» Poetry » A Compendium of 4 Winter Poems & all other supplementary poems., By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [reading like a writer .txt] 📗

Book online «A Compendium of 4 Winter Poems & all other supplementary poems., By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [reading like a writer .txt] 📗». Author By Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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23) Dominant Day. --- --- -------
24) Self Contemplation --- --- -------
25) B*E*A*U*T*Y. --- --- -------
26) Riven Real Relations
27) Civil Chamaleons .. --- --- -------
28) Time Table
30) Reminiscence.
31) Impact of Act.
32) Inevitable adieu.

33) Peer into Newyear

At your leisure, with you pleasure,
When nothing doing, nowhere going,
Herein are my gems of poems,
Enjoy reading, read enjoying,
May recite them in a room echoing !

By Ashwini Kumar Goswami.


Let me blissfully have words in your ear,
“Happy, Happier, Happiest new year !
Hear these words and happen to cheer,
And forward them similarly far or near !
The newer the year, the older are we,
Whatever happens, optimistically see !
Love all people and animals as well,
So will they reciprocate surely, I tell !
Talk every time in your sweetest voice,
That will make you a person of choice !
Then everywhere you can well rejoice,
Whether you are silent or making noise !
That’s dogmatically dynamic device,
Verily viable against vulgarity and vice !
Life is a gambling to throw your dice,
Hopefully ever for result to be nice !
God helps those who help themselves,
Whether they be “havenots” or “haves” !
Do your duty unmindful of result,
Mind not whether it’s easy or difficult !

“A Cordial Call!”

Hi !
Good morning/noon/afternoon/evening

Every poet/poetess reading or listening !

Stretching, I am, my hands of friendship,

To be tagged ever with a cordial strip !

Poetic unity is very powerful prudence,

Exchange of views thus up-keeps our sense !

Ergo, earnestly I look forward for friendship,

It’s my mere well-wishing, not at all a whip !


(1) Alliteration (2) Allusion (3) Assonance (4) Bravery;
(5) Comedy (6) Diction (7) Elegy/Threnody (8) Epics;
(9) Free Verse/vers libre (10) Legend (11) Lyric (12) Metaphor;
(13) Metres (14) Monologue/dialogue (15) Myth (16) Oxymoron;
Parody (18) Prosody (19) Renaissance (20) ReverIE/Day-Dream;
(21) Rhyme (22) Rhythm (23) Tragedy (24) Travesty and
(25) Stanzas – Couplet; tercet; quatrain; rhyme royal; ottava rima;
spensarian stanza; and sonnet.
ADDENDA: PLEASE ALSO ADD:- “Humour”, “Pentameter” And
“Sestet ” suitably to the above list of “Poetic Parameters” and
also “Pronunciation”, “Musical Tone” and
(26) "Poetic Licence."

A poet is he who knows and understands,
At least something about the above 26 poetic trends !
While reading or writing any poems,
The above trends add to poems, wordy poetic gems !
Those who write poetry unmindful of above trends,
Their effort always needs unwanted amends !
Critics, too, should be ever well conversant,
They are supposed more competent to make comment !
Their role more and more is very important,
They should never hesitate for even adverse comment !
No matter, whosoever, may be the poet’s name,
Not the name, but poem is his claim of fame !
Carelessly writing away from above trends,
Results in unusually piling numerous poems,
Meekly I come forward, every poet, to implore,
Not to write any poetry, which may badly bore !



I recall, I cherished poetic passion since I was just seven,
Ab initio, I often pondered over then, hell and heaven !
My Papa used to take me to his office alongwith him,
Officials loved me too much, as I was frolicsome and slim !
English type-writers whenever free, I was allowed to avail,
I used to type poetry thereon, to preserve poetry to prevail !
Irksome is felt now, when I knew that stuff is misplaced,
Despite all efforts, those my works couldn't be yet traced !
Long gap occurred thereafter, for my cardiac block,
I had to undergo bypass surgery, causing a writer’s block !
During its long aftercare, I kept from poetry quite aloof,
However, p4poetry forum, attracted me to show my proof !
My contribution to this forum, emerged ambitiously thence,
It was June of preceding year, I attempted my poetry exactly whence !
To my best of worth, I continue yet my contribution,
Cocksure, I am, always, my each poem is well-praised intuition !
Similarly, I expect all poets to adopt an attribution,
Not to reserve their work and worth, without distribution !
As all are not provided with credible crowdy audience,
Poetry is a distinct device to prove your skill and sense !
Eternal is poetry, may be poets naturally mortal,
Their name and fame preserves poetry, making it immortal !
Kalidas, Surdas, Tulidas &c., apparently appear alive,
Whenever read their poesy, they seem to yet survive !

“Poetic Induction”

Action, fraction, attraction, detraction,
Intention, detention, retention, contention,
Collection, selection, affection, perfection,
Ambition, addition, creation, edition,
Question, function, station, junction,
Mention, tuition, pollution, institution,
Section, infection, correction, injection,
Anticipation, rectification, multiplication,
Satiation, satisfaction, sanctification,
Implication, complication, simplification,
Equation, solution, regulation, narration,
Nation, devotion, promotion, demotion,
Clarification, ratification, verification,
Motion, ration, duration, emotion,
Notion, commotion, inaction, dejection,
Inspection, elimination, examination,
Detection, protection, eruption, deletion,
Diction, addiction, adduction, abduction,
Conjunction, inaction, precaution, interjection,
Aviation, navigation, salvation, irrigation,
Prevention, protection, deduction, reduction,
Convention, aspiration, correction, desperation,
Rotation, rendition, position, condition,
Invention, mention, quotation, notation,
Petition, repetition, deviation, allocation,
Fixation, dictation, description, prescription,
Tradition, exhibition, absorption, competition,
Suction, construction, introduction, instruction,
Capitation, indication, taxation, syndication,
Over them all, are selection, election,
Dominant all over, the devil of corruption!
Liberal prostitution, lenient constitution!
Fear, we all should, abolition, demolition!?!?

What’s remnant, invites suggestion?

“The Presumptive Poets”
Artistes, musicians, poets are born, not made,
Whether they may be well-paid or unpaid !
People decide their class and grade,
On the basis of their bad or good laid !

We may have read a lot of poems,
Ornated with useless wordy gems !
Rarely we come across an alright poem,
Partially, though, we praise any of them !

To write a poem is not quite fun,
It’s as hard as to target the gun !
Read it so many, but hardly someone,
Who apprehends its quite real pun !

Those themselves are presumptive poets,
Entertain listeners from their own pockets !
They bear diaries and memory dockets,
As women wear bright chains ‘n’ lockets !

Earnestly, we should cudgel our mind,
How are we poets, genuinely to find ?
No recommendation is our self-praise,
Learning poetry very deep should be craze !

Elementary wit needs following aspects,
Grammar, glossary, rhyme exalt prospects !
Keep consulting veteran paragons,
Quite fruitful could be pros and cons !

The more we learn, the better wit we earn,
It may give us a prosperous turn !
English being a foreign language,
We have to learn it above average !

Should we be losing no any courage,
We could gain quite due coverage !
Good English gives us global image,
That may pay us everywhere homage !

Whether it’s an engine or a clock,
Save in vacuum, everywhere comes block !
Rocks in the ways cause some blocks,
So do everywhere, flocks and locks !

Some blocks are natural but ephemeral,
Some other being immovable, eternal !
Natural blocks occur without knocks,
As sure as regular crow of cocks !

Mental blocks cause irritating socks,
Think-tanks then are kept in locks !
Yoga-Pranayam can cleanse its docks,
To do away with any resultant
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