» Religion » The Word of God about the fearful judgment (1), Lord Jesus [finding audrey .TXT] 📗

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and woe to those who made themselves masters over My vineyard! Who is the one who set himself as a master over My vineyard? Let him come to account for those worked! Let him come to terms with the Master of the vineyard! Amen.


I have come with witnesses from heaven to make out the book of judgment for the false prophet, and he will fall into his sword, and I will remove the insult from the sons of life, for the same as two thousand years ago, when My apostles and all who were following Me were called a sect, the same is today too; they who follow Me are called a sect by those who want to rule over the earth and in heaven. But snatching their sword, I will overcome by it and I will remove the insult from the sons of life, the sons of the New Jerusalem, the sons of God; the sons of the heaven on earth among people. Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feasting of St. Apostle Andrew, from 13.12.1998



Lift up your heads, you gates, so that the King of glory may come in! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom and all governances Will listen to Him and Will serve Him. Amen.


A river of fire comes out of My mouth, for «The Judge sat down and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead and the living were judged, each one according to his deeds, and the death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire, and who was not found written in the Book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire», as it is written.


The book with seven seals is opened in the hand of the Lamb. The heaven set aside like a book and the kings of the earth, the rulers and chiefs, the rich and powerful, the slaves and free hid in the caves and rocks; they were hiding from the face of the One sitting on the throne. The Book of Life is from the foundation of the world and is opened in the hand of the Lamb. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)


The word of God enters His gates and works out the book of judgment for the false prophet; it has been working for three days in a row, and in the third day I will be finishing and giving to My Father to fulfill it. Amen.


Behold, I come with the saints. This is how I come and I come no otherwise. I had a trumpet on earth in the last days and sounded it and I made for Myself a people and called it the people of My word; and this work of Mine have always been under My control of sheltered victory, for the false prophet is fearful an stands against the Christians of God so that he might be Mine not the Christians. Only that he cannot make a house with Me and cannot make peace because I, the Lord, have been against him for seven thousand years until the opening of the books of judgment and then of the book with seven seals, and then of the trumpets of the angels, and of the seventh angel: The Word of God.


I had a trumpet on earth in the last time and sounded it and made a people; and it is, and I lifted the trumpet up to heaven among the saints, for the beast with seven heads and ten horns had been always standing before it, for it was coming out of her, like a son, My word, to shepherd with it. The beast persecuted My trumpet, but I, the Lord, gave her wings of eagle and she flew away from before his face. But he does not stand still; rather he gets into a rage against those from her tribe, who keep God’s commandments, standing for My witness. But I am the tabernacle of the saints and I protect them from the persecution which is coming from the false prophet as the Father protected Me and My Mother, the Virgin, when I was an infant on her arms and the red beast with seven heads and ten horns wanted to come and swallow Me after I was born among people.


Behold, I come with the saints. I come this way and no otherwise. I come with My trumpet, Verginica. Twenty years ago I gave her wings of eagle and she flew away to her place, she flew into heaven; now she is with Me in My work upon the earth, for she was My trumpet which I sounded before My second coming on earth. It is coming to the end pace of the twentieth year since she has been working in heaven for her people of yesterday, today and tomorrow, for she has as a reward in heaven a people, the people of My last word, the people by which I, the Lord, fulfill the last Scripture, My second coming from heaven on earth. Amen. The false prophet heard of My plan and he is the one who wants it to fulfill. He has it for he has always been standing before the woman laboring to give birth of My word; he has been standing to devour the word like a child born of her. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[13]”, r.n.)


Oh, you false prophet, today I am coming to an end with My word for the judgment of your deeds against Me. Here is what you have done! You have been a thief! You have always taken My trumpet and tormented her by your darkness in order to listen to My word through it. Arise and stand before Me and say what you did with My trumpet. But I am the Judge, and I tell you what you did. You burned with anger against her. In 1955 I started sounding by her. You caught the news and made use of hidden places (Dungeons communist dictatorship and insane asylums, r.n.) and of people with teeth of beast (The communist dictatorship security, r.n.) and were pulling out the trumpet from her hut, as Caiaphas and his subjects were the connecting line, in order to choke the life of My word as in the time of My infancy when the priests and bishops were looking to take My life from Me, as they were afraid of Me. The one who is afraid of Me, that one knows that I am the king of all things and that is why he is afraid. 


You have taken away My word and you want to fulfill it, but here what is written in the Scriptures: «I am against the prophets who seal My word from one another; I will nourish them with bitters and I will give them to drink water mixed with gall». Oh, you cannot fulfill My word for My name is on it. Why did you put your name on it? Who gave it to you? Who told it to you? You took it away from My trumpet and from My people that you were after everywhere and took away their food from their little bag; you took away their every day bread; you took away from them My word which I fed My last child on, the last people of the Lord, the first people of all the nations of the earth, for «the last will be first» and the small will be great for Me, as it is written in the Scriptures. You have taken away My word for you are a thief and have added to yourself punishment for you have taken and added to My stolen word and then you put your name and your subjects’ name on it; that even they have been hiding from one another for fear of one another, because the kingdom of fear is with you and that is why you have always been restless; you and all your subjects. No one has a greater fear than you have and you are afraid of perishing, of My perishing, as you know My power and have been fighting against it so that you may not perish by it. You have taken My word and want to fulfill it as a faithful one. But this will not be as I reveal you as a thief of those that are holy and I show you what the judgment for a thief is, for you have taken away the peace from earth, and I have no longer had a holy church, I have had nowhere to declare the word “Peace!”, for where you speak I do not stay, for God cannot stay together with Mammon.


Forty-five years you have been fighting against My angel, against My word to steal it and make it your possession. However you are cunning in vain, for My word is a river of fire, and you will burn into it, for you have been playing with the fire, with My word which is served by My angels of light, not by you and your angels, the angels of darkness. Here is why you are guilty of, you and no one else in your place. Here is why you are the false prophet who has been stolen My word; you and no one else in your place. What do I have to do with judging the one outside? You and no one else is guilty, for you have been taken away My dwelling from the church, and called Me a lie when I came to call you to repentance, as in the middle of My people that you hate by an insult word, My word sits as a judge upon you, for you are a thief and have taken away My vineyard.


I will devastate you as I devastated Jerusalem two thousand years ago, for there is no other Jerusalem, and what is there is not a Jerusalem, rather Mammon. What has Mammon been doing? He started again among his subjects to gather many people there where the proud man crucified Me. Oh, if they crucified Me, why was the glory for My name heard there, there where I was crucified by the man who was My adversary? They glorify Me for money, as well as you did, you false prophet, who fastened your tent in the country of glory, as it is written about you: «He will fasten the tents of his palace between the sea the holy and bright mountain, and then his end will come». Amen. This is what you did. Three miles away from the place of the garden of My word you accomplished this Scripture, so that you may use My name for your money. Woe to you because of what you have done in the last days! I will devastate you as I devastated Jerusalem two thousand years ago; Jerusalem, which the greedy man built it again so that he may have the opportunity of gaining money; however he did not build it there for the sake of God. Man from everywhere goes there and sees his judgment and does not know what is coming back with to do his own things. He is coming back with his judgment, for man was the crucifier of God. No one came back from there and no one gave up sinning if he was there, but he boasted that he was, and being there did not do any good to him.


It is written in the Scriptures about the mystery of the New Jerusalem. When you saw that I came from heaven on earth to fulfill it, you became conceited and perked up against the righteous ones that I am glorifying over the earth in, and arose to do what I do. You wanted to forget that the New

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