» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON of man.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV): For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only HE WHO now letteth will let, until HE be taken out of the way.

Revelation 14:9-10 (KJV): 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of GOD, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the LAMB:



December 31, 2013

Words of the LORD:

“How shall I call you? MY bride or MY left behind lost church?”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan)

My Children this is your GOD:

I want to address you about the near future: The world continues to increase in darkness. The hearts of the people grow shallow—they are walking in lust; cold from lack of love; pierced by the arrows of the enemy who wants to destroy them. Men’s hearts are waxing cold. I said this would happen and now the Truth has come to pass. The people have forgotten how to blush. They are so cold they have no compassion for their neighbors.

My church is the light in a dark world—she follows her GOD closely—she sees the truth while the lost run from the truth and scurries to the darkness out of sight. My church is bold in her testimony of ME. The lost deny I exist and look for reasons to explain ME away. MY church understands true love and what commitment and longsuffering looks like. MY church is persecuted in this evil world and the world is an enmity to MY church. She has MY heart and looks like ME. She is not attracted by the ways and desires of a dying world. The world is unclean and abominable to her. She has no interest in absorbing into the ways of a world that has turned its back to GOD. She resists the temptation to conform to a world that follows on heals of MY enemy. Her eyes have been washed out with eye salve and she has been purified by MY blood, walks in Truth, and exhibits the traits of her GOD: Love; compassion; caring; longsuffering; peace; and joy. Only MY SPIRIT’s Power enables her to look like ME in front of a dying world. She has MY SPIRIT in full and her lamp shines brightly. She walks on paths of Light and shines with MY Truth in a deep dark world. She stands out among the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the lost, the goats.

This is MY bride—prepared and ready for MY Coming because she is watching and her face is turned toward her GOD. This is what separates her from the world: a heart of pure gold. Carry on MY faithful bride—the world, the skies, these things speak of MY coming even when the hearts of men deny MY Coming is true. Soon the lost left behind will repent with sadness over the plight they are facing apart from the HOLY SPIRIT removed from the world allowing the man of perdition to step forward and to terrorize mankind. Be ready children—how shall I call you? MY bride or MY left behind lost church? You decide—who do you want to spend eternity with? ME or MY enemy—there is only one choice and this is yours to make. Time is short. Always be prepared for MY coming.




Coordinating Scripture:

Matthew 25:32-33 (KJV): And before HIM shall be gathered all nations: and HE shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And HE shall set the sheep on HIS right Hand, but the goats on the left.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 (KJV): For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only HE WHO now letteth will let, until HE be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the SPIRIT of HIS Mouth, and shall destroy with the Brightness of HIS Coming:

2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV): 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;



Words of the LORD:

“Those who fight against ME and MY Words will find they cannot win.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan)

Let US begin:

Children, it is I, your LORD speaking: There are frightening things coming around the bend. Man has refused to grasp what is coming so near. Although I have outlined for them in the Words I have written so long ago, the people still want to believe differently. MY Words are true —they are perfect—they are on time—they are ready to come about. Many of these words have already come about—you are witnessing them daily—yet so many sleep, so many slumber. Sleeping: this is how I find MY dead church, MY lukewarm dead—those who refuse to believe they are living in the last days before the calamity that is about to befall the earth.

Children, you are playing with fire when you refuse to listen to MY warnings and MY messengers. These events are set in time to awaken you, to stir you to action. Yes it is causing many to awaken and stir but not enough. Soon people will be wanting to pursue their GOD as they see more and more pointing to my “soon return.“ I do not want to leave anyone behind, but MY Words are clear and I must be true to MY Word. If you are not submitted to ME, surrendered heart, soul, mind, and spirit with a truly repentant heart, then you are not carrying a full oil lamp and you will be overlooked when I come back for MY own.

Most are not paying attention and most do not want what I have to offer. The people would much rather play with the things of the world then to come looking for their GOD. Soon they will see that the latter choice is the safe place and the scoffers and naysayers will be silenced by the Truth and reality of the events that are about to unfold. Yet, I continue to cry out to MY lost sheep and MY Heart wrenches over the many who will be lost: both to a dark world led by MY enemy to the slaughter and to the even darker world—eternal hell. I do not want a single soul lost but MY Truth and MY Word are constant and those who fight against ME and MY Words will find they cannot win.

Come to the LIGHT, MY Truth, and MY soon rescue—don’t let the darkness come between us. Come let me expose your dark parts to the light and clean you up, make you ready. This is MY Greatest Desire to have a pure and ready bride so that I can take her home with ME to MY heavenlies. Are you ready? Will you come away with ME when I call for you—will you even hear MY Voice? Are you watching for ME, longing for ME and MY soon return? This is something you need to decide. Don’t put off what needs to be done now and not later—your attention to your own salvation and the condition of your soul and the outcome of your future for all eternity. Will you spend it with your GOD, your CREATOR? Or will you be lost in the eternal abyss with the enemy —the great deceiver? You must choose and no choice is a choice against me. I pray you will make your way to ME, now—as you need ME more than you know. Come quickly, come under MY saving mantle and blood covering. It is yours, just for the asking. Let these Words permeate your soul into action.



Coordinating Scripture:

2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV): All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Matthew 25:5 (KJV): While the BRIDEGROOM tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

Revelation 3:19 (KJV): As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Deuteronomy 6:5 (KJV): And thou shalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Romans 10:3 (KJV): For they being ignorant of GOD's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of GOD.



January 12, 2014

Words of the LORD:

“Get to know ME as your ONLY HOPE, as there is no other hope for this lost world but ME, its

GOD, its MAKER.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan)

I am ready to begin a new letter:

Children, this is your GOD—I am coming soon to wipe the tears away from those who love ME, who are watching for ME, who are loyal to ME. Soon all the woes of this world will leave you far behind. I will pull you free and place you on MY firm foundation within MY Kingdom. All the sadness and losses that have come from carrying your cross for ME will be behind you as you make your way into the next life.

You are just a stranger in a foreign land—you are just passing through. This world is not your home—it is not your permanent residence. Many do not see how temporal this life is—it is a breeze, a breath, and then it is over. This is why it is dangerous to leave so much to chance and to disregard the condition of your spirit and preparations for the next life—your eternal outcome. Many just leave these decisions to be addressed at a future time and so many are taken by surprise when their lives end suddenly and their time on earth was shorter than they imagined. This is a dangerous scenario, MY children—one that the enemy is banking on that you will be foolish like the five foolish virgins caught without a full oil lamp and found unready when the bridegroom came.

Don’t be like these foolish virgins letting life take over from making preparations for your eternal destination. Are you coming out with ME when I return for MY loyal church—MY bride? Or are you settling for the ending that comes to those left behind or worse: caught in sudden destruction or worldly disaster? You need to take inventory of your life— who do you belong to? Who do you want to belong to? Where do you want to spend eternity? You will spend it somewhere—either with ME in eternal bliss or apart from ME in agony with MY enemy. This is not a joke as so many before you have already learned. Their less than enthusiastic interest in their GOD led them down paths of darkness— darkness that never ends.

Get to know your GOD. Come find out

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