» Religion » Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Susan Davis [reading fiction txt] 📗

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be caught off guard. Bring yourself relief - come into MY Waiting Arms. I stand ready to save you. I am ready to receive you, to bless you, and bring you into MY Wonderful Kingdom, where there is everlasting love and beauty. I will bring you to MY Marriage Supper where WE will unite and share OUR Love forever more.

You don’t need to fear the future. You don’t have to worry about what tomorrow holds. You only have to surrender to ME. Make a full commitment to ME. Give ME your all: your life, your soul, your heart, your future plans. Make ME fully LORD and MASTER. I will guide you out to safety.

So few are coming, so few want to be part of MY Great Rescue Mission, when I bring MY children out to safety and carry them to MY Heavenlies.

You will receive a new glorified body. It will be a body full of light, MY Heavenly Light. It will be radiant, eternal, unchanging, glorious. MY children, MY bride will be beautiful, lovely to behold.

Yes, this transformation of MY church is about to take place. She will never look the same again. She will be spectacular. This transformation will take place in the twinkling of an eye. In one moment, MY church will be changed, ready for her BRIDEGROOM, made ready for MY Presence in ultimate purity and holiness: a spectacular sight.

1 Corinthians 15:51-54. 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immorality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immorality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

She will be made beautiful in all her raiment. I know MY bride, I know that she watches ME and looks for ME. Her faith is unrelenting and consistent. She is the one I died for. She is the one who receives MY Gift, MY Free Gift to mankind for salvation. Very few actually want this Gift and pursue it. This makes ME sad, children. I bled and died a horrible death to save all men. Very few want this salvation. Very few take this salvation and commit to ME fully.

Come MY children, don’t be among the ones left and lost. Come to your senses.

Pursue ME with both arms opened wide. Run into MY Waiting Arms.

This hour is collapsing quickly. You are about to see the beginning of the age of evil and great tribulation. Waken quickly. Fill your oil lamp. If it is not filled, you cannot come.

Matthew 25:4. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Come and receive MY HOLY SPIRIT in all HIS Fullness. HE will bring you into a full relationship with ME. I can then wash you in MY Blood and clean the stains off of your garment and make you ready for MY Kingdom. This is so you can be wrinkle- and spot-free: MY beautiful bride.

Ephesians 5:25-27. 25Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, 27That HE might present it to HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

I want to bring you to this place, this place of freedom and everlasting life. Just come to ME in full surrender and I can begin to make you ready. Time is wasting.

Make your choice. Are you staying behind or are you coming out to freedom and safety. Now children, decide. I want you to be ready, really ready.

MY Love Awaits You, Your KING, YAHUSHUA.




Let US begin again. Children, this is your LORD Speaking. I have many Words to share.

The hour is late, MY children. It is running so late. The clock is running out. It is about to strike midnight. Two minutes left remaining on the clock.

This means you have little time left to prepare, I mean really prepare your hearts, to make yourselves ready. It is the hour to which MY Coming is bearing down, MY Coming to pull MY bride free from the tyranny and wrath to follow. She will not be caught up in the worst of what is to come. I will release her from the dark hour ahead. She will not be affected by what is coming.

MY bride is beautiful and prepared for ME, her KING and ROYAL BRIDEGROOM.

MY Eyes are only for her. Her beauty stuns ME. She ravishes ME with her radiance. She is a prepared people - ready to receive their BRIDEGROOM.

Song of Solomon 4:9. Thou hast ravished MY Heart, MY sister, MY spouse; thou hast ravished MY Heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.

They have prepared, made themselves ready. They are washed in MY Blood.

They are cleaned in MY Word. They are watching expectantly for ME. They are looking for ME daily. They are focused and fixed on ME. WE share intimacy with each other. WE know each other. MY people have laid their lives down before ME and have walked away from their desires for the world. They are sold out to ME only. They seek MY Face and MY Voice. They know MY Voice. I speak and they follow. They run after ME.

John 15:19. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

They are precious in MY Sight. I lead them and they follow. Their lives reflect MY Light to the world. They are the image of ME to the world, the lost, fading world.

Soon this beautiful light will be lifted out of the world and the only thing left will be darkness. The shadows will move in and take over. Darkness will consume the earth - all four corners. It will be a dark day indeed.

You needn’t be here for that hour. You can follow after ME in full surrender. I will bring you to MYSELF, protect you, lead you out to safety, when I come for MY church, MY sweet church. She is ready and I will keep her from the dark hour ahead.

Children, it is almost time for MY approach. There is little time left. You must make ready. There is yet a little time remaining. Don’t waste away this moment pursuing frivolous, worldly things. Give yourself time to make preparations.

Pursue ME with all your heart. Repent of all your sin. I want to hear true repentance of your sin-filled heart. The heart of a man deceives him. Only I can see the inner workings of a man’s heart. I can see inside the chambers of a heart all the sin tucked away, hidden from sight.

Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Let ME clean your heart, wash it clean. Let ME purify your soul. Let ME make you ready to stand before ME. Only I can do this, MY children. Only I am capable.

Only I have the power to bring you to completion through MY Blood-Bought Ransom for your sins. This I long to give to you, make you white and wash you clean.

Acts 22:16. And now why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the Name of the LORD.

Children, MY children, I wait upon you to come to ME in humble repentance, heart-felt repentance. Walk towards MY Light: receive MY Salvation, MY Blood- Bought Salvation. Let ME clean you, prepare you. Only I can do this for you. Lay down your life at MY Feet. Let ME have it in full. Don’t be afraid. The world is collapsing. It holds no answers for you, no Truth. It is not reliable. Only I am the ROCK. Only I can be trusted with your life.

Give ME your life in full. Surrender it all to ME, not knowing what this may mean.

Give it up to ME and I will take it from you, care for you. I will make you MY OWN prize possession and fill you with MY Love, MY SPIRIT, and MY Peace. You will not fear the evil coming because MY Peace surpasses all your understanding. I bring Peace you can’t comprehend. It is a supernatural Peace. It is being made right before GOD, a HOLY GOD. This is worth all of eternity to you. I can bring you to this…this insurmountable Peace.

Now is the hour to declare your faith for ME, to choose for ME. If you do not choose for ME, you choose for MY enemy. There are only two choices - only two. You are either for ME or against ME. There is no third position. Don’t be deceived. If you ride the fence, you are not MINE. I want a full commitment.

Come before ME in complete, humble repentance and I will remove your sins as far as the east is from the west. I will never look upon them again. I will bring you to wholeness in ME. WE will share intimacy and you will know your GOD, truly know ME. I long for this “knowing” between US.

Psalms 103:12. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath HE removed our transgressions from us.

So come, come get to know ME. I am truly worth knowing. I will bring you to a place of peace and understanding. MY SPIRIT will guide you and open your eyes to Truth, life saving Truth. HE will show you the hour you are living in. You will be exposed to Truth like never before and then you can be saved and assured of a place in MY Kingdom.

This is what I long to bring to you.

Come get to know your GOD. Let US walk hand in hand. I will lead you out. Time is wasting. The hour is at hand. Choose for ME.




Let US begin. MY children, I

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