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5. 1 Peter 5:4 “And when the chief Shepherd shall be manifested, you shall receive the crown of glory that fades not away.”
6. Romans 2:7 "To them that by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and INCORRUPTION [aththarsia], eternal life."
7. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall ALWAYS (pantote) be with the Lord.” “Seeing he (Christ) EVER (pantote) lives” [Hebrews 7:25].
8. Ephesians 2:6-7 “And raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus: THAT IN THE AGES (aions) TO COME he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus”

UNIVERSALIST - The "age lasting" Hell

Universalist (sometimes called "Restoration" and "Unitarian Universalist") believes that all will end up saved. They believe no one will end up in Hell, that it is not possible for anyone, the worst person that ever lived, to not go to Heaven. Whether death is death or if death is only separation, they believe no one will die or be forever separated from God; therefore, there is no death, no wages of sin, no second death after the Judgment Day. There seems to be some who believe in a universal salvation mixed in many denominations, also there are Universalist groups like the "Tentmakers" with the one thing all have in common is the belief in universal salvation. There seems to be two kinds of Universalist. [1] Some who do not believe in any kind of Hell and that all sins are paid in full in this lifetime. [2] Some who believe there will be a Hell but a very different Hell than the Protestant versions for it will last only for an "age," and will be more of a disciplinary character than punishment. Both destroy the character of the sinner and turns them into them saints.
They do much writing to prove the word that is translated everlasting, eternal, forever, age, and world in the King James Version, is from the Greek word "aion," which means "age." In Matthew 24:3 the King James Version says, "end of the world," but the New King James Version, New American Standard Version, New International Version and many more say "end of the age." They have written hundreds of pages to prove that "aion" means "age," and their purpose was to prove that Hell will last for only an age. They may be right in their translation of aion to mean age, but not one of the repeatedly times "aion" is used says anything about Hell, aion (age) is not used in the same passage with any of the four words translated Hell in the King James Version (sheol, hades, Gehenna, Tartarus).
Without proving there is a Hell, and without "age lasting" (aion) being used with any word translated Hell, they make Hell be "age lasting," with a beginning and ending but not everlasting.
They have immortal souls in their "age lasting" Hell without proving the lost will be immortal and will live forever after the judgment.
They believe all those in the age lasting Hell will be saved when the age is over. Although Universalist have told me they do not believe in the soul being immortal they believe that no one will ever be destroyed, that all will sooner or later end up in Heaven; I can not see how all would not be immortal from the day of their birth if no one will ever be destroyed, if no one will ever really be dead.
[1] IMMORTALITY: THAT THE LOST HAVE A SOUL THAT IS NOW IMMORTAL OR THE LOST WILL ALL BE MADE IMMORTAL AFTER DEATH, this immaterial part of a person cannot die and will outlast the "age lasting" Hell. To have never ending life is as immortal as immortal can be. IF NO ONE WILL EVER DIE AND ALL WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN, HOW COULD ALL NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE? HOW MUCH MORE IMMORTAL COULD A PERSON BE?
[2] THE DEATH PRNALTY: THAT THERE IS NO DEATH, those who do not believe on Christ will not perish but will have eternal life the same as those who do believe [John 3:16].
[3] HELL: THAT THERE IS A HELL even if it is only "age lasting" and will be more of a disciplinary character or “attitude adjustments” than punishment.
UNIVERSALIST MUST PROVE THAT ALL MEN NOW HAVE AN IMMATERIAL PART THAT IF IS NOT NOW IMMORTAL IT WILL BE MADE IMMORTAL IN ALL MANKIND AFTER THE “ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT,” THAT IF ALL ARE NOW IMMORTAL THEN ALL WITH BE GIVEN IMMORTALTUY. In the "Debate on the Destiny of the Wicked" between George T. Carpenter of the church of Christ and John Hughes of the Universalist Church, 1875, Hughes says, "The soul, the principle of animal life. The spirit, the 'inward man,' the real man, to be invested in the resurrection with a new, spiritual body; clothed with immortality, to live forever in the spirit world." Even so, most Universalist seems to be as unsure of what part of a person, soul or spirit, they think has immortality, as are most Protestants who believe some part of a person is now immortal and can never die therefore, this immortal part of a person must live forever somewhere. Universalist must prove that Christ will give "eternal life" to all, even to those who do not come to Him [John 5:40]. They know this and know that all will not come to Christ in this lifetime; therefore, they have made up an "age" after the resurrection, which is not in the Bible, in which they think all will come to Christ.
They MUST do away with the Bible teaching on death. There can be no wages of sin, as they believe there is no death. The only real difference with them and unconditional immoralist is where their immortal souls will end up, (1) some in Heaven and some in Hell, (2) or all in Heaven.
• Both must do away with death. Both must deny the Bible when it says, "The wages of sin is death."
• Both believe, "You shall not surely die," that from the day of your birth you can never be destroyed and it is not possible for you to die.
WILL THE SECOND DEATH MAKE ALL ALIVE, AS UNIVERSALIST BELIEVES IT WILL? They teach after the second death, all will be made alive. Both the good and the evil will be made alive, and both will then be immortal. They believe that when death the last enemy is destroyed, no one can be dead. They think the end of death must give life to all that are dead. All who die the second death will be alive and have immortality. THE UNIVERSALIST BELIEVES THE SECOND DEATH TO BE THE END OF DEATH, NOT THE END OF THE SINNER; THAT FOR DEATH TO END ALL THAT WAS DEAD MUST BE MADE ALIVE FOR THEY BELIEVE THAT AS LONG AS ANY ARE DEAD, IT CANNOT BE THE END OF DEATH. They seem to think that when "death shall be no more" [Revelation 21:4] could only mean that all who had died are raised from the dead, and all that ever lived would have to be alive for if any were dead it could not be said there is no more death. IT IS THE SINNER THAT WILL DIE [Revelation 21:8], AND WHEN THERE IS NO MORE SINNER LEFT TO DIE THERE WILL BE NO MORE DEATH, NO MORE WILL BE DYING. The wages of sin is death. It is the sinner who will be paid the wages of their sin, which is death. Universalist makes death pay the wages of the sin of the sinner, and the sinners pay nothing; THERE WOULD THEN BE NO DIFFERENCE IN A SINNER AND A SAINT. Death is an enemy and will be destroyed, but Universalist make there being "no more death" into a gateway to Heaven for all sinners, and God will forgive all sins of the worst sinner even if they rejected Christ all their life. DOES DEATH MEAN THE END OF LIFE or DOES DEATH MEAN THE BEGINNING OF ETERNAL LIFE? Death, the last enemy will be abolished [1 Corinthians 15:26]; Universalist makes the abolishment of death be a resurrection to eternal life of all the lost that are now the enemies of Christ. John said of unbelievers and murderers, "Their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone; which IS THE SECOND DEATH," but the Universalist changed this and say it is anyone being dead which will end, and all that have "their part" in the lake will be made alive at the death of the lake of fire (which will be the death of death)! DEATH MEANS THE END OF LIFE, NOT THE BEGINNING OF AN IMMORTAL LIFE, but they must find a way to do away with the second death. They believe the lost will be someplace, Hell or whatever name they give it, but not in Heaven and will undergo an "attitude adjustments;" then they will have their name in the book of life and never die, that the second death will be the end of death (the death of death, not the death of the sinner); for death to end they believe that life and immortality must be given to all and death being abolished must means eternal life in Heaven for all!
• Universalist believes that "the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars" will be made alive in Heaven and that death will be cast into the lake of fire and there will be no more death.
• The Bible says, "the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" [Revelation 21:8]. Both death and the lost are cast into the lake of fire [Revelation 20:14-15]; therefore, if the lake of fire is the end of death, it is also the end of the lost.
Gary Amirault, a Tentmaker Minister in an e-mail to me said, "Most universalists I know who believe in 'age-during correction,' do NOT see it as God torturing people in a literal lake or anything like that, they see it as simply correcting or teaching them further." If they call it Hell or something else, they still have a place where the all the lost to go after the judgment for an "age." They have made Hell into an age lasting place where the all the lost are corrected and then go to Heaven. What if some would not repent then? Will God make them repent against their will?
G. Jessup said, "We can be sure there will be judgment, punishment, corrections, or whatever kind of 'attitude adjustments' necessary for the unbelievers according to their works, and for some it could be very long and painfully excruciating: but forever?" He did not give one passage from the Bible to prove this "attitude adjustment," and I cannot find where they try to prove it in any of their writing. Maybe the reason they do not is that they know there is no proof. If
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