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destroyed also tells us that nothing can be created out of nothing. This science does not realize that the God that made all things out of nothing can send that which He made out of nothing, back to nothing. THOSE WHO USE THE NOTHING CAN BE DESTROYED ARGUMENT TO PROVE A PERSON HAS A PART THAT CANNOT BE DESTROYED MAY GIVE GOD THE POWER TO CREATE OUT OF NOTHING BUT DENIES HIM THE POWER TO DESTROY WHAT HE HAS CREATED OUT OF NOTHING. If all the elements that were in a person's body existing after his death proves that he is still alive somewhere, it would also prove he was alive somewhere before his birth for all the elements in his body also existed before his birth. The elements are not a body after it's death any more than they were a body before birth. BUT, WHY ARE THEY USING ELEMENTS OF THIS EARTH TO PROVE SOMETHING ABOUT SOULS THAT THEY SAY ARE NOT MADE OF ELEMENTS OF THIS EARTH? This is like a drowning man reaching for a straw.
Csonka said, "five of these passages are parables that do not describe what will literally happen; but, explain in the closest terms the things that will take place in the spiritual parallel." Csonka, " Truth Magazine, 1995, Page 16. Unless a tree is tormented, there is no close parallel to the teaching of eternal torment.
• If trees that are burnt up by the farmer are DESTROYED;
• And the lost that are burnt up by the Lake of Fire are DESTROYED; there is a parallel. It is the end of both.
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• If trees that are burnt up by the farmer are DESTROYED;
• And the lost that are burnt up by the Lake of Fire are TORMENTED; If one [a tree] is destroyed, and the other one [a lost man] is tormented, there is no parallel. It is the end of one but not the other.
Summary: When we burn up something, are the ashes in conscious torment? Skins, bottles that perish [Matthew 9:17], moths destroyed cloth [Luke 12:33], foods that perished [John 6:27] are not in conscious torment after they are destroyed or perished, yet traditionalists use these to prove conscious torment after death because these materials are not annihilated. By using the same logic, the bodies of beasts are not annihilated after their death for all the elements of their bodies still exist, therefore, they are now just as conscious as people are for none of the elements of their bodies has not been destroyed, they still exist.
We are told, "that which thinks and remembers cannot be matter, therefore, a person must have a soul, which is composed of some other substance." Animals can think and remember, some of them can think and remember very good, therefore, animals "must have a soul, which is composed of some other substance."

The argument of some is that God would not be a just God if He did not punish the sinner. They then jump from justice demands punishment to Hell being the only way God can punish the sinner; most of the time without any kind of an attempt to prove there is a Hell. They are so indoctrinated that they assume the only kind of punishment there could be is their Hell, and are blind to what God does say. The question is how do they know the punishment will be in Hell when there is not one word about it in the Bible? There is much on the punishment being death, but nothing on it being Hell. Death is the worst kind of punishment, but some cannot see it as a punishment because they are so blinded by their Hell theology.
It is almost beyond belief that not one time in any of the major translations of the Bible, made by men who believed in eternal torment, is any of these words ever translated torment. NOT ONE TIME IS IT SAID THAT GOD OR SATAN WILL TORMENT ANYONE FOREVER; BUT IT IS SAID REPEATEDLY, USING MANY DIFFERENT GREEK WORDS, THAT GOD WILL DESTROY THOSE WHO ARE NOT HIS CHILDREN.

First Resurrection And Second Death
An Immortal Soul or Resurrection of the Dead

The interpretation of figurative language, metaphors and symbolic passages
1. ISRAEL'S DESTRUCTION, her weeping, gnashing of teeth, outer darkness, Matthew 24
• Preterits Eschatology - Realized Eschatology - The A. D. 70 Doctrine
• The day of the Lord
• 2 Peter 3
2. THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS The intermediate bosom
• Souls under the altar
• The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever
• The Lake of Fire
4. FOREVER AND EVER of the King James Version
Those who believe in the Pagan doctrine of an immortal soul from birth and Hell have no plain statements. That they must reinterpret figurative language, metaphors and symbolic passages into literal statements SHOWS THE WEAKNESS OF THEIR BELIEF, that it is from man and not from God. Parables and figurative language are made to be superior over plain statements. The clear language must be changed to agree with what is thought to have been said in the symbolic language, therefore, MANY LITERAL PASSAGES MUST BE MADE FIGURATIVE TO KEEP THEM FROM BEING IN CONFLICT. Many of the metaphors about the destruction of Israel have been discussed in the first seven chapters. This chapter is a close look at some of the symbolic passages that are change into literal statements.
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Israel's destruction, her weeping, gnashing of teeth, outer darkness
Many of the passages spoken by John the Baptist and by Jesus about Israel's rejection of Christ and its destruction are misapplied to Hell. Matthew 24 is often misused to prove Israel will be restored, and Christ will return to earth and rule the world forever from Jerusalem and that the saved will forever live on this earth, not in Heaven.
• Cleaning of the Temple Matthew 21:12-16
• The fig tree Matthew 21:18-22
• Israel's rulers question Christ's authority. Parable of the two sons Matthew 21:23-32
• Parable of the wicked husbandman who Christ will destroy and give the vineyard to another Matthew 21:33-41
• The stone Israel rejected made head of the corner; the stone will scatter as dust. The kingdom taken from Israel and gave to another Matthew 21:42-46
• Parable of the marriage feast. His armies destroyed those invited and invited others Matthew 22:1-14
• Seven woes on Israel leaders, how can they escape the judgment of Gehenna; all these things shall come upon this generation. Matthew 23:13-36
• Their house left desolate Matthew 23:37-39
• The questions and His answer Matthew 24:1-51
o Parable of the fig tree. This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished Matthew 24:32-34
o Israel the unfaithful servant Matthew 24:45-51
• Unprofitable servant cast into outer darkness Matthew 25:30
"But when he saw the PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES coming to his baptism, HE SAID UNTO THEM, YOU offspring of vipers, WHO WARNED YOU TO FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO COME? Bring forth; therefore, fruit worthy of repentance: and think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to out father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to rise up children unto Abraham. AND EVEN NOW THE AXE LIES AT THE ROOT OF THE TREES: every tree; therefore, that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance; but he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire: whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor; and he will gather his wheat into the garner, BUT THE CHAFF HE WILL BURN UP WITH UNQUENCHABLE FIRE" [Matthew 3:7-12]. John was the Elijah that was to come [Matthew 17:11; 11:10]. Cutting down a tree or forest is a common symbol of judgment and destruction of cities and nations in the Old Testament [Isaiah 10:34; Jeremiah 46:22-23; 22:7-8; Ezekiel 31:3-14]. If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again from the stump [Job 14:7-8; Isaiah 11:1], but when the axe is put to the root there is no hope that the tree will ever sprout again.
Adam Clarke said this is "the desolation which was about to fall on the Jewish nation."
Lightfoot: "By the axe being now laid to the root of the tree, may fitly be understood, first, the certainty of their desolation; and second, the nearness, in that the instrument of their destruction as already prepared, and brought close to them; the Romans that should ruin their city and nation, being already master and rulers over them."
B. W. Johnson: "Think not to say...we have Abraham to our father. They believed that Abraham's race was to be saved, if all else was destroyed...'The axe is laid at the root of the tree' a sign that the tree is to be cut down. The tree meant is the Jewish nation. Every tree. A fruitless fig tree was afterward made by our Lord to representative of the whole Jewish nation (Luke 13:6)." Also, Matthew 3:10-12 "And with fire. The term fire is used in verse 10, and there means a destroying agency; it is used again in verse 12 in the same sense; it is used in verse 11, also, the intervening verse, and must be used in exactly the same sense as in the other two verses. It cannot mean a curse in verses 10 and 12, and a blessing in verse 11, without a word of explanation. It is strange, therefore, that all commentators should not agree that the baptism of fire is a baptism of trial and suffering. THERE WERE TWO CLASSES BEFORE JOHN. SOME WOULD REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED FINALLY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT; THERE WERE OTHERS WHO WOULD REMAIN IMPENITENT, AND BE BAPTIZED IN THE AWFUL TRIALS THAT WOULD COME UPON ISRAEL" B. W. Johnson, "The People New Testament With Notes," 1889, Gospel Light Publishing Company.
"But the SONS OF THE KINGDOM shall be cast forth into the outer darkness: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth" [Matthew 8:12]. Even according to those who believe in Hell, no one is cast out of Heaven, BUT WHEN THIS "WEEPING AND THE GNASHING OF TEETH" IS MADE TO BE AFTER THE JUDGMENT IN HELL, IT IS THE "SONS OF THE KINGDOM" THAT ARE CAST INTO THE OUTER DARKNESS. IN USING THIS PASSAGE TO PROVE THE OUTER DARKNESS IS HELL IT MAKES SOME THAT BE IN HEAVEN BUT THEY WILL BE CAST OUT OF HEAVEN INTO HELL AFTER THE JUDGMENT. If "and yourselves cast forth without" is cast into Hell where those who believe in Hell say the "weeping and gnashing of tenth" will be, THEN THIS MAKES THOSE FROM THE EAST AND WEST GO TO HEAVEN AFTER THE JUDGMENT DAY. THEY HAVE SOME GOING INTO HEAVEN, AND SOME BEING CAST OUT OF HEAVEN AFTER THE
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