» Psychology » Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay [best inspirational books TXT] 📗

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Hamilton and Lord Mohun—German students inveterate Duellists


The True Cross—Tears of our Saviour—The Santa Scala, or Holy Stairs—The mad Knight of Malta—Shakspeare’s Mulberry-tree

LIST OF ENGRAVINGS IN VOL. II. Pope Urban preaching the first Crusade.—Frontispiece. View in the Harz Mountains. (Capt. Batty’s Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery.)—Title-page. Initial—Crusaders’ Weapons of the eleventh century Peter the Hermit preaching Cathedral at Clermont. (Sommerard’s Album) Nicée, Asia Minor. (Leon de Laborde’s Voyage en Orient) Godfrey of Bouillon. (From the Statue by Simonis, Brussels) Siege of Antioch The Holy Lance. (Copied, in Hone’s Everyday Book, from a very rare print published by the Ecclesiastics of Nuremberg) Shrine of the Nativity, Bethlehem. (Laborde’s Voyage en Orient) Pilgrims’ first sight of Jerusalem. (Print by Plüddemann) Siege of Jerusalem Jerusalem. (Gerhardt von Breydenbach’s Grand Voyage de Jherusalem, 1517) Bible of Baldwin’s Queen. (Original in the British Museum) Cathedral of Vezelai. (Sommerard’s Album) Pilgrim’s Staff. (The Archæologia) Damascus. (Laborde’s Voyage en Orient) Seal of Frederick Barbarossa. (Venetian History) Henry II. (Stothard’s Monumental Effigies) Château of Gisors, Normandy. (L’Univers Pittoresque) Philip Augustus. (Willemin’s Monumens Français inédits) The Island of Rhodes. (Royal Library, British Museum; print “in Venetia, 1570”) Richard I. and Berengaria. (Stothard’s Monumental Effigies) Bethlehem. (Laborde’s Voyage en Orient) Constantinople. (Print, Johann Baptist Hooman, Royal Library, British Museum) Templar and Hospitaller. (Fairholt’s Book of Costumes) Jaffa. (Laborde’s Voyage en Orient) Longespee or Longsword, Earl of Salisbury. (Effigy in Salisbury Cathedral) Seal of Edward I. (From Great Seal) Tomb of Queen Eleanor, Westminster Abbey. (Original sketch) Arras. (Coney’s Cathedrals and Hotels de Ville) Philip IV. of France Joan of Arc Gate of Constance. (Print, from drawing by Major Cockburn) Charles IX. of France. (French print by Adolph Brune) Bishop Jewell John Knox Torture of the Boots. (Knight’s Pictorial Shakspere) James I. the Demonologist Sir G. Mackenzie Pietro d’Apone Mathew Hopkins. (Print in Caulfield’s Remarkable Persons, copied from a rare print in the collection of J. Bindley, Esq.) Sir Mathew Hale Sir Thomas Brown Lyons. (Prout’s Views in France) Bamberg. (Prout’s Views in Germany) Palais de Justice, Rouen. (Sommerard’s Arts du Moyen Age) Louis XIV. Würzburg. (Prout’s Views in Germany) Lady Hatton’s House, Cross Street, Hatton Garden. (Original sketch) Floating a Witch Place de Grève, Paris. (Old print) Sir T. Overbury. (An extremely rare print by R. Elstracke) George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham Lord Chief-Justice Coke The Earl of Somerset Countess of Somerset Death of Dr. Lamb, St. Paul’s Cross. (The Cross copied from print in Wilkinson’s Londina Illustrata) The Bastille. (Views of Public Edifices in Paris, by MM. Legard et Testard) Palace of Woodstock in 1714. (From a print of date) Saint Louis of France. (Willemin’s Monumens Français inédits) Haunted House in Cock Lane. (Original sketch) Room in the haunted house in Cock Lane. (Original sketch) Sherwood Forest Duel between Du Guesclin and Troussel Duel between Ingelgerius and Gontran Henry IV. Gallery in the Palace of Fontainebleau. (Sommerard’s Arts du Moyen Age) The Duke de Sully Lord Bacon
A man stands on a raised platform in the midst of a crowd. His arms are raised and his right hand holds a large cross.




They heard, and up they sprang upon the wing

Innumerable. As when the potent rod

Of Amram’s son, in Egypt’s evil day,

Waved round the coast, up call’d a pitchy cloud

Of locusts, warping on the eastern wind

That o’er the realm of impious Pharaoh hung

Like night, and darken’d all the realm of Nile,

So numberless were they.  * * * *

All in a moment through the gloom were seen

Ten thousand banners rise into the air,

With orient colours waving. With them rose

A forest huge of spears; and thronging helms

Appear’d, and serried shields, in thick array,

Of depth immeasurable.

Paradise Lost.

A letter E, decorated with a shield, swords and lances.Every age has its peculiar folly; some scheme, project, or phantasy into which it plunges, spurred on either by the love of gain, the necessity of excitement, or the mere force of imitation. Failing in these, it has some madness, to which it is goaded by political or religious causes, or both combined. Every one of these causes influenced the Crusades, and conspired to render them the most extraordinary instance upon record of the extent to which popular enthusiasm can be carried. History in her solemn page informs us, that the Crusaders were but ignorant and savage men, that their motives were those of bigotry unmitigated, and that their pathway was one of blood and tears. Romance, on the other hand, dilates upon their piety and heroism, and portrays, in her most glowing and impassioned hues, their virtue and magnanimity, the imperishable honour they acquired for themselves, and the great services they rendered to Christianity. In the following pages we shall ransack the stores of both, to discover the true spirit that animated the motley multitude who took up arms in the service of the cross, leaving history to vouch for facts, but not disdaining the aid of contemporary poetry and romance, to throw light upon feelings, motives, and opinions.

In order to understand thoroughly the state of public feeling in Europe at the time when Peter the Hermit preached the holy war, it will be necessary to go back for many years anterior to that event. We must make acquaintance with the pilgrims of the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries, and learn the tales they told of the dangers they had passed and the wonders they had seen. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land seem at first to have been undertaken by converted Jews, and by Christian devotees of lively imagination, pining with a natural curiosity to visit the scenes which of all others were most interesting in their eyes. The pious and the impious alike flocked to Jerusalem,—the one class to feast their sight on the scenes hallowed by the life and sufferings of their Lord, and the other, because it soon became a generally received opinion, that such a pilgrimage was sufficient to rub off the long score of sins, however atrocious. Another and very numerous class of pilgrims were the idle and roving, who visited Palestine then as the moderns visit Italy or Switzerland now, because it was the fashion, and because they might please their vanity by retailing, on their return, the adventures they had met with. But the really pious formed the great majority. Every year their numbers increased, until at last they became so numerous as to be called the “armies of the Lord.” Full of enthusiasm, they set the dangers and difficulties of the way at defiance, and lingered with holy rapture on every scene described by the Evangelists. To them it was bliss indeed to drink the clear waters of the Jordan, or be baptised in the same stream where John had baptised the Saviour. They wandered with awe and pleasure in the purlieus of the Temple, on the solemn Mount of Olives, or the awful Calvary, where a God had bled for sinful men. To these pilgrims every object was precious. Relics were eagerly sought after; flagons of water from Jordan, or panniers of mould from the hill of the Crucifixion, were brought home, and sold at extravagant prices to churches and monasteries. More apocryphal relics, such as the wood of the true cross, the tears of the Virgin Mary, the hems of her garments, the toe-nails and hair of the Apostles—even the tents that Paul had helped to manufacture—were exhibited for sale by the knavish in Palestine, and brought back to Europe “with wondrous cost and care.” A grove of a hundred oaks would not have furnished all the wood sold in little morsels as remnants of the true cross; and the tears of Mary, if collected together, would have filled a cistern.

For upwards of two hundred years the pilgrims met with no impediment in Palestine. The enlightened Haroun Al Reschid, and his more immediate successors, encouraged the stream which brought so much wealth into Syria, and treated the wayfarers with the utmost courtesy. The race of Fatemite caliphs,—who, although in other respects as tolerant, were more distressed for money, or more unscrupulous in obtaining it, than their predecessors of the house of Abbas,—imposed a tax of a bezant for each pilgrim that entered Jerusalem. This was a serious hardship upon the poorer sort, who had begged their weary way across Europe, and arrived at the bourne of all their hopes without a coin. A great outcry was immediately raised, but still the tax was rigorously levied. The pilgrims unable to pay were compelled to remain at the gate of the holy city until some rich devotee arriving with his train, paid the tax and let them in. Robert of Normandy, father of William the Conqueror, who, in common with many other nobles of the highest rank, undertook the pilgrimage, found on his arrival scores of pilgrims at the gate, anxiously expecting his coming to pay the tax for them. Upon no occasion was such a boon refused.

The sums drawn from this source were a mine of wealth to the Moslem governors of Palestine, imposed as the tax had been at a time when pilgrimages had become more numerous than ever. A strange idea had taken possession of the popular mind at the close of the tenth and commencement of the eleventh century. It was universally believed that the end of the world was at hand; that the thousand years of the Apocalypse were near completion, and that Jesus Christ would descend upon Jerusalem to judge mankind. All Christendom was in commotion. A panic terror seized upon the weak, the credulous, and the guilty, who in those days formed more than nineteen-twentieths of the population. Forsaking their homes, kindred, and occupation, they crowded to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Lord, lightened, as they imagined, of a load of sin by their weary pilgrimage. To increase the panic, the stars were observed to fall from heaven, earthquakes to shake the land, and violent hurricanes to blow down the forests. All these, and more especially the meteoric phenomena, were looked upon as the forerunners of the approaching judgments. Not a meteor shot athwart the horizon that did not fill a district with alarm, and send away to Jerusalem a score of pilgrims, with staff in hand and wallet on their back, praying as they went for the remission of their sins. Men, women, and even children, trudged in droves to the holy city, in expectation of the day when the heavens would open, and the Son of God descend in his glory. This extraordinary delusion, while it augmented the numbers, increased also the hardships of the pilgrims. Beggars became so numerous on all the highways between the west of Europe and Constantinople, that the monks,

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