Genre Poetry. Page - 24
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I fell for lust so hard that it had me doing some wild things. My heart was so innocent at the time so I was easily fooled and taken advantage of. Had a run for my money literally. I was young and willing to make other people happy. Because I thought that would make people want to respect me but instead it made others take advantage of my innocence.

Jennifer Gisselbrecht Hyena (Government name Zalika Jewel Farley), known mainly and formidably by her official moniker, Samantha Komodo; formerly known by her past pen names of Aaron Solomon, Cheezi Dellbrecko, and Mwezi Desoto, is a female spotted hyena (choosing to reincarnate into a Spotted Hyaenidae as well) and Canadian/African rapper/lyricist. She has been writing series of more than many fiction/action/thriller series book since the tender cub age of five; with her most famous hits