wish…I wish…Always in love,

Love and be loved, and never stop.

Always happy and free like a dove,

With a better tomorrow, full of hope.


A perfect health in a perfect figure,

And heaps of money to be there.

To own things can't count or measure,

And make my life a glorious career.


I'm just a fairy not a god,

Even angels can't have them all.

Mortal souls have to gain and shed,

No one is perfect; nothing is whole.


Choose now some few to keep,

And dream of the rest without a frown.

Life is a wheel on a hard steep,

Once you're up; next you're down.





When you give it all , and have nothing back.


When you light them warmth , and burn your hands black.


When you spread to hold , and they spread to smack.


When you hug so tight , and they stab in the back.


When you stand behind , and then they leave you alone.


When you give a smile , and then they give you a moan.


When you see all this in friends , and it repeats again and again ,


Then you’ll know what real life is , and how it’s mean and mundane.



My Dearest Friend


He turned his back and walked on me,

Nothing to say, he walked away.

My dearest friend was a brother to me,

We've grown together,

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