The Word of God about the wedding of the Lamb, Lord Jesus [top rated books of all time .TXT] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
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Oh, Romanian sons, I have compassion on the Romanian people, for I love it with a love without limits. My sheep do no longer have shepherds, as their shepherds graze themselves and do not take care of My sheep, and they oppress them and scatter them and inflict many wounds on them, as they do not fulfill My Scripture, which says: «Freely you received, so freely give». The shepherds of the church cannot give anything freely, for they did not received freely, as everything they have they took on money, and they got used to the money, and they sell Me on money, and My sheep are oppressed and trampled under feet by all passers-by. The shepherds of the church took the key of knowledge and neither do they want to be with Me, and nor do My sheep know My knowledge. Help those who are oppressed by unbelief and ignorance, as My word comes to you to ask for a dwelling in you, and be faithful and open to the Lord. I am. Be faithful. I have spread the manger of My word in Romania for more than forty years and I work by the word to fulfill its glory with Me and to prepare My second coming and to come with those that are eternal and to give redemption to the human kind and to work from Romania over the nations, with the light of My word. I am. Be faithful. My word is the river of life, which flows from My throne, but those that are not faithful in the church from Romania strike into the city of My word. Open the books of your time and look in them for the iniquities of the people of the church, who oppressed My Romanian flock and those who love Me in Romania. I had power from heaven come down on you and I supported you to watch over Romania, but take care of My country, because it is still oppressed by the people of the church, who stand against justice, holiness and truth. The people of the church clothe themselves too much with their empty glory; too much do they defile My holy places. Too many people of lawlessness hid under the church cloak and deceive My chosen people. Work with My heavenly wisdom and bring to repentance all the sons of this nation, who hid themselves under My cloak and oppressed many of my righteous people. Receive light from the light and bring the darkness into light, as the man has been falling for seven thousand years by hiding. I want to give freely to those who want to have My gifts, and I want My gifts to be given freely. He, who wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take his cross following Me and not deceiving Me saying that he comes and he does not come. And if he does not come, let him not tell that he is with Me, and let him not lead My flock astray.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the Ascension of the Holy Cross, from 27-09-1997 (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
I come with a spirit of celebration from heaven on earth and I become fresh word over the little garden of My word.
It is a feast in heaven and upon you, My little garden. The heaven celebrates you and the saints and angels embrace you within a spirit of heavenly feast for the celebration of your day of the sealing with the Holy Spirit and with the heavenly power on you. Amen. I put the work of the Holy Spirit over you, and a heavenly power and a strong enclosure, and also saints and angels and heavenly working powers, and I made you My feast on the earth, oh, little garden of My word, and I called you the Holy of Holies, which I, the Lord, enter into, I, the Great Bishop, I with the tens of thousands of saints and angels. My Word is king over you, and the king comes out of you like a bridegroom to love his bride. I become word of love in you and I write the book of love between the Bridegroom and bride. Peace to you, My little garden with anointed sons! Oh, it is very hard of those, who touch this anointment from heaven with a spirit of unbelief and with a deed of unbelief.
Oh, little children of the body of My bride! Little children, My bride! Oh, My people, I have no one to anoint on the earth. There is no man of God on the earth, to have a way to anoint, and by anointment to make My saints for the heavenly ones. Sons, I do no longer have any little place where to bow down My labor and head. In the time of the apostles, it was not as it is now. The churches were churches, not as it is today. The churches from that time meant holiness, and the sin was put away from the churches; it was brought into view by those with the Holy Spirit and it was taken out from the churches.
I proclaim the word from the middle of the Romanian people. The Lord, Jesus Christ, goes with a new word over all the nations over the earth. I, the Lord, the One born of the Father before the ages, and of the Virgin, two thousand years ago, and now out of Romania as word, in the end of the Scriptures for My coming, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, cry over the earth to all the margins: get up, you, nations of the earth from all the human kind and come to the river of life, which flows from heaven into the middle of the Romanian people! Come and receive life, the word of holy and everlasting life! I am the Word before the coming of My body on earth the second time with the people. Rise above your bodies and escape from the fire of the wrath, which comes from heaven over all the bodies, which do not have the heaven in them. The heaven means holiness and Paradise in the man’s house, in the man’s body. The Lord calls you to a sweet life, to milk and honey, to a new heaven and to a new earth over the earth. Come and receive the teaching, which gives you eternal life! Come, for the dead rise and will rise and the living will be changed into immortality! The voice of the seventh angel sounds to bring under My glory, those chosen by unbelief, by holiness and by choice food; food from heaven for a new heaven and a new earth over the earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1997 (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
I am, sons. I am the Lord. Open to the Lord! Amen, amen, amen. I cross the way between heaven and earth to be with you in the days of heavenly wedding. My coming down to you means: days of wedding, My wedding promised to Me by Father, the love between Bridegroom and bride, sons, for I made you into a bride that I love. I paid with My life two thousand years ago to have a bride today, for the bride is the one in the day of wedding, the one who remains a bride, for I come afterwards and I reveal My wedding, which I longed for two thousand years ago.
I have come with a holy feast into the garden. I am on the clouds of glory above the little garden of My word, for it is written into the Scriptures: «As He ascended into the sky, so will He come back». (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) I am Bridegroom to you, sons anointed by My chrism. I chose you from among the sons of the people to set you apart for Me and to make you the way of My coming. Oh, how beautiful you are among the sons of the people! I sing you as the bridegroom sings his bride and I call you My day of wedding, for when the bride appears the wedding is also ready. I am your Bridegroom; I am your comfort; I am your love and I sing you, so that those from heaven may know you as My bride on the earth. Oh, how beautiful you are among the sons of the people! Your glory is not seen, but you are beautiful children, and you are My wealth, which I rejoice over. Everyone has got his own possessions. The world and the master of the world, with its possessions, and I with My own possessions of great value, for the highest price between heaven and earth belongs to the man born of God, to the man who is comprised by God. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 20-05-1999 (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
Again, I come down as word above the garden of My word with a word of feast, for I am with days of Pentecost over you, little children, who are watchmen on the earth for those in heaven, and who come with Me from near Father. I and Father are one, and before the throne of glory stand the angels and stand the saints who labored on the earth for this glory.
Gates lift up your heads for the King of glory to come in! His kingdom is eternal and all authorities will listen to Him and will serve Him. Amen, amen, amen.
I am Who I am. Get up to welcome Me, sons from the garden, for My Father works, and I also work, and you should also work. Get up, for it is time to work. I give you power to overcome the weaknesses. I give you the Holy Spirit, Who can do everything in all who keep the commandments of life. Three days in a row I have come down with fresh food on the table, for the garden from you is a table of sacrifice on which the Lamb of God is laid as word for food, for the man is fed on every word which comes out from
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