» Poetry » Recovering the Sacred, Dhyaanavati [books for 5 year olds to read themselves txt] 📗

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white marrow
of the golden flame
into the living
presence of
a fleeting moment,
where every notion and
each frame of time
collapses in
This is
the way of
utter restfulness:
thro the soft
and impregnable
absorbing darkness,
where the Self nestles
consuming the world,
down into the empty
nesting ground
of existence;

Let the whole
body be ablaze with
the Flame of Awareness,
so that the awakened one
explodes in one’s own

his seat
of Flame in
the Heart Rose
of the cosmic shaft
the Master whispers thus
revealing the occult secrets of
the yore, on the watch for
souls ready to receive
his gift and glow.

An Echo of His Call
in a Narrow Passage
to the Other Shore

I am all around you, in
everything you see and feel,
your own experiencing soul,

and the best way
to reach Me is to
dive deep within

and dwell in
the pulsing core
of inner light, till all
you sense and cling on
to as a prop irrevocably
dissipate in a void of
being’s absolute

When the thoughts that
construct the world
you experience
turn to face
the experiencer
and experiencing itself,
when the I-thought, the root
cause of all divides, coalesces
with its source, you become
no other than Me: Flame
of manifesting Reality,
the fusing of its pure
Radiance with My
Truth-nature of
Eternal Bliss

Then only
you realize
the real: you
are not, I alone
am. Utterly simple,
is it not! But rare is one
who truly wants to know it.

About the Authoress

The authoress is a wandering wonderer on this beautiful living planet of ours and a lover of the Great Mystery of Existence. She walks, crouches, or dances her path slowly awakening to the reality that her path walks, struggles through, or dances her as it unfolds and shapes itself in curious ways.
Always on the look for a deeper and more complete integration of body, mind, heart, and being, of passion, emotion, knowledge, and innocence, of sensuality, creativity, and spirituality, she has attempted many a trail in this labyrinth of the self-world entanglement. In the darkest nights, by grace of the original Benevolence, she has managed to keep alive, as a guiding light through the most challenging ordeals, a fundamental intuition of love, goodness, beauty, and wisdom of a greater Whole, to which at last she has found herself belonging.

She grew up in a small Mediterranean town on the coast of Montenegro (former Yugoslavia), studied psychology and worked in the mental health field both in Croatia and California (USA). Increasingly restless and discontent with the limitations of the mainstream Western thought, she joined those disillusioned adventurers all over the world in turning to the East for the light of more encompassing and profound truths and a flight into the unknown.

After years of imbibing the teachings from the eastern, in particular Indian spiritual heritage, to the extent of her receptive capacity, she got stuck in the upper-body (so-called “disembodied”) spirituality and was subtly guided to turn to the Earth wisdom traditions of indigenous peoples. Becoming familiar with the world shamanic practices through the groundbreaking experiential programs offered by Foundation for Shamanic Studies, San Francisco, California, and having her own glimpses of a shamanic cosmos and experience, she started recovering a deep connectedness to her own body, the Earth community, and the whole Nature. This was a major turning point in her spiritual quest, infused now with a new vigor and juiciness.

Another step towards a greater integration she made by completing a cutting edge MA program—Philosophy, Cosmology, Consciousness—at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, a unique pioneering institution of the open-minded, experimental, creative and soulful scholarly community, founded by Haridas Chaudhuri, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo, on the principles of his integral thought.

And when in July 2006 she first met Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened Master of 21st century, and later experienced the transformative power of his subtle workings—through his both fun and informative, delightful and revitalizing as well as deeply moving, revealing, and ground shaking workshops, programs, or mere sittings in his presence—all the previous steps appeared to be just preparations for a greatest yet adventure. He has influenced her in a most profound, intense, and thorough way. With Paramahamsa Nithyananda she started discovering some aspects of the unparalleled intricacies, depths, intensity, and richness of the great living tradition of the Guru-sishya relationship, which includes and transcends all other relations. He gave her a spiritual name, Dhyaanavati Ananda, to which she has been opening her inner space—to let her being grow into its meaning.

Recovering the Sacred is the authoress’ second book of poetry in English. The first book, Throbbing of His Seed in the Tomb of Mine, Womb of Light, is pending.

Previously she had published poems in her native tongue, in Croatia and Serbia. For the first time a set of poems in English was published in an Indian magazine, Mathru Bhoomi, under the name Janetta Finn, on the occasion of Sathya Sai Baba’s 77th birthday.

She resorts to the poetic expression (or any other creative expression, if the channel is available) when overwhelmed with a complexity of meaning or intensity of feelings that cannot be confined to a discursive thought-form or a common logical word sequence.

In a way, the verses are the vessels that hold the uncontainable, and the poems a means to scan the inner happenings and facilitate the growth of sensitivity to and awareness of the subtler movements and processes.

The authoress’ love for the enlightened Master has untapped a deeper source of inspiration and brought about a new poetic unfolding and aesthetics.

She currently resides in Bengalooru, enjoying hospitality of this amazing urban caldron that thrives midst all the apparent contradictions. She considers India her spiritual motherland, to whose fertile soils and cornucopia of offerings to the world she bows in deep gratitude.


Publication Date: 08-04-2009

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To Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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