» Religion » The Life Beyond the Veil Volume I: The Lowlands of Heaven, George Owen, Kenroy Hunter, Geoff Cutler [red queen ebook TXT] 📗

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the science was learned, and then had to pass through many more stages of training. The actual use of his knowledge did not fall to his lot until he had passed through many spheres of progress. In the higher of these he was allowed to accompany some great Master, or Archangel, or Power (I do not know the exact and correct title) on one of his missions of service in the Infinite Creation of the One Father, and there witness the sublime process at work. It was thought that this might be the creation of some new cosmos or system, either material or spiritual. But that is so high above this state in which we are at present that we have only a general idea of the duties of those High Beings, and it is a matter of a few ages of progress from here to there, if our ways lie in the direction of that particular system of Heavens. And the chances are that, for us five women who visited the place I have been describing, our onward path will lead us somewhere else.


But we love to know all about the different spheres of


service, even if we be destined never to be chosen for them. We cannot all be creators of cosmos, I suppose, and there are other things as necessary, great and glorious, no doubt, in those far reaches beyond us nearer to the Throne and Dwelling of Him Who is all in all to all.


As we returned across the wide grass-lands we were met by a party of these same students who had been to another college to study a different branch of science. They were not all men; some were women. I inquired if their studies were all on the same lines as that of their brothers, and they replied in the affirmative, but added that while the men students mostly looked after the purely creative part, they were permitted to add to and round off the work with their genius of motherhood, and that the two aspects blending enhanced the beauty of the finished work —finished, that is, so far as it was possible as conditioned by the limitations of their present spheres. For here were not so much spheres of perfect accomplishment as of progress towards those higher spheres.


By the time we had returned to the first colony where we had met our instructor of the circular estate——


Why do you not give me his name?


His name was Arnol,4 but these names sound so strange to Earth ears, and people are always trying to find out

their meaning, that we are rather shy of giving them. The meanings are mostly incomprehensible to you, so we will just say the name in future, as you wish it, and leave it there.


Well, it saves a lot of roundabout wording, doesn’t it?


Yes, and yet if you understood the conditions under which we give you these narratives you would probably say that the longer was the more sure route. Remember our experience and teaching on Arnol’s estate.


What makes it so difficult for you to give names? I have heard of this difficulty more than once.


There is also a difficulty in explaining the difficulty— from your point of view so apparently simple a matter. Let us put it in this way. You know that with the old Egyptians the name of a god or goddess was much more than a name as understood by the hardy materialistic Anglo-Saxon from whose race came the question: “What’s in a name?” Well, from our point of view, and that also of the ancient wisdom of Egypt, based on data obtained from this side the Veil, there is a great deal in a name. Even in the mere repetition of some names there is actual power, and sometimes peril.


That we know now as we did not when on Earth. And


so we here acquire a reverence for the entity “the Name,” which to you would probably seem foolish. Nevertheless, it is partly for this reason that names do not come through to you so plentifully as many rather feeble investigators would wish.


Also the mere utterance and transmission of some of these names is, when we are in this Earth region, a matter of more difficulty than you would perhaps deem. It is a subject, however, which is hard to explain to you, and only one which you will be able to understand when you have become more familiar with the fourth dimension which obtains here—which term, also, we use for want of a better. We will just refer you to two or three instances and there leave the matter.


One is the giving to Moses of the Name of the great Officer of the Supreme who visited him. Moses asked for that Name, and got it—and neither he nor any one else to this day has been able to say what it means.


Then the lesser Angel who came to Jacob. Jacob asked for his name, and it was refused him. The Angels who came to Abraham and to others in the Old Testament very seldom gave their names. Likewise in the New Testament, most of the Angels who come to minister to Earth’s denizens are simply so called; and where the name is given, as in the case of Gabriel, it is little understood as to

its inner significance. Of the new name which no man— that is, man on Earth—knoweth, we have already spoken.


What is your name, mother—I mean your new name?


Is it permissible for you to give it?


Permissible, yes, but not wise, dear. You know I would give it if it were so. But this for the present I must withhold even from you, knowing that you will understand my love even if my motive is not very clear.


Yes, dear, you know what is best.


Some day you, too, will know, and then you will see what glory awaits those whose names are written in the Book of the Life of the Lamb, a phrase also which is worth thinking over, for in it is a glorious and living truth which those who use that Name so lightly surely apprehend little or not at all.


God bless you, dear, and Rose and the children. Ruby once more bids me in her pretty way, to say she is coming to see you soon, and hopes you will be able to take down her commands—that is the word she used, bless her, who is graceful humility itself, and loved by all who know her. God bless you, dear. Good-bye.


Wednesday, October 15, 1913.


How would you begin to explain to one who had little idea of a spirit world about him the truth of survival beyond the grave and the reality of this life and all its love and beauty? First you would probably endeavour to bring home to him the fact of his present actual existence as an immortal being. And then, when he had really grasped the significance of that, as it affects his future, he would perhaps be open to a few words of description as to that life which be will find himself possessed of, and in touch with, when he puts aside the Veil and emerges into the greater light of the Beyond.


So we feel that if men could but understand that the life they now live is life indeed, and not merely an ephemeral existence, they would then be more inclined to count worthy of consideration the words of those who have proved for themselves both the reality of this persistence of life and individuality, and also the blessedness of the lot awaiting those who on Earth are able to strive and to prevail.


Now, it is no small matter that men should so live their lives on Earth that when they step over the threshold into the larger, freer sphere they should take up and continue their service in the Kingdom without a more or less protracted hiatus in their progress. We have seen the effect

of the career of so many, as it is viewed in extension into this land, that we feel we cannot too much emphasize the importance of preparation and self-training while opportunity offers. For so many do put off the serious consideration of this, with the idea of starting afresh here, and when they come over they find that they had very little realized what that starting afresh really implied.


Who is this writing?


Still your mother and her friends. Astriel is not here tonight, but will be with us on another occasion. We will let you know when it is he and his party communicating.


Well, to proceed then. We have already told you of the Bridge and the Chasm——


Yes. But what of your further experience in Arnol’s domain, and of your return to your own proper sphere? Have you nothing more to tell me of that episode?


No more than that we learned much, made many friends, saw a great deal more than we here set down, and shall visit the place again soon. Now let us get on to what we wished to say, and which will perhaps be as useful as if we were to continue our description of the Colony in that other region.


The Chasm and the Bridge5—bring back your mind to what we told you of them. We wish to relate an episode which we witnessed at the place where the Bridge—as I will continue to name it—emerges on to the uplands of life and light.


We were sent thither to receive a woman who was expected to arrive, having fought her way through those dreadful, dark regions which lie below the Bridge. She had not come over the great causeway, but through the horrors of the darkness and gloom in the region below. With us went a strong Angel from a sphere above us, who was specially commissioned for the task. This was one of the Sister Angels who organize our homes where the rescued are taken.


Can you give me her name?


Bearn—no, we cannot get it through. Leave it, and we may be able to do so as we proceed.


When we arrived there we found that a light was glimmering some way down the rocky way which went down into the valley, and knew that some angel was there on the watch. Presently it grew more dim, and we noticed that it was moving away from us into the distance below. Then after a time we saw a flash far out over the valley, and this was immediately answered by a stream of light


from one of the towers on the Bridge. It was not unlike what you know as a search light, and indeed answered a purpose somewhat similar. It shot out downward into the gloom and remained steady. Then Bea—our Angel Sister told us to abide where we were for a time, and she went quickly through the air to the tower top.


Then we lost her in the light, but one of my companions said she thought she saw her speeding along the ray of light which slanted downwards towards the depths. I did not; but afterwards we found that she had seen correctly.


I ought to pause here to explain that that light was not so much to enable the spirits to see (which they could do of their own power), but to give strength for the work and protection against the hurtful influences which held sway in the region below. It was for that reason that the first angel had sent out his signal, and it was understood by the constant watchers on the Bridge and answered in the way I have told. The ray of light is, in some way I do not understand yet, impregnated with power of life and strength—the best description I am able to give—and it was sent to help him whose strength was in want of succour.


By and by we saw the two return. He was a strong Angel, but looked fatigued, and we learned later that he

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