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How and Why America went from being the richest empire on earth to 3rd world status.If you have been paying attention your aware that The EU (European Union) is in the middle of a Great Debt Depression. Countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece and Cyprus face total disaster. Their economies are ruined for generations to come. And whats going on over there is really scary but if that’s scary then this is out right terrifying, the US now has more debt than every country in the

Western civilization has entered an epic phase of profound crisis. The crisis is not of external enemies, though their role is a factor. Nor is the crisis economic, political, cultural, ecological, demographic, or a product of warfare, though these features of a civilization’s existence also have a bearing. Largely unconsciously, we of this age are living through what are likely the final paroxysms of a dying civilization. Western civilization, like others before it, is experiencing the entropy

As an Indian citizen, I find challenges get added every year. Yet, the younger generation is ready to tackle the challenges and achieve the best as they wished to happen. In a world that reels under pressure at all levels, life has become a challenge and worth living.

In this book the author compiled the confessions of many Economic Hit men who distroyed the economy of poor countries by using the tools of debts, financial aid, privitization etc

A summary of Dwight D. Eisenhower's life and presidency. Was this a successful term or not? It's up to you to decide. From his military carreer to...

He may be the most dangerous man to ever hold the office. Though heralded by the media as a nearly messianic figure, it soon became apparent that Barack Obama could not live up to the promise. In fact, he threatens America's system of limited constitutional government and individual liberty. In "The Obama File", social theorist Frederick Meekins traces the movement of the Obama phenomena and exposes a number of the shocking ideological assumptions behind the rise of those out to

Narcissistic and psychopathic leaders come in all shapes and degrees of virulence. Learn to recognize them in various settings (the workplace, religion, politics) and to cope with the toxic fallout of their "leadership".