» Psychology » The Psychology of Management, L. M. Gilbreth [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗

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are many roads that lead to progress. This road leads straightest and surest, — and we can but hope that the workers of all lands, and of our land in particular, will not wait till necessity drives, but will lead the way to that true "Brotherhood" which may some day come to be.

 1. H.L. Gantt, Work, Wages and Profits, p. 115, p. 121.

 2. Pp. 171-172.

 3. H.L. Gantt, Work, Wages and Profits, pp. 154-155.

 4. F.W. Taylor, Shop Management, para. 170, Harper Ed., p. 76.

 5. William James, Psychology, Advanced Course. Vol. II, p. 372.

 6. See remarkable work of Dr. A. Imbert, Evaluation de la Capacite de Travail d'un Ouvrier Avant et Apres un Accident; Les Methodes du Laboratoire appliquees a l'Etude directe et pratique des Questions ouvrieres.

 7. Clark and Wyatt, Macmillan, pp. 269-270.


Accidents, prevention by measuring devices, 114.
 prevention by standardization, 180.
"All Round" Men utilized by scientific management, 87.
Ambition, use of, 258.
American Journal of Physiology — 1904, 111.
Analysis, amount governed by nature of work, 126.
 definition of, 123.
 field of psychology in, 128.
 training should be provided in schools, 129.
 worker should understand process, 129.
Analysis and Synthesis, cost the determining factor, 127.
 effect on work of, 138.
 effect on worker of, 138.
 place in traditional management, 124.
 place in transitory management, 125.
 under scientific management, 125.
 use by psychology, 123.
Analysist, duties of, 126.
 qualifications of, 128.
Animals, standardization of work with, 170.
Appreciation, under scientific management, 325.
Apprentices, teaching of, 262.
Approbation, as an incentive, 304.
Athletic Contests, description of, 34.
Attention, forming habit of, 240.
 gaining of, 178.
 held by bulletin board, 241.
 relation to fatigue, 160.
 relation to instruction card, 241.
 relation to placing of workers, 161.

Babbage, Charles — "Economy of Manufacturers," 2, 76, 179.
Barth, C.G. — "A.S.M.E. Paper 1010," 78, 174.
Blan, L.B. — "Special Study of Incidence of Retardation," 29.
Body, relation of mind to, 48, 160.
Bonus, definition of, 288.
 investigation of loss of, 301.
Brashear, John, 81.
Breakdowns, prevented by measuring devices, 114.
Brotherhood, coming of, 332
 under scientific management, 328.
Bulletin Board, aids attention, 241.
 benefit of, 194.

Calkins, M.W. — "A First Book in Psychology," 22, 53, 171.
Card, instruction, 44.
Capacity, increasing of, 317, 329.
Class, relation to individual, 49.
Clothing, in sports, 167.
 standards, 166.
Constructiveness, benefits of, 260.
Contentment, under scientific management, 327.
Cooke, M.L. — "Bulletin No. 5 Carnegie Foundation," 9, 86, 94, 139.
Coöperation, necessity for, 102, 265, 332.
 relation to incentives, 304.
Cost, determining factor in analysis and synthesis, 127.
Curiosity, under scientific management, 255.

Dana, R.T. — "Handbook of Steam Shovel Work," 111.
Dana and Saunders — "Rock Drilling," 139.
Day, Charles — "Industrial Plants," 66.
Day Work, description of, 289.
Decision of choice, elimination of, 163.
Demonstration, value of, 227.
Development, mental, 313, 323.
 moral, 324.
Devices, standard, need for, 164.
Differential Bonus, description of, 300.
Differential Rate Piece, description of, 298.
Discharge, avoidance of, 306.
Disciplinarian, duties of, 68, 70.
Disciplining, psychology of, 71.
 under scientific management, 70, 72.
 under traditional management, 69.
Dodge, James M., 135.
 "Discussion to Paper 1119 A.S.M.E.," 131.
Driver management, 10.

Efficiency, controlling factor in, 3.
 measured by time and motion study, 115.
 securing of, 3.
Emulation, use of, 258.
"Engineering," London, Sept 15, 1911, 136.
Equipment, measured by motion study and time study, 108.
 standardization of, 163.
Errors, checking of, 112.
Exception principle, records made on, 187.
 value of, 188.

Fatigue, eliminating of, 159.
 importance of, 233.
 influence of distracted attention on, 160.
 relation to standards, 168.
Fear, treatment of, 252.
Fines, use of, 305.
First class man, definition of, 98, 152.
Foreman, duties of, 55.
 duties under scientific management, 64.
 qualifications of, 54, 55.
Foremanship, functionalized, 63.
Functional foreman, as teacher, 224.
Functional foremanship, teaching feature of, 63, 64.
Functionalization, definition of, 52.
 effect upon work of, 83.
 effect upon worker of, 85.
 under scientific management, 61, 81.
 under traditional management, 54.
 under transitory management, 61.
 use by psychology, 53.
Functions, basis of division into, 65.
 place of operation of, 66.

Gain-sharing, definition of, 293.
 objections to, 294.
Gang boss, duties of, 73.
Gang instruction card, description of, 45, 175.
Gantt, H.L. — "A.S.M.E. Paper 928," 95, 181.
 "A.S.M.E. Paper No. 1002," 55.
 "Work, Wages and Profits," 24, 84, 89, 93, 125.
Gilbreth, F.B. — "Bricklaying System," 130.
 "Cost Reducing System," 8, 35, 95, 127.
 "Motion Study," 4, 28, 134.
Gillette, H.P. — "A.S.E.C. Paper No. 1," 3, 111.
 "Cost Analysis Engineering," 55.
Gillette and Dana — "Cost Keeping and Management Engineering," 3, 53, 86.
Given man, definition of, 152.
Going, C.B. — "Methods of the Sante Fe," 158.
Government, duty in measurement of, 120.

Habit, importance of, 234.
 methods of instilling, 236.
 relation to standards, 235.
 relation to teaching, 235.
Habits, necessity of forming, 312.
 of attention, 24.
 of motions, right, 238.
 standardizing of, 164.
 under scientific management, 321.
Hathaway, H.K. — "Machinery," Nov., 1906, 84.
Holidays, effectiveness as reward, 303.

Idiosyncrasies, emphasis on, 50.
Iles, George — "Inventors at Work," 17.
Imagination, under scientific management, 248.
Imitation, use of, 256.
Improvement, physical, 322.
Incentives, classes of, 272.
 definition of, 271.
 direct, 275.
 importance of, 271.
 indirect, 272.
 individual, 46.
 relation to coöperation, 304.
 relation to interest, 242.
 relation to knowledge, 304.
 relation to standards, 140.
 result on work of, 310.
 result on worker of, 310.
 under scientific management, 279.
Individual, as unit, 50.
 differences respected, 246.
 importance of study of, 23.
 relation to class, 49.
Individuality, definition of, 21.
 development of, 50.
 psychological emphasis on, 22.
 recognition under scientific management, 27.
 recognition under transitory management, 26.
 relation to instruction card, 44.
 relation to standardization, 149.
 relation to teaching, 46.
 result upon work, 46.
 result upon worker, 47.
 status under traditional management, 24.
Industrial engineering, 106.
Industrial peace, relation of scientific management to, 331.
Initiative, records of, 185.
Initiative and Incentive Management, 10.
Inspector, duties of, 75.
Instruction card, as teacher, 221.
 clerk, duties of, 67.
 contents of, 154.
 definition of, 153.
 educative value of, 156.
 gang, 45.
 help to memory of, 176.
 individuality under, 44.
 language of, 157.
 relation to attention, 241.
 types of, 154.
Interest, relation to incentives, 242.
Interim management, 11.
Invention, fostered by comparing methods, 107.
Invention, relation scientific management, 136.
 under standardization, 179.

James, William — "Psychology," 7.
 "Psychology, Briefer Course," 22.
Job, long time, provision for, 83.
 short time, provision for, 82.
Journeymen, teaching of, 262.
Judgment, derivation of, 250.
 result of teaching, 251.
 securing of, 240.

Knowledge, as an incentive, 304.
 transferred under scientific management, 117.

Ladd, G.T. — definition of psychology, 22.
Le Chatelier, H. — "Discussion to Paper 1119, A.S.M.E," 124.
Long time job, provision for, 83.
Loyalty, under scientific management, 253.

Man, first class definition of, 98, 152.
 given, definition of, 152.
 standard, definition of, 152.
Management, change in meaning of, 8.
 definition of, 6.
 driver, 10.
 good foundation of, 3.
 initiative and incentive, 10.
 interim, 11.
 Marquis of Queensbury, 10.
 military, 9.
 place of analysis and synthesis in, 124.
 place to start study of, 5.
 scientific, 12.
 successful, definition of, 3.
 teaching of, 3.
 three stages of, 14.
 traditional, definition of, 8.
 traditional, preferable name for, 9, 11.
 transitory, 11.
 types of, 8.
 ultimate, 12.
 value of study of, 2, 4.
Manufacturers, duty toward measurement, 122.
Manual training, necessity for, 264.
Marquis of Queensbury management, 10.
Measurement, coöperation of worker under, 116.
 definition of, 90.
 duty of government toward, 120.
 effect upon worker of, 114.
 elimination of waste by, 115.
 importance in management, 93.
 importance in psychology, 90.
 methods in psychology, 91.
 methods under scientific management, 105.
 necessity for training in, 104.
 of teaching and learning, 263.
 problems in management, 94.
 relation to task of, 98.
 results to work of, 113.
 selection of units, 111.
 under scientific management, 97.
 under traditional management, 95.
 under transitory management, 96.
Measured functional management, 12.
Measurer, qualifications of, 99.
Measuring devices, prevent accidents and breakdowns, 114.
Memory, relation to scientific management, 245.
Metcalfe, Henry — "Cost of Manufactures," 113, 140.
Method of attack, standardization of, 172.
Methods, benefits of comparison of, 107.
 introduction of new, 137.
 measurement by motion study and time study, 106.
Micro-motion study, definition of, 106.
 demands coöperation, 103.

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