» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 4, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Maybe people spend little or no time preparing for eternity because they can't comprehend eternity and something that is never ending. Now is the time to think about your eternity. Which road are you taking?

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


Letter 140. As Dictated by Our LORD JESUS to Susan on July 23, 2011.  

Yes daughter, I AM willing to give Words. Daughter I AM your LORD. I have Words for MY people. Yes, believe these are MY Words:

Soon I AM Coming! I approach the earth. I AM Coming with MY angel masses. They are joining ME, MY winged messengers. They are coming to earth with ME. We are coming together. The sky will be filled with MY angels. They are coming with ME to bring out MY people. What a glorious sight.

MY children it will be an amazing event. The heavenly hosts bringing out MY children, coming out of the earth. Coming out to their GOD, their SAVIOR, their LORD and MASTER, their BRIDEGROOM WHO waits on them. I will be filled with great anticipation at that glorious moment when MY beautiful Light-filled, Spirit-filled children meet ME in the air and I bring them to the heavenlies with ME. The scene will be astounding.

O' yes, the heavenlies will open up as MY bride approaches her new home in the sky. She will see beauty upon arrival: greetings from the heavenlies, those in heaven cheering the arrival of the BRIDEGROOM with HIS bride. The cheers will be deafening as those already in the heavenlies realize the arrival of the bride to heaven. What an amazing sight, too amazing for Words, too much to imagine. Words cannot describe what I have prepared for you MY children when you get to your heavenly home. You will be amazed. So many things will amaze you.

I want you to imagine life without your GOD, how desolation sets in. The hour is close. Darkness gathers around the world. Children the darkness coming to the earth has never been seen before. Not in the full measure that is coming. You do not want to be here to witness it. It will be great moments of remorse for those left to face it, sadness beyond imagination. I cannot speak of it enough, MY children. I plead. I beg for you to come to your senses, to wake, to realize what lies ahead.

You take all your cues and receive all your messages about the unknown future ahead from men. These men you listen to do not seek ME. They do not seek MY Face. They do not draw near to their LORD. They are worldly and caught up in the ways of the world, yet you listen to men who know ME not, as if all Truth lies in their knowledge. They have no understanding of ME. They do not want to know ME, yet you wait upon men of the world as if all knowledge rests upon their shoulders.

MY children, all knowledge rests upon MY Shoulders! I AM the ONE WHO knows ALL, WHO sees the future and knows what lies ahead. Even MY adversary who rules over the wicked does not know or comprehend what I, GOD, will do.

You must keep your eyes fixed on ME to know the Truth. Stop entertaining your eyes by the world. She is a cruel mistress. She captures your longing gaze. Soon you will be visualizing hell if you don't pull your eyes away from the evil world. Your gaze will be caught in a trap and your view will change dramatically as you will suddenly be looking into hell for all eternity.

You think these Words harsh? They are not harsh enough! Because so many will disregard MY Warnings and will be lost from MY Glorious Presence for ever. Only those who spend much time in this life in MY Presence will come into MY Kingdom to spend eternity with ME. Do you understand this Truth MY children? Does this make you tremble? All the time you devote to your worldly pursuits will not bring you into MY everlasting Presence and beautiful Kingdom.

If you recognize yourself in this statement, let ME make MYSELF perfectly clear: if you do not spend time with ME in this brief temporal world, I will not write your name in MY Book of Life. I will not bring you into MY eternal Kingdom and everlasting Presence. You will be told to depart from ME and these will be the last Words between us for eternity. I AM a GOD of Truth. Pick up MY Book. Cast your eyes on the pages. This is Truth.

I AM a Jealous GOD. I did not create you to cheat on ME with the world. You breathe because I, GOD, gave you life and continue to give you breath at MY Choosing. I give life, I take life at MY Choosing. Your life is in MY Hands. What will you do with this Truth? Will you continue to deny ME your time and access to your life?

You may choose how you spend your time, but I choose when you come and go from this life. Soon, I AM returning. If your heart is far from ME, I will not bring you out to safety. It is that simple. When you are left, you will realize the error of your thinking.

MY children, many will suffer eternal loss at the moment of MY Coming as sudden destruction comes to the earth. Don't wait to choose for ME believing in second chances. Already so many have been lost on earth from the tribulation, from MY Wrath toward mankind. These souls are now far from ME in their eternal abodes and they now know the error of their ways.

You have an opportunity to clean yourself up in MY Blood, to make ME your LORD and MASTER, to choose eternal life with ME, in MY Kingdom. Come now to MY Open Arms. Feel the embrace of Love, everlasting Love. This is for you, all MY children. Come!

MY bride and I say Come!


1 Corinthians 2:9. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Psalm 20:7. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Isaiah 31:1. Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

Psalm 141:8. But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.

Mark 12:30. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Deuteronomy 6:15. For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you, lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.

Psalm 73:27. For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.

Revelation 22:17. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.


Letter Received from the LORD JESUS by Sabrina on July 24, 2011:

These are MY Words. Write it down.

I want MY people to share MY Words with their loved ones, with those who are not saved yet and thus do not know ME. These words are not just for you, MY bride, for you, MY church and for you, MY pastors and church leaders.

These words are for everyone. So go and carry out MY Words! The hour of MY coming is now very close and many do not know it. It is up to MY bride to wake up all MY children.

So go and proclaim MY Word! Go and share MY Words with the lost, so that they may know what is coming. NOW is the time to tell of MY very soon coming. Tell them, MY bride, tell them about MY SACRIFICE, tell them about the judgment that is coming and already is over this world.

Warn them for the antichrist and his number, his mark. Warn them MY children! You are MY Light in this world. Once MY Light, MY bride and MY SPIRIT is removed, it will be every man for himself.

Oh yes, people will still be able to make a choice for ME, but now it is still the time of grace. Now MY SPIRIT still works in people, now HE still pulls them with cords of love. Once HE will be removed with MY bride, it will be very difficult to make a choice out of the flesh for their GOD they now reject.

I AM a merciful GOD, so anyone who calls to ME will be saved, but they will not have the consolation and help of MY SPIRIT as they have now, therefore this is called the Grace-time. Many do not realize this.

Thank MY SPIRIT abundantly for HIS work in you, MY children. Thank MY SPIRIT. HE is The ONE WHO works it all out in you, not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT, says the Word.

O', how difficult will it be once HE is removed from this world. I will still hear to MY children, and many will still be saved, but they will have to pay a price.

In this life, this time of grace, I have paid the price for many. I, MYSELF, went on the cross to give MY Life for many. Therefore it is called Grace. In the great tribulation period, people will have to give their lives themselves. Not because they can save themselves, but because the period of grace will be gone, and because the antichrist will be out to destroy MY children. They will be destroyed on a large scale and in a horrible way, just as they have put to death MY apostles.

This will be once the antichrist comes to power and MY bride will already dwell safely with ME in MY HEAVENLY PLACES, at MY WEDDING TABLE.

That is why I send out so many Words. Therefore, I warn MY children to really be ready, because I know what is coming: The most horrific and worst period that humanity has ever known. Therefore this time is also relatively short, because no flesh can be saved.

I, GOD, am a righteous GOD and I, GOD, will always hear to the call of every heart that cries out to ME. But the price for not following ME now will be paid. The price for rejecting their GOD now, will have to be paid. The price for following the world now, will have to be paid.

Only MY bride participates at MY WEDDING TABLE. Only MY Bride is raptured now. MY Bride is formed now. She is MY beloved and MY beloved is MINE and I AM hers.

So be wise people and come to your BELOVED, to your GOD NOW wholeheartedly, as a father runs to his child to save him from the fire, so I run to you to save you from the coming fire.

Please be wise MY people, be wise. Your GOD is still calling and longs for HIS beloved.


Mark 16:15. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Matthew 12:41. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and

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