» Poetry » Voices Of The Heart, Emmenay [best management books of all time .TXT] 📗

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the Muslim nation.
Beware! O people of the world,
Beware of this one-eyed Impostor,
Who hides his face from everyone,
Who wreaks havoc and destruction.
Beware! O people of the world,
The tall towers have crumbled down,
The one-eyed man, it's his doing,
He is out to destroy every town.
Beware! O wise women and men,
The anti-Christ is out on the prowl,
Defaming religions and goodness,
Writing terror with an angry scowl.
Beware! O wise women and men,
Beware of the one-eyed impostor,
The final conflict has begun,
The time for the Messiah has come.


O floating denizens of domains, unseen,
Vampires surround my whole being,
O guardian angels of the Holy God,
Wherefore have you vanished from the scene?
O my beloved, when you look at me,
With a questioning stare in your starry eyes,
I am desperately lost, I seek support,
To come up with what you want as replies.
I picked up a fallen petal of a plucked rose,
And found a dewdrop hidden inside,
The mysteries of Nature are beyond reach,
An unwept tear in every flower glows.
A term has to be endured on this land,
Bearing everything flung by time's hand,
A result of red hot passion I am,
Moulded and fashioned in the form of man.
The murky hearted of this scum filled place,
Have forgotten the worth of spiritual grace,
Hiding their darkness they think they are fair,
Their black and white fighting to be in place.

(32) BORED

Waves are good company:
Bored I am of neon signs
And the false ways of people.


It sails away like a caravel,
On a voyage of no return,
Taking away my good moments,
Never ever to return.
It sailed away with my childhood,
I knew not why and when,
So will it one day, for good,
Take youth to its haven.
I have quite a few good friends,
As good as a man can have,
It will disperse them at different ends,
Leaving me alone to crave.
The good times that I have with them,
Will vanish completely,
On its misty tides will they all go,
To an unknown entity.
So, gone forever, down it goes,
Borne by the winds that close,
Some reflections cherished by me,
Will I see them again? Who knows!


Through long and tedious paths I have come,
In search of the Truth that is only One,
Even the water of life I disdained,
Longing to be a part of the Eternal One.
Many saints and savants on the way I met,
And jokers and jugglers who laughed and said,
Here is someone at whom we can laugh,
Here is a pilgrim on whom we can't bet.
Then came some maidens, as fine as silk,
Fresh and ravishing like honeyed milk,
For a while they bewitched me with their charms,
Short-lived was their spell, soon did I flee.
Now I am at the point where the worlds meet,
Tired but hopeful, at Your great seat.


To choose becomes difficult for me sometimes,
As difficult as the dark clouds hovering,
Trying to shed rain in June;
As difficult as leaving a loved one,
After a long time spent together;
As difficult as watching the moon,
In unfriendly weather;
As difficult as for a flower,
Trying to avoid a bee;
As difficult as trying to avoid,
A gaze from beautiful eyes;
As difficult as forcing a smile,
From a heart heavy with grief;
As difficult as controlling,
The tear that overwhelms us.
As difficult as accepting,
That youth and age have merged;
In short I found it is hard to choose,
When there is little choice, left to choose.


Let's seek a place, somewhere, my heart,
Somewhere, where no soul belongs,
Let's speak out the pains we share,
The thousand and one wounds we have got.
Let the waves come and wash our words,
Let the clouds hide the sun above,
Let the sand bury the marks we leave,
Let no one hear the thoughts unheard.
Let's try to spend some days, carefree,
Without disturbance, without worry,
Let the body and mind blend with us,
Let the spirit be freed from agony.
I have dreamt that we can do it somehow,
Let's disappear for a while, let's flee,
Let those who claim they care about us,
Let them keep claiming, till eternity.


Silence, at times, sends shudders through me,
It is as if I can hear Hell hiss,
I am afraid of keeping such company,
Which to others is like bliss.
Solitude and sea waves,
City lights and plazas,
O, what a constrast,
The undefined path paves.
I tried my best to reshape,
The course of my destiny,
But I slipped, fell and got hurt,
As the Writer pulled a cape.
I came here to serve you,
But the tidal wave prevailed,
You just did not need me,
So all my efforts failed.
Oh, please let me be,
Let the noises hoot and shout,
Let darkness let loose its ghosts,
I have my Saviour beside me.


(A Renga on “Revelation” with Deborah Russell)

Deborah Russell: Cuckoo (C) begins stanzas. Emmenay: Pilgrim (P) responds:

Autumn announces
In the nimbus of red sun
What colour are leaves?

Rainbow sweeps doubts
We are the best
Why look at colours?

I am what i am
My eyes crystallize colours
The canvas is white

White hides mysteries
Heart a prism
Soul is on the throne

Raw umber of flesh
Cadmium a midas coat
A Joseph-coat waits

Blind steep cave
Deceived by promises
Dream becomes reality

Rivers flow like shroud
Mystery of white suffused
That is the promise

Life water sparkles
All barriers broken
Isn't faith a mystic?

All men prophecy
Interpret dreams and translate
Yet only faith knows

Silence is wisdom
The Sufi understands
What is left to explain?

Silence a variant
Solace the definition
Do trees have wisdom?

Heartbeats are heard
By a chosen few
Ask the olive branch

Many eyes seek peace
Olive branches and ointment
Where is the mercy?

Mercy is peace
Deep are still waters
The heart is resplendent

The vineyard remains
Generations produce fruit
Is wine a liquid?

Matter becomes extinct
Zamzam* refreshes
Ah, how will be Kauthar*?

Thirty five metres
Seeped in pilgrims tradition
Why I am not chosen?

-- P
Hallaj* said Anal Haqq*
They chopped him, he laughed
Where is his greater cross?

Weighs heavy within the heart
This necklace a cross.

* Zamzam: A water spring at the Holy Kaaba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Kauthar: The spring in Paradise where thirsty believers will be refreshed with heavenly water; Hallaj: Mansoor Al-Hallaj, a mystic who was decapitated and hanged in Baghdad, Iraq, for saying ‘Anal Haqq’ meaning ‘I am the truth’.
Deborah Russell is a well known American poetess whose poems can be read at http:/

(39) FAITH

Renga with Deborah Russell

Emmenay: Pilgrim (P) begins Renga and Deborah Russell, Cuckoo (C) responds:

Cobwebs entangle
Lizards, bats stare
Angel on horizon?

The sun rises in east
Horizontal perspective
Where is the answer?

Western shadows melt
Eyes and heart rejoice
Wondrous signs appear

In silence of trees
The language of great mountains
Are there no shadows?

Sun swallows darkness
Valleys know the secret
Dawn of revelation

In absence of light
Prevalent absolution
A photon of faith

Blackened mirror lies
Light is eternal
Ask the fallen dark wings

Diamond refractions
Cobalt crystal persuasions
Man becomes airborne?

Autumn's spell over
Ray of hope dazzles
Pegasus* left behind

Absolute zero
The carnage of religions
Yet faith reconstructs

Staff obeys faith
Magicians bewildered
A nation finds freedom

Mountains rise from earth
Crumble into deep oceans
Are stars infinite?

Comets are pegs
My world is above
Beyond dimensions

Between here and there
Numerous tangents and lines
What measure is faith?

Infinite orbits wait
Hang on with trust
Limitless vistas smile

Congruence defines
Subjugates infinity
Is trust a resolve?

Creation in abeyance
We are venerated
What do I see?

Myopic visions
The creator of all light
Blindness erases

All galaxies bow
Faith wins battle
Lucifer's legion falls


(Renga with Deborah Russell)
Deborah Russell, Cuckoo (C) starts Renga as Emmenay, Pilgrim (P) responds.

Under cold moonlight
Tree shadows cross snowy street
Still stars in my eyes?

Damp misty, street light
Lone stranger puffs for warmth
Keats, Fannie - Destiny


Above stars in sky
My eyes travel the journey
This long night gallops


Cirius shines in the eyes,
Full moon cannot dull the glow,
Weary eyebrows dim feelings.

Millions of stars shine
Many poems write the night sky
Could this be heaven?

Lightning flash from afar
Storm threatens my very sight
Will your song comfort me?

Moon writes river song
Notes sparkle in movements
What poetry speaks?

Reflection glistens
Clouds float past soft moonbeams
Parallel our roads of dreams

On narrow woods path
Moonlight breaks shadow direction
Where is destiny?

Trees lurk like demons
Divine light of love helps
Will you be my guide?


Pitch black scene,
Howling of wolves,
Where is light?


What is this place O my friends,
What do all these scenes say;
Everywhere that this gaze goes,
Darkness leads the way.
For years have I sought truth,
And the sight to discern it,
Now why does the owl hoot,
Am I going astray?
Things were never like this,
Totally trapped am I,
The old lock does not open,
No matter how much I try.
Deep inside this heart of mine,
There lived a thing called hope,
Whereto has it disappeared,
As I slip down the slope.


You left without a word of farewell,
Leaving me to cope with everything:
Pain, suffering, loss and memories,
All for what? To wrap up nothing?
Do you want me to travel far in time?
Tell me, if you can, from wherever you are:
Tell me, why you left me quietly,
Suddenly, without a reason or a rhyme?
Do you want me to travel far in time,
To find out about your quiet departure?
What more do you want to impose,
On me, already wrecked by disaster?
What did I not do to make you carefree,
To see smiles lighting up your being,
My bygone childhood and my days of youth,
What has remained - to see you happy?
You wanted everything your own way,
To a great extent you had your own say,
Mother, myself, my brother and sisters,
Of all, who helped you most night and day?
Even on the day before, you held your own,
Wanting me to be a sufferer,
When that too happened you increased the pain,
And left, sans farewell, to a realm unknown.
The grass decays and the rain effaces,
The grave is the last scene in this life's play,
But your
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