» Poetry » Random rhymes !, tarcus [important books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Random rhymes !, tarcus [important books to read .txt] 📗». Author tarcus

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singlets of mist atop the hillside.
Moths, their desires stretched and divided!
Waltz in a wafting breeze,
tempting fate;
As the hum of the hunger of a myriad of pipistrelle bats nears the dance floor,
How delicate the interplay, between them,
It is perfection to be seen each and every day.

What right has humanity to stifle such beauty?

Longer lived than man shall ever be!
She will have her world returned slowly;
Yet unquiet, her resources gathering pace;
Typhoon here,
Hurricane there, minor tremors,
Erupting volcanic residue slipping ever upwards,
Toward final destination.

Fate comes to all who wait patiently,
Mother Nature is imbued with ample patience to see off mortal man.
A pity she can't save all who will perish before her might;
But; rest assured;
Something more worthwhile shall take of humanities place.
Another species of moth
To entertain in their twilight romance,
As they face the moon and dance.


As the skylark laid down the dawn chorus
My heart was opened to the world
Finding solace in the arms of family again
Realising the amount of love they offered

Re-ingratiated into the family home
Heartbeat drumming at thoughts of disaster
Finding new hopes in resurrection
Looking closely at my own reflection
Once more able to stand inspection

Fighting over rival thoughts
Many sinless now dismissed
You saw us flounder and held us steady
Returning to those we missed.

The promised land now lies ahead
Following dreams once more ignited
Allowed to stumble but never fall
Till death itself divide us

It’ll be a long journey
But still we fumble in the dark
How much longer do we have
How much time have we wasted?

As the skylark laid down the dawn chorus
My heart was opened to the world
Finding solace in the arms of family again
Realising the amount of love they offered

JUST DO IT (for Bukowski)

Don't do it if it hurts your eyes
Don't do it if it’s not a surprise
Don’t do it if the wind is blowing
Don't do it if it looks like snowing

Do it only in best of light
Do it only if Armageddon in sight
Do it to prove you can delight
Do it and be damned, you know its right

Do it in the morning, in the evening too,
Do it front or back of house,(Hell do it in the loo,)
Do it till your fingers bleed, till your heart can pump no more
Do it till all that’s left of you is drained and on the floor

Don't let them think they can stop you
Don't let them think they've won
As you waken every morning think only new day begun
Express Exasperation convey contemporise verbs
Induce incandescent outrage
Use explicit and demographic words

But whatever you do in your writing
As long as it takes you to think
Get it down quick on the paper
Lest it festers and lets off a stink.


Nearly midnight and the sun is still awake
Dreamily disappearing past the treetops oe'r the lake
An owl cries in the distance as the pipistrelle flashes by
Lost in our misty memories we ask each other why.

Because I always thought you were the best,
The others couldn’t compete,
And anyways when I walked you home
It was just in the very next street.

I knew your mom and dad were fine and so to was your brother
But after that first kiss under the moon I could never want another,
My heart was pounding ten times fast my skin was blotched and red,
It took me nearly three whole hours before I was calm enough for bed.

The excitement of your perfume combined with salty skin
Was enough to drive me to distraction I had a warmness from within,
The giggle you made when I touched your nose the laughter all night through
All of these little things and more made me fall in love with you.

The moon appearing on the horizon, enhancing stars twigh-light
Alone we'll sit and reminisce see if we get things right,
The first meeting we had the first kiss we both meant
The first time that you blushed the first night we both spent.
The first kick of our first born the first kick of our last
The first realisation of time moving too fast
The first time you said sorry the first time that I lied
When I said I’d be strong for you the moment you died
Realising through all of this I still hadn't cried.

Another year gone another solstice watch and up upon the door stoop I put another notch,
Hopefully not many more though it's always been a pleasure,
I am getting way to lonely now I want to be with you my treasure.

They found the broken body at the bottom of the hill
The only chance of witness was the flapping pipistrelle
A lonely hurried creature swiftly gathering for his strife
Had to be home before morning, had to be there for his wife.


Haunting, as moonlight clouded,
shrouded, by a million bats in migration
my love for you also is hidden.

Daunting, the prospect of decision
to be made as the sun arrives once more,
to warm the ground in its path.

Mourning, the last chance of salvation
removed from the contest as
warming thoughts return at the first kiss.

Fawning, as a lovelorn swain
over the loss of a malformed sheep,
amidst a field of thousands.

Dawning, the realisation that not all are as bad as the other
when it comes to love,
only your own heart can know.


Hold still neath black curtain of foreboding doom,
cast swiftly away by presence of gloom
Room to manoeuvre,
cast doubt to the eyes
slowly awaken,
in light from sunrise.

Twirling, hurling, masses,
relieved of uncertainty,
roll quickly away from the harsh bright light,
Discourse abounds,
the increasing of sounds spells death to the unknown,
Now come plainly in sight!

Relief to the young,
as once more reflections are seen,
strength to the elders,
as true to their word life has been.

More feelings desired,
more questions,
another day has begun
more reason rejoice again,
the inevitable return of the sun.


On passionate purple pond,
lived Primrose Petula Park,
Renowned for her pronunciation,
as well as her love of the dark.

One evening erring errands,
eradicating pain,
Ermintrude Edmilson,
came into her life again.

Had been many years since Primrose,
had thoughts about her friend,
truth was,
that day they parted!
both thought it was the end.

A fire,
kindled briefly,
when both their teenage years,
Quenched quietly each evening,
would lead to naught but tears.

Caught holding of each other
by the mistress of the day,
both scolded,
scarred and beaten,
with Ermintrude sent away.

resurgent feelings re ignite,
Primrose Petula Park,
now a friend again of light.


Water vapours, slowly rising,
spring time cuckoos call;
first a dove, perhaps a wolf, a rocket ship to mars,
for little boys their precious toys,
dinosaurs, dragons, cars.

How quick they change,
both floaty yet frightening,
howling thunder followed by lightening,
still in the distance! A sliver of silver,
the winds now slow the howl a quiver

shapes and dreams of angels schemes,
guide us one and all.


Your eyes look quiet now,
almost serene,
Unlike I have seen them before,

perhaps it was the madness !
(yours or mine Who cares)
that stopped me from appreciating just how soulful they were.

At least they stayed where they belong,
inside your head,
Unlike your brain which is lying here in front of me.
Try as I might I can still not see where you hide your logic?.

To say that you would rather die than go out with someone like me!
well at least I have helped you achieve your ambition,
which must,
I think,
be in with your logic.

Perhaps I missed it when I disembowelled you!

Don't go anywhere,

I will go and check..........................


Beware all little greebles,
as darkness draws nigh
For the hornswags are watching,
way up in the sky,
when you fall asleep,
you're dreams they will find
and come of the morning,
they'll take of your mind.

Oft in the past,
when the moonlight was pale
hornswags would taunt us,
fear would prevail,
now take of you're medicine,
like good greebles do,
for nesstleberry juice,
is what makes you get through.

One day in the future,
perhaps maybe soon
a saviour will find us,
and maybe for one dubloon,
he'll take of the hornswags,
and merry we'll be
and sleep once more safely,
without nesstle berry.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
as the mist of dawn subside,
The Greebles meet for breakfast,
neath the oak where they abide,
some they talk in whispers,
hoping this day will be their best,
that at last they'll beat the Hornswag,
and put their town to rest.

For in the place that they call home,
they are never free to roam,
while the Hornswag in the night preys on the young,
as the elders struggle to keep,
their young ones as they sleep,
with nestleberries wrapped around their tongue.

Its the only way to calm them,
as they know that it wont harm them,
like a sleeping draught,
it blankets out their dreams,
For the Hornswag while he's flying,
never ceases trying,
to hone in on all ideas and schemes.

Twenty years now and still countin,
since they dislodged him off the mountain,
While mining froobie gems,
to sell at crickle mart,
Like a winged avenger beating,
searching children memories for the eating,
Tis a good job the Greebles are all heart.

Now the waiting it is over,
for they found a friend in rover,
he comes this day to set the world to right,
ever fearless never tiring,
he will stop the beast from flying,
it was to be an all out awesome fight.

First one,
and then the other,
had control,
or was in bother,
kicking in the hay,
Then a Greeble with shot clear,
unleashed the silver spear,
the Hornswag would not see another day.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
as the moon was slowly rising,
The Greebles met for supper,
promising kids they'd have a lie-in,
They shout with joy and laughter,
frighten rooks from out the rafter,
With the Hornswag now defeated,
they could live here everafter.


Rainbow painted warrior,
adrift on a sea of toxic waste,
shall one ever know what lies beneath the surface.
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