» Psychology » Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts, Herbert Silberer [good inspirational books .txt] 📗

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get narrower toward the end and indeed so close that I was afraid that we would not get through. I went out first, my brother behind me; I was glad when I got out of the passage and woke with a beating heart.” Addenda. “The way was very dark, more like a mine. We couldn't see, except in the distance the end, like a light in a mine shaft. I closed my eyes.” Stekel notes on the dreams of F. S.: “The dream is a typical birth dream. The head postillion is the father. The dreamer wants to reverse the birth relations of his brother who is ten years older than he. ‘I went out first, my brother after me.’ ”

Another beautiful example in Stekel: “Inter faeces et urinas nascimur.” [We are born between faeces and urine] says St. Augustine. Mr. F. Z. S. contributes an account of his birth which strongly reminds us of the sewer-theory.

“I went into the office and had to pass a long, [pg 092] narrow, uneven alley. The alley was like a long court between two houses and I had the indefinite feeling that there was no thoroughfare. Yet I hurried through. Suddenly a window over me opened and some one, I believe a female, spilled the wet contents of a vessel on me. My hat was quite wet and afterwards I looked at it closer and still noticed the traces of a dirty gray liquid. Nevertheless, I went on without stopping, and quickened my steps. At the end of the alley I had to go through the house that was connected by the alley with the other. Here I found an establishment (inn?) that I passed. In this establishment were people (porters, servants, etc.) engaged in moving heavy pieces of furniture, etc., as if these were being moved out or rearranged. I had to be careful and force my way through. Finally I came to the open on a street and looked for an electric. Then I saw on a path that went off at an angle, a man whom I took for an innkeeper who was occupied in measuring or fastening a hedge or a trellis. I did not know exactly what he was doing. He was counting or muttering and was so drunk that he staggered.”

Stekel: “In this dream are united birth and effects of the forbidden or unpermissible. The dreamer goes back over the path—evidently as an adult. The experiences represent an accusation against the mother. This accusation was not without reason. Mr. F. Z. S. had a joyless childhood. His mother was a heavy drinker. He witnessed her [pg 093] coitus with strangers. (Packing up = coitus.) The packers and porters are the strange men who visited his inn (his mother was also his nurse) in order to store heavy objects, etc. Finally he was obstructed in his birth, for a man is occupied in measuring. The father was a surveyor (the innkeeper). In the dream, furthermore, he was measuring a trellis-fence. Both trellis and hedge are typical dream symbols of obstacles to copulation.”

Comparing Sections 10 and 11 of the parable carefully with the contents of this dream, we find astonishing correspondences. Notice the details, e.g., the rosebushes, the sun, the rain, the hedge. On the “well builded house” of Section 10, I shall only remark that Scherner has noticed in this connection that the human body represents a building. “Well built house” signifies “beautiful body.”

If we remember that the wanderer reverses the way of birth, we shall not be surprised that he finds a smaller garden in the larger. That is probably the uterus. The wanderer attains the most intimate union with his ideal, the mother, in imagining himself in her body. This phantasy is continued still less ambiguously,—but I do not wish to anticipate. Be it only said: He possesses his mother as a spouse and as a child; it is as if in the desire to do everything better than his father he desires to beget himself anew. We already know the mythological motives of new creation, that should follow the forcible separation of the parents and that we have not yet [pg 094] noticed in the parable. Shall the better world still be created, the dismembered paternal power be renewed, the lion again be brought to life?

The rectangular place in the garden suggests a grave. A wall in a dream means, among other things, a cemetery wall and the garden, a cemetery. And widely as these ideas may be contrasted with the lifegiving mother's womb, they yet belong psychologically in very close connection with her. And perhaps not only psychologically.

Stekel tells a dream of Mrs. Delta in which occurs “an open square space, a garden or court. In the corner stood a tree, that slowly sinks before our eyes as if it were sinking in water. As the tree and the court also made swinging motions, I cleverly remarked, ‘Thus we see how the change in the earth's surface takes place.’ ” The topmost psychic stratum of the dream reveals itself as an earthquake reminiscence. “Earth” leads to the idea of “Mother Earth.” The tree sinking into it, is the tree of life, the phallus. The rectangular space is the bedroom, the marriage bed. The swinging motions characterize the whole picture still better. The earthquake, however, contains, as is found in the analysis, death thoughts also. The rectangular space becomes a grave. Even the water of the dream deserves notice. “Babies come out of the water,” says an infantile theory of procreation. We learn later that the fœtus floats in amniotic liquor. This “water” lies naturally in “Mother Earth.” In contrast we have the water of the dead [pg 095] (river of the dead, islands of the dead, etc.). Both waters are analogous in the natural symbolism. It is the mythical abode of the people not yet, or no longer, to be found in the world.

As water will appear again at important points in the parable, I will dwell a little longer on that topic.

Little children come out of Holla's fountain, there are in German districts a number of Holla wells or Holla springs (Holla brunn?) with appropriate legends. Women, we are told, who step into those springs become prolific. Mullenhof tells of an old stone fountain in Flensburg, which is called the Grönnerkeel. Its clear, copious water falls out of four cocks into a wide basin and supplies a great part of the city. The Flensburgers hold this fountain in great honor, for in this city it is not the stork which brings babies, but they are fished out of this fountain. While fishing the women catch cold and therefore have to stay in bed. Bechstein (Fränk. Sagensch.) mentions a Little Linden Spring on a road in Schweinfurt near Königshofen. The nurses dip the babies out of it with silver pails, and it flows not with water but with milk. If the little ones come to this baby fountain they look through the holes of the millstone (specially mentioned on account of what follows) at its still water, that mirrors their features, and think they have seen a little brother or sister that looks just like them. (Nork. Myth d. Volkss., p. 501.)

From the lower Austrian peasantry Rank takes the following (Wurth. Zf. d. Mythol., IV, 140): [pg 096] “Far, far off in the sea there stands a tree near which the babies grow. They hang by a string on the tree and when the baby is ripe the string breaks and the baby floats off. But in order that it should not drown, it is in a box and in this it floats away to the sea until it comes into a brook. Now our Lord God makes ill a woman for whom he intended the baby. So a doctor is summoned. Our Lord God has already suggested to him that the sick woman will have a baby. So he goes out to the brook and watches for a long time until finally the box with the baby comes floating in, and he takes it up and brings it to the sick woman. And this is the way all people get their babies.”

I call attention briefly also to the legend of the fountain of youth, to the mythical and naturalistic ideas of water as the first element and source of all life, and to the drink of the gods (soma, etc.) Compare also the fountain in the verses previously quoted.

The bridal pair in the parable (Sec. 11) walk through the garden and the bride says they intend in their chamber to “enjoy the pleasures of love.” They have picked many fragrant roses. Bear in mind the picking of strawberries in Mr. T.'s dream. The garden becomes a bridal chamber. The rain mentioned somewhat earlier, is a fructifying rain; it is the water of life that drops down upon Mother Earth. It is identical with the sinking trees of Mrs. Delta's dream, with the power of creation developed by the wanderer, with the mythical drink of the gods, [pg 097] ambrosia, soma. We shall now see the wanderer ascend or descend to the source of this water of life. To gain the water of life it is generally in myths necessary to go down into the underworld (Ishtar's Hell Journey), into the belly of a monster or the like. Remember, too, that the wanderer puts himself back in his mother's womb. There is indeed the origin of his life. The process is still more significantly worked out in the parable.

The wanderer (Section 11, after the garden episode) comes to the mill. The water of the mill stream also plays a significant part in the sequel. The reader will surely have already recognized what kind of a mill, what kind of water is meant. I will rest satisfied with the mere mention of several facts from folklore and dream-life.

Nork (Myth. d. Volkss., p. 301 f.) writes that Fenja is of the female sex in the myth (Horwendil) which we must infer from her occupation, for in antiquity when only hand mills were as yet in use, women exclusively did this work. In symbolic language, however, the mill signifies the female organ (μυλλός from which comes mulier) and as the man is the miller, the satirist Petronius uses molere mulierem = (grind a woman) for coitus, and Theocritus (Idyll, IV, 48) uses μύλλω (I grind) in the same sense. Samson, robbed of his strength by the harlot, has to grind in the mill (Judges XVI, 21) on which the Talmud (Sota fol. 10) comments as follows: By the grinding is always meant the sin of fornication (Beischlaf). Therefore all the mills [pg 098] in Rome stand still at the festival of the chaste Vesta. Like Apollo, Zeus, too, was a miller (μυλεύς, Lykophron, 435), but hardly a miller by profession, but only in so far as he presides over the creative lifegiving principle of the propagation of creatures. It is now demonstrated that every man is a miller and every woman a mill, from which alone it may be conceived that every marriage is a milling (jede Vermählung eine Vermehlung), etc. Milling (vermehlung) is connected with the Roman confarreatio (a form of marriage); at engagements the Romans used to mingle two piles of meal. In the same author (p. 303 and p. 530): Fengo is therefore the personification of grinding, the mill (Grotti) is his wife Gerutha, the mother of Amleth or Hamlet. Grotti means both woman and mill. Greeth is only a paraphrase of woman. He continues, “Duke Otto, Ludwig of Bavaria's youngest son, wasted his substance with a beautiful miller's daughter named Margaret, and lived in Castle Wolfstein.... This mill is still called the Gretel mill and Prince Otto the Finner” (Grimm, D. S., No. 496). Finner means, like Fengo, the miller [Fenja—old Norman? = the milleress], for the marriage is a milling [Vermählung ist eine Vermehlung], the child is the ground grain, the meal.

The same writer (Sitt. u. Gebr., p. 162): “In concept the seed corn has the same value as the spermatozoon. The man is the miller, the woman the mill.”

In Dulaure-Krauss-Rieskel (Zeugung i. Glaub [pg 099] usw. d. Völk., p. 100 ff.) I find the following charm from the writings of Burkhard, Bishop of Worms: “Have you not done what some women are accustomed to do? They strip themselves of clothes, they anoint their naked bodies with honey, spread a cloth

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