» Poetry » A Question Mark In Time, Melissa Willingham [ebook reader screen .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Question Mark In Time, Melissa Willingham [ebook reader screen .TXT] 📗». Author Melissa Willingham

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"Here There Be Ghosts"

In here there be ghosts
echoes from a distant past
haunting every room

Nonet Poetry:

"Of Peaceful Times"

Waves crashing up against the shoreline
reminding me of peaceful times
seagulls search about for food
as I explore my heart
find meaning in life
embrace the truth
joy I find
right here

Acrostic Poetry:


Melissa is a Greek name, meaning ‘honey bee’
Epitomizes her loving kindness and generosity
Literary interests are inherent within her mind
Invitations to the dream of success, yet to find
Stardom and fortune are her brightest pursuits
She was born a storyteller, genetic in her roots
After much labor, work will someday bear fruits

Acrostic Poetry:


Saved me from a life of emptiness
Unearthed a gold mine from clay
Resurrected someone near death
Raised a person from the depths
Enriched a life that was so bleak
Nurtured one who felt all alone
Died in order to rescue my soul
Erased all my sins and mistakes
Revitalized my body, soul and spirit

Tanka Poem:

"One With God And Nature"

Dew drops in morning
Kissed by the rays of the sun
Flowers slowly bloom
Birds singing so happily
At one with God and nature

Christmas Poem:

"Christmas Candles"

Christmas candles are burning
beside the Christmas tree
Peace surrounds me this evening
because you're here with me

All is well in our humble abode
love surrounds and warms our souls
Both so thankful to be blessed
nothing could disrupt our happiness

But, I can remember a time
when I was single and all alone
sent up prayers all the time for
someone to share my home

Christmas candles are burning
beside the Christmas tree
The love of God has found us
and set our spirits free

Jesus filled up the void in our hearts
we are joined, never to part
Both filled with joy and wonder
nothing puts our union asunder

But, I can remember a time
when I was single and all alone
sent up prayers all the time for
someone to share my home

As I watch the lights on the tree
and admire candles glowing brightly
I'm so thankful for God's best gift
which He sent me in the form of you

Free-form Poetry:

"The Thought Of You"

Oh, the thought of you thrills me
when you're near I go weak in the knees
you send shivers of exquisite pleasure
up and down the length of my spine
and you make my heart skip a beat
every time I'm around you, my love

I just can't seem to catch my breath
when I feel your touch upon my skin
my body's burning with sweet ecstasy
my head's spinning with visions of delight
I just can't seem to get enough of you

You overwhelm my senses and
you overcome all my doubts
baby, you are so incredible
scintillating and titillating
captivating and mesmerizing
spellbinding and enchanting

I am melting from your kiss
I am warming to your smile
I am enamored of you
I am smitten with you
I am lovestruck for you
darling, I am in love with you

Share A Story In A Poem/Children's Poetry:

"Adventures In Animal Land"

I once had a doggie named Rover
he jumped in the air and fell over
landing upon the grass so green
because he drank a can of gasoline
the poor boy just ran out of steam
even though it was unleaded supreme

Rover soon met our new pet, Spot
immediate friendship, it was not
at first they growled and fought
our attentions, they both sought
then one day, wouldn't you know
Spot went off to play with Fido

The dogs met our new kitty, Misty
who was furry, squirmy and twisty
she meowed and purred for her food
but sometimes she behaved so rude
unless she wanted some affection
Misty gave us a hissing rejection

We brought in Taffy to be company
but she tried to catch Humphrey
the parrot flew, squawking loudly
he sidestepped her advances proudly
Taffy then focused on our goldfish
hoping they'd become a tasty dish

My spouse and I are grateful for
everything we have and even more
God has blessed us both with a lot
we don't think of what we have not
through the abundance of His hand
we enjoy adventures in animal land

"The Rays Of Morning"

I don't mean to bore you with my dreams
sorry I sometimes take things to extremes
It feels like my poor heart has broken apart
but no one cares what Hell I'm caught up in
they can only see Heaven inside of my eyes

As hopes shatter, they fall by the wayside
echoes of a haunting, resounding cry I hide
Will anyone spare even a moment to care
my family, they promised they'd be here
so, where are they when I need them near

What is the determining factor of this link
sometimes I feel as though I'm on the brink
I am a sinner and I don't claim to be a saint
to run from the truth would be just too late
covering it up would be my worst mistake

When the orange glow of the sun disappears
the full moon will help to disguise all my tears
time to face the music, be so brave and strong
a pair of rose-colored glasses I will be adorning
as I awaken refreshed in the rays of morning

"Hero Standing By"

Mary was driving through the pouring rain
desperately trying to escape all the pain
She was fleeing from her own husband
bravely escaping his cruel, abusive hand
The baby was strapped in back of the car
together, they were traveling very far

With swollen eyes, she could barely see
and narrowly missed ramming into a tree
She swerved in time, but then lost control
down the steep bank the car began to roll
As it plunged headlong into the icy depth
Mary prayed frantically to God and wept

Harry was sleeping underneath the bridge
nestled below a winding highway’s ridge
He was considered an outcast of society
the loss of a job reduced him to poverty
Just a gentle soul, well in his sixties now
yearning to find meaning in life somehow

When he saw the splash he didn’t hesitate
Harry swung into action before it was too late
A tired, old man swam like a youth of twenty
from somewhere within, he had energy plenty
A mother and baby boy were saved that day
rescued from a certain death within the bay

People driving by witnessed the daring caper
which landed Harry on the front page paper
Mary and her son found themselves a home
inviting Harry to stay, so he need not roam
The three of them lived together so happily
like a grandpa, grandson and daughter family

Mary’s husband never tracked them down
life was more peaceful without him around
The years flew by and as the little boy grew
Harry imparted the wisdom of life he knew
Mary praised the Lord for His speedy reply
on that day when He had a hero standing by

"Hospital Of Horror"

Hereupon lies within these walls
ghastly deeds, crime that appalls
corridors filled with dark and gloom
life no longer occupies the rooms

Once known as a sanctuary of grace
evil and destruction have replaced
formerly christened as Mercy Hope
until there was a hanging by rope

Soon, a respected doctor went mad
poisoned patients sleeping in beds
an escaped convict brandished a knife
and ended up claiming many lives

The illusion of safety was shattered
leaving behind the torn and tattered
true peace was erased, existed no more
crumpled like sawdust upon the floors

What once was Mercy Hope is now dead
love, life and joy have long since fled
scattered by the wayside, memories of old
emptiness is left, nothing which one can hold

Is there any hope for this fallen dwelling
grave secrets she keeps, no one is telling
Mercy Hope needs a hero for redemption
unravel the mystery, free the souls she holds
within her murky, imposing, darkened depths

"Edge Of Eternity"

Stumbling from her bed, wincing at the sun
Lisa nurses her head, runs for the bathroom
she takes no time to exchange pleasantries
as I quietly observe her from the couch

I choose not to tell my older sister
I know she was out all night again
and I'm worried because I can see
she's on the edge of eternity

She prepares for drinks with lonely men
as she powders her nose from the inside
Lisa paints a face that resembles a road map
she ignores the marks on her wrists
as she sprays them with perfume

She's talking, but no one's in the room
and it looks very clear to me
she's on the edge of eternity

Years ago, she was my role model
and she seemed destined for success
today, she's on a path of destruction
only God above can help her now

So, I reach out to her this time
before she can escape out the door
Lisa laughs, but then bursts into tears

Holding her, I plead with her to change
smiling through fear, she promises she will
then she slips outside into the darkness

Lord, please rescue her, my sister
I'm praying that you'll save her life
because she's on the edge of eternity

"Wish I Would've Known"

Once a young girl of 15, sitting in my room
in the suburbs of a small house in Georgia
writing in my diary and thinking of Bill
he was older than me but I didn't care

Because I had a terminal case of puppy love
I couldn't see that he was all wrong for me
wish I would've known then what I know now
what I know now, I wish I would've known then

Was a woman of 25, sitting in my church
in the sanctuary of an Alabama town
singing praises and worshipping the Lord
I recalled how Bill laughed at my beliefs

He said believing was just a waste of time
if only he could've been a believer, too
wish I would've known then what I know now
what I know now, I wish I would've known then

As a lady of 35, standing on my stage
in the arena of a city in California
singing for thousands who simply adored me
I recalled how Bill laughed at my dreams

He said dreaming was just a waste of time
if only he could've been a dreamer, too
wish I would've known then what I know now
what I know now, I wish I would've known then

Now I'm a grandma of 65, sitting on my porch
in the comforts of the Kentucky countryside
holding hands, laughing with my husband, Jim
while swimming in a sea of kids and grandkids

Well, old Bill has become an unpleasant memory
and despite all his doubts, I've done myself proud
wish I would've known then what I know now
what I know now, I wish I would've known then

"Look What I've Become"

Sitting here, thinking back on the events of yesterday
I haven't lived a perfect life, but I have done okay
when my daughter came home from school
she shared with me some troubling things
the other kids' parents told her about me

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