» Religion » Life of St Teresa of Jesus, Teresa of Avila [top ten books to read TXT] 📗

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her, xxxv. 8; reprimands the

Saint, xxxvi. 12; allows the Saint to live in the new monastery,

xxxvi. 23; death of, xxxviii. 34-36.

Purgatory, the Saint saw certain souls who were not sent to,

xxxviii. 41; and delivers others from, xxxix. 6.

Queen of heaven, the, devotion to, xix. 9.

Quiet, the prayer of, iv. 9, ix. 6, xiv. 1, passim; disturbed by

the memory and the understanding, xiv. 5; joy of the soul in,

xiv. 7; few souls pass beyond, xv. 3, 7; great fruits of, xv. 6;

how the soul is to order itself in, xv. 9; difference between the

true and false, xv. 15.

Rank, slavery of, xxxiv. 6.

Rapture, xx. 1; irresistible, xx. 3, xxii. 20; effects of, xx. 9,

30; pain of, xx. 11; loneliness of the soul in, xx. 13;

characteristics of, xx. 23; duration of, xx. 25; physical effects

of, xx. 29, Rel. i. 26, iv. 1; made the Saint long for heaven,

xxxviii. 8; good effects of, Rel. i. 8, 15.

Reading, spiritual, i. 1, iv. 12, 13; persevered in by the Saint,

viii. 14; long unprofitable to her, xii. 10; impossible in the

prayer of perfect union, xviii. 14; a delight, Rel. i. 7.

Recollection, prayer of, xiv. 2, Rel. viii. 3.

Recreation, xiii. 1.

Reflections, making, when dangerous in prayer, xv. 11.

Reform, the Carmelite, beginning of, xxxii. 13.

Religious must despise the world, xxvii. 16.

Resignation of the Saint, xxi. 6, Rel. i. 20.

Revelations, the Saint never spoke of her, when she consulted her

confessors, xxxii. 19.

Rosary, the, of the Saint, xxix. 8.

Rule, the Carmelite, mitigation of, xxxii. 12; restored by the

Saint, xxxvi. 27; observance of, xxxvi. 30, 31.

Salasar, de, Angel. See Provincial.

Salazar, de, Gaspar, Rector of the Society of Jesus in Avila,

xxxiii. 9; understands the state of the Saint, xxxiii. 11; bids

the Saint go to Toledo, xxxiv. 2; vision of the Saint concerning,

xxxviii. 17.

Salcedo, de, Don Francisco, xxiii. 6; gives spiritual advice to

the Saint, xxiii. 11; fears delusions, xxiii. 12; helps the Saint

in her new foundation, xxxii. 21, xxxvi. 21; hospitable,

xxxvi. 1; gives Communion to the Saint when a priest,

Rel. iii. 7.

Samaria, the woman of, xxx. 24.

Satan, subtlety of, iv. 14; an artifice of, vii. 12, 35; suggests

a false humility, xiii. 5; and a carefulness for health, xiii. 9;

afraid of learned directors who are humble, xiii. 26; efforts of,

to deceive, how thwarted, xv. 16; tempted the Saint to give up

prayer, xix. 8; a lie, xxv. 26; unable to counterfeit

intellectual visions, xxvii. 4-8; tries to counterfeit imaginary

visions, xxviii. 15; appears to the Saint, xxxi. 2; dislikes

contempt, xxxi. 10; wiles of, Rel. i. 29.

Scandal, xxvii. 16.

Scorn, signs of, not to be made during visions, xxix. 6.

Self, contempt of, necessary in the spiritual life, xxxi. 23.

Self-denial, necessity of, xxxi. 25.

Self-knowledge, xiii. 23.

Self-love, xi. 2; strong and hurtful, xi. 4, 5.

Self-respect, harm of, xxi. 12.

Senses, the, suspension of, in the prayer of perfect union,

xviii. 19.

Sensitiveness, xi. 4.

Sermons, viii. 17; without simplicity, xvi. 12.

Shame, good fruits of, v. 9.

Sicknesses of the Saint, xxx. 9.

Sickness sent for penance, xxiv. 2.

Sight restored at the prayer of the Saint, xxxix. 1.

Sincerity of the Saint, Rel. i. 28.

Sin, occasions of, viii. 14; pain occasioned by the sins of

others, xiii. 14; original, xxx. 20; the Saint, by her prayers,

hinders a great, xxxix. 3; wickedness of, xl. 15; vision of a

soul in, Rel. iii. 13.

Sins, the Saint consents to the divulging of her, x. 10.

Solitude, longings for, i. 6, vi. 5, Rel. i. 6.

Sorcery, v. 10.

Soto, de, the Inquisitor, Rel. vii. 8.

Soul, our own, the first object, xiii. 13, 14; likened to a

garden, xi. 10, xiv. 13; in the prayer of quiet, xv. 1; growth

of, xv. 20; powers of, in the prayer of imperfect union, xvi. 1,

4; beside itself, xvi. 1-5; crucifixion of, in raptures, xx. 14;

detachment of the enraptured, xx. 33; strengthened in raptures,

xxi. 14; effects of visions in, xxvii. 11; helplessness of,

without God, xxxvii. 11; vision of a lost soul, xxxviii. 31; the

Saint’s vision of her own, xl. 8; and of, in a state of grace,

Rel. iii. 13, Rel. v. 6.

Spirit, liberty of, xi. 25; poverty of, xxii. 17; flight of the,

xviii. 8, Rel. viii. 11.

Spirits, evil, put to flight, xxv. 25; by holy water, xxxi. 4.

Spirituality influenced by bodily health, xi. 24.

Suarez, Juana, iii. 2; accompanies the Saint to Bezadas, iv. 6.

Sufferings, physical, of the Saint, iv. 7, v. 4, 14, vi. 1; of

raptures, xx. 16; the Saint longs for, xl. 27.

Sweetness, spiritual, never sought by the Saint but once, ix. 11;

seekers of, censured, xi. 21; of the pain of raptures, xx. 19;

the Saint unable to resist it at times, xxiv. 1.

Tears, gift of, iv. 8, xxix. 11; of the Saint before a picture of

the Passion, ix. 1; in the prayer of quiet, xiv. 5; in the prayer

of perfect union, xix. 1, 2; the Saint prays God to accept her,

xix. 10.

Temptation, power of, xxx. 13.

Tenderness of soul, x. 2.

Teresa, St., desires martyrdom, i. 4; placed in a monastery,

ii. 8; unwilling to become a nun, ii. 10; becomes more fervent,

iii. 2; is resolved to follow her vocation, iii. 6; first

fervours of, iv. 2; failure of health, iv. 6; God sends her an

illness, v. 4; suffers grievously, vi. 1; afraid of prayer,

vi. 5; leads her father to prayer, vii. 16; present at her

father’s death, vii. 22; perseveres in prayer, viii. 2; found it

hard to pray, viii. 10; delights in sermons, viii. 17; devout to

the Magdalene, ix. 2; never doubted of God’s mercy, ix. 8;

depreciates herself, x. 9; willing to have her sins divulged,

x. 10; always sought for light, x. 13; complains of her memory,

xi. 9; unable to explain the state of her soul, xii. 10;

supernaturally enlightened, xii. 11; reads books on prayer to no

purpose, xiv. 10; writes with many hindrances, xiv. 12, xl. 32;

bewails her ingratitude, xiv. 16; scarcely understood a word of

Latin, xv. 12; understands her state in the prayer of imperfect

union, xvi. 3; and describes it, xvi. 6; bewails her

unworthiness, xviii. 6; writes under obedience, xviii. 10;

confesses ignorance, xviii. 20; abandons her prayers for a time,

xix. 8; evil spoken of, xix. 12; misled by false humility,

xix. 23; prays to be delivered from raptures, xx. 5, 6; never

cared for money, xx. 34; gives up her whole being to God, xxi. 7;

unable to learn from books, xxii. 3; afraid of delusions,

xxiii. 3; is directed by a layman, xxiii. 10; severe to herself,

xxiv. 2; her first ecstasy, xxiv. 7; had no visions before the

prayer of union, xxv. 14; told by her confessor that she was

deluded by Satan, xxv. 18; prays to be led by a different

spiritual way, xxv. 20, xxvii. 3, Rel. vii. 7; not afraid of

Satan, xxv. 27; spoken against, xxvi. 3; troubles of, because of

visions, xxvii. 4, xxviii. 6; her defence when told that her

visions were false, xxviii. 18, 19; afraid nobody would hear her

confession, xxviii. 20; harshly judged by her directors,

xxviii. 23; would not exchange her visions for all the pleasures

of the world, xxix. 5; vehemence of her love, xxix. 10; her

supernatural wound, xxix. 17; manifests her spiritual state to

St. Peter of Alcantara, xxx. 4; bodily trials of, xxx. 17; finds

no relief in exterior occupations, xxx. 18; buffeted by Satan,

xxxi. 3; converts a great sinner, xxxi. 7; troubled because well

thought of, xxxi. 13-17; her singing of the Office, xxxi. 26;

commanded to labour for the reform of her Order, xxxii. 14;

commanded to abandon her purpose, xxxiii. 1; her vision in the

Dominican church, Avila, xxxiii. 16; goes to Toledo, xxxiv. 3;

the nuns wish to have her as their Prioress, xxxv. 8; restores a

child to life, xxxv. 14, note; begins the Reform, xxxvi. 4; her

grievous trial, xxxvi. 6, 7; her health improved, xxxvi. 9; would

suffer all things for one additional degree of glory, xxxvii. 3;

her affection for her confessors, xxxvii. 6; supernaturally

helped when writing, xxxviii. 28; obtains sight for a blind

person, xxxix. 1; and the cure of one of her kindred, xxxix. 2;

her spiritual state became known without her consent, xl. 28;

submits all her writings to the Roman Church, Rel. vii. 16.

Theology, mystical, x. 1, xi. 8, xii. 8; the Saint says she does

not know the terms of, xviii. 4.

Thomas, St., assisted at the deathbed of Fra P. Ibañez,

xxxviii. 15.

Throne, vision of a, xxxix. 31, 32.

Trance, a, xviii. 17, xx. 1; outward effects of, xl. 11; gradual,

Rel. viii. 10.

Transport, Rel. viii. 10.

Trials followed by graces, xi. 18; promised to the Saint,

xxxv. 9; shown her in a vision, xxxix. 25.

Trinity, the, mystery of, revealed to the Saint, xxxix. 36;

visions of, Rel. iii. 6, Rel. v. 6-8, Rel. viii. 20, Rel. ix. 12.

Truth, divine, xl. 3-7.

Ulloa, de, Doña Guiomar, xxiv. 5; takes the Saint to her house,

xxx. 3; helps the Saint to accomplish the reform, xxxii. 13; is

refused absolution, xxxii. 18.

Understanding, the, use of in prayer, xiii. 17; disorderly,

xv. 10; powerless in the state of imperfect union, xvi. 4; and of

the perfect union, xviii. 19; the Saint speaks humbly of her,

xxviii. 10.

Union, imperfect, prayer of, xvi. 1; a mystical death, ib.; the

soul resigned therein, xvii. 1; how it differs from the prayer of

quiet, xvii. 5, 6; another degree of, xvii. 7; the labour of the

soul lessens in the later states of, xviii. 1.

Union, perfect, prayer of, xviii. 1; the senses wholly absorbed

in, xviii. 3, 14; duration of, xviii. 16; fruits of, xix. 4.

Union, prayer of, iv. 9; followed by visions in the Saint,

xxv. 14.

Union, what it is, Rel. v. 2; of the faculties of the soul,

Rel. viii. 7.

Vainglory, vii. 2, 34, x. 5, Rel. i. 18, Rel. ii. 15,

Rel. vii. 23.

Vanity of possessions, xx. 35; the Saint’s watchfulness over

herself herein, xxxix. 11.

Virtue, growth of, in the prayer of quiet, xiv. 6; and in that of

imperfect union, xvii. 4.

Visions, our Lord seen in, vii. 11, xxv. 14, xxvii. 3, xxviii. 2;

intellectual, xxvii. 4; different from the sense of the presence

of God, xxvii. 6; joy of, xxvii. 13; imaginary, xxviii. 5;

effects of, in the soul, xxviii. 13; Satan tried to simulate,

xxviii. 15; effects of, in the Saint, xxviii. 19; cessation of

the Saint’s imaginary, xxix. 2; of the Sacred Humanity, effects

of, xxxviii. 23.

Water, holy, puts evil spirits to flight, xxxi. 4, 5, 9, 10.

Water, the first, xi. 13; the second, xiv. 1; the third, xvi. 1;

the fourth, xviii. 1.

Will, the state of, in the prayer of quiet, xiv. 4, xv. 2, 10; in

the prayer of imperfect union, xviii. 16.

Women, great care necessary in the direction of, xxiii. 14, 15;

make greater progress than men, xl. 12.

World, the, contempt of, x. 7, xxvii. 16; customs of, wearisome,

xxxvii. 15, 16; hard on good people, xxxi. 19; vanity of,

Rel. i. 21.

Wound of the soul, Rel. viii. 16; of love, Rel. viii. 17.

Ybañez. See Ibañez.

Yepes, Rel. ix. 1.

Zeal, indiscreet, xiii. 11.

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