» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul.


Letter 31. Friday, November 05, 2010.

Dear Susan, write these words down.

This is your Lord and Master JESUS.

I come to you today with new words. There is much to say. These words are for all who will hear them.

I am GOD. I am JESUS. Make no mistake these are MY words.

The hour is closing in. I am coming soon.

Susan, write it down.

Soon the world will know MY fury: the fury of an angry GOD; the fury of a rejected GOD. These words are to this lost generation. These words are for whoever had ears to listen. I watch the world. I know all. Nothing gets by ME. I am GOD, all-knowing GOD. I am JESUS, Savior of all.

This world is about to descend into evil, unstoppable, untamable evil, evil unleashed, unbridled, evil that can’t be conquered by men. Only GOD will be able to stop it. But until that day, men will endure the worst. I will take MY people to safety and the evil world will come into the open. No one will ever have seen or will see again this much evil.

The time is drawing near. The hour is closing in and I am about to make this happen. I, GOD have seen enough. Men are helpless to stop what is about to happen. The world is about to see what happens when I, God step aside and allow the people to have the kingdom they have chosen. They have chosen a kingdom without a just and righteous GOD. without a Holy, merciful, loving GOD.

This world has never known the likes of living without MY everpresent hand of protection hovering over the lands. But this is what the world wants. It has chosen a world without a Holy GOD. The world wants to remove holiness from its midst to do as it pleases and so it shall have its way. I shall step aside, excuse Myself, depart with MY chosen bride and leave for a heavenly home prepared for MY beautiful bride, the one who loves ME and who I love as well.

We shall sing songs and join together in the sky. We shall love, laugh, and sing it will be sheer beauty. It will be so beautiful. Earth cannot comprehend such beauty.

The people on earth shall have their wish. They shall see life without GOD looking on and keeping them from unbridled evil. It will be a dark hour.

The people laugh at MY warnings. They jeer at the idea that this will happen to them. In their hearts, they think MY Words are stories that will never come true. They believe each other, but not their GOD who made them. They console each other and say GOD will never come back. These are fables: they pat each other on the back and laugh at MY Words as if it is all make believe. Soon the stories will come to life and MY Words will come to pass and those who mock MY Words will learn that I am a GOD of great reliability and when I say I am going to do something, I, GOD will see it through.

This world thinks GOD is not real or greatly underestimates who they think I am. I am God of truth and this hour is coming and the people need to prepare themselves. They can surrender, repent, and come with ME, their GOD to safety and beauty or be left to face the consequences of their choices.

MY message is here for a short time. This world is coming to a stop. It is changing rapidly. Soon the people will find out about life without GOD. I am ready to do this thing to pull MY people out, to see this through. I want you to seek your GOD, humble yourself before ME, and be sorrowful over your sinfulness. Weep over your wrongs and iniquities.

You think you are not that bad, but you are wicked to the core. You blaspheme ME with every other word spoken. You take MY Name in vain. You use MY Holy Name in casual conversation in crass ways as if I am not looking on, as if I don’t exist and see all this. Who do you think you are? I created you. I brought you into this world. I set you into this place. I give you breath. You come, you go, and I know everything about you. I can no longer tolerate your evil perpetrated against ME and all the little innocent ones. Oh, you think I don’t see what you do behind closed doors. What you whisper in your heart. How you plot. how you scheme against each other. against ME, a Holy GOD who is omnipotent and omnipresent.

Do you actually think I am not aware of your comings and goings in the dark? I GOD see all. I know it all. I hear it all. Nothing slips by ME. Without MY salvation, the sins you commit will find you out. No evil thing committed will be hidden from the light without MY forgiveness, without MY precious blood covering your sin.

You have a short time to come clean. Wash yourself in MY blood. Accept MY salvation as the one true Savior of the world. Surrender your life to ME completely. Repent to ME of your evil and find peace with GOD, for no one can come to the Father except through ME, JESUS. I am the only way. You must lay your life down before ME. Follow ME without question and find peace, everlasting love, and beauty eternal.

This is your hour of decision. I am making MY pleadings and stretching forth MY hand for all to grasp, cling to, and receive MY love and then I must shut the door. Then you will wait too long and the door will be closed. Death will be the answer to your escape from a world gone mad. This evil is taking over the world, evil without bounds, without compassion, without remorse. It will be shocking and horrifying for those left. Few will survive the rigors of such evil. MY protection will be removed and MY wrath will be poured out.

I am not a fable. I am not a tale. I live among you. I live in MY bride. MY Spirit dwells within MY bride, but soon MY bride will be removed and the protection I have provided her will be lifted from the earth. I protect MY bride and keep her safe, but soon she will not be among you. She will have left you to go to safety. Life will change without the bride among you and MY Spirit that lives within her. The change will be obvious and painful for all those left behind.

Why do you cling to this life so? Your hope is false. You put your faith in a world that has grown cold, unfeeling, and cares only for greed and evil ambitions. Good works done apart from MY blessing are empty ramblings of a world trying to make a case of living without a Holy, loving GOD. Men’s good works are shallow and empty without GOD. They strategize and plan without seeking MY face and their end will be empty. Don’t they see that without GOD, all their planning is empty and temporal?

Men’s empty plans will lead to their destruction without ME, their Holy God. Soon men will be lost without ME in a world gone mad. a world given over to evil. a world without the protection of a Holy GOD.

O’ MY people, I am trying to reach you. You resist ME. You resist MY pleading. One day soon, you will find out it is too late and that you have been left to face the worst and it will be the worst time in mankind’s history unrivaled by any other time in the history of the earth. It will be a sad, lost, dark world left to its won evil devices. Truth will be hard to find. Love, peace, kindness, the things you have rejected in your hearts, you will long for and not find.

The descent into madness is already happening. Relief through peace, love, kindness, will not be found. It will be a dark period for all of mankind. Repent, surrender now and I will receive you into MY peaceful, safe, and beautiful Kingdom where I am a GOD of kindness and protection. You must choose.

Scoff not at MY Words. I am sad for scoffers and naysayers. They will have great regret at their doubt and be disappointed over their losses. It will be a sad day on earth when the world realizes the truth that everyone is left to face the coming dark hour.

Turn to ME, your beautiful Savior now. Look upon MY nail pierced hands. See MY outstretched arms toward you. I am calling you to come to MY safety and security. There is no other way. Soon I must leave. Decide now. Choose now. These are the final moments.

I love you. MY love is pure and tender. Call ME your God and I will call you mine before MY Father and His Holy angels. I will give you a new home. I will bring you to a new beautiful home. All this will be yours.

I, JESUS love you.

Sabrina writes this: This is a very serious letter again, regarding the letter I received from the LORD above. Wow. While reading it, the Lord told me He had a letter to add and I knew it would be serious too, so I first prayed, read MY Bible and now here I am to listen what He has to say. The Lord also led me to the Bible verses below after this word, Please note the letter was originally given by the LORD to Sabrina in her language Dutch and she translated to English here below:


Letter dictated to Sabrina in Dutch by the LORD and later translated to English here, Saturday, November 06, 2010.

“MY dear daughter, write it down. Hear what I have to say to you. I speak to you to warn MY children. Many still live in sin and do not live after MY word. They think I am an all-encompassing God that overlooks everything through the fingers. MY word however says that I do after MY word. This includes the blessings, the prophecies, but also MY wrath. I am a God that is not amenable to even be consumed by something.

I am a God of love; a greater God of love will not exist in eternity. Therefore, I cannot bear sin. I am a God of purity and cleanliness and a blazing fire. Live after MY Word MY children! Don’t think it doesn’t matter. Every action has a consequence for eternity. Everything is seen, everything is marked, everything will be revealed. Many of MY children think it is okay to not take MY Word so very precisely. I am telling you that it certainly matters! MY Word stands firm. MY Word is written. MY Word will not change. I God do not change. Therefore, MY people listen to ME. Live after MY Word. Every commandment is important.

I have given MY commandments to MY servant Moses, so it would go well with you. Why are you living then under your own commandments? You are making yourself a god by these ‘commandments.’ I do

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