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walls, but rather from the sons anointed by God; and I am with the faithful by them, and they share Me as the word upon the nations of the earth. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Lord’s birth, on 07-01-1998



A multitude of people goes to church, but it does not know what the work of the church is. Oh, My people, oh, My church, oh, little children dedicated to God! The people do not know what church means. I complain as one full of pain without any comfort. The people, who go to church, do not know, they say, what this mystery means. The church is the mystery of God, and the people know nothing about this work, about the mystery of the church. Oh, what a pain on Me, the One deceived by the multitudes of people who say that they go to church! The people do not know what worship means. They know that worshipping God is man making the sign of the holy cross on his body with his right hand. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) The man, who wakes up, washes, dresses and goes to church, does not know more than that, he says. The people do not know that to the church go only they who want to learn to be dedicated to God. Oh, I have no longer a church on the earth, for the priests lie to the people with this name of church and the priests make an earning and nothing else. Crowds of people fell under the hand of the priests who deceive God and people, and the people do not know what worship means.


Today, the church of the world has it written on it from the saints and from the parents the Sunday’s celebration of the holy cross, the half period of the time of the great feast for the welcome of My crucifixion’s celebration and of My resurrection for the man. Who shall I speak to about the fast? What does the world know about this power? For the fasting has power in man; it is not weakening in man. This is My word written in the Scriptures: «Is this really a fast pleasing to Me, a day for a man to afflict his soul; to bow down his head as a rush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Is this the day that you call a fast and acceptable day to Me? They look for Me every day because they want to know My ways, as a people who works My righteousness, as a people who turn off from God’s law». Oh, this is not fast, when the man does not eat good food or not to eat it at all; it is not only this that means fast. Fast means the love for God and people. Fast means to have and give all that abounds you, for you have from God and not from you. There are people full of riches and keep fasting days. Oh, the rich who fast this way do not know; no one is to tell them what the fast means. The rich man, who does not fast from the riches, does not reach with his mind the secret of the fast. The rich do not fast, and he does not know this truth. The rich man does not fast and does not know this truth. As the poor does not fast, the same way is with the rich man, but neither of them knows what the secret of the fast means. But who are they who fast? (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Great Fast, of the Holy Cross. The celebration of the forty saints, martyrs from Sevasta, (Sebaste) on 22-03-1998.



Let the gates of the garden of My word be open! Amen.

Oh, My little garden of anointed sons, open yourself, so that the heaven may come in through your gates on the earth, and on your gates to heaven, for the heaven and the earth meet together through these gates. Amen. You are the gates of My word which comes from heaven so that God may be the Word with the faithful people on the earth. Open the gates so that I may come in, for I am the King of the glory and I am from heaven and I have heavenly gates on earth and Jerusalem as people, and I speak with him from heaven, and at My speaking with him, the faithful gather together to take My word to eat and grow in holiness, heavenly love and everlasting life. Amen. Open the gates of my glory on earth, for this little garden is the garden of the glory of My word, which blows from heaven upon it and carries away the fragrance of my word to the ends of the heavens. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


I said not long ago, I told you, sons of the word of My coming; I said that I want to speak to the worldly church and tell it what the Christ’s church which saves is, and to tell it what Christ in church is, because I came to search the living and the dead, the righteous and sinful, and to give each one according to his deed. Amen.


Who is the righteous? The righteous is that who stands firm in Me. The righteous one is the one who stands firm in Me for the weak one that I died for to raise him from the dead. The righteous is the one who takes after Me in image and deed. The righteous is the one who believes in God as I believed in the Father. The righteous is the man who walks in holiness between heaven and earth, for the righteous has the way of the heaven under his feet and this is how he walks on earth before Me and before the people who do not walk rightly, that do not know what justice is, for justice means God with people, God among people as the Lord is, as God wants and not as people want.

Who is the sinner? The sinner is the one who does not stand fast in Me and does not also let his neighbor stand firm, so that he may not work My justice. The sinner is the one who does not try to be like Me in his image and deed, and wants to take after the devil. The sinner loves the deeds of the devil, doing them and giving his approval for other to do them, thus helping them to the devil’s deeds. Behold, I come to judge the living and the dead, the righteous and the sinners and to give each one according to its own deed. I am the Christ of the church, the Lord of the church; I am the holy food of the church. But what Christ’s church is, and what Christ in church is?

Open the gates of your church, you, the bishops and priests of the church! Open, so that I may come to you to search you! I am the Word of God, the Christ of the Father, and I come on the clouds of My word and I always come, for it is written in the Scripture about My coming that I prepare for Me. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) The time of My coming has come near. Do you believe in the Scriptures? Do you believe that I come to fulfill them? Do you believe in My coming? Do you know the Scriptures and the depth of My mysteries in them? Do you know the depth of My word from the Scriptures which speaks about My coming? Open and answer to God! Amen. I have been writing Myself into this book from your time for more than forty years, the book by which I come as a word from heaven to search the living and the dead, the righteous and the sinners, and then to give each one according to his deed. Open your gates and the gates of your church, so that I may enter as a Master and search you!


But what the church which saves is? It is the one who lives between the heaven and earth according to My holy will, giving light to the world with My deeds in it, with My life in it, with My love in it, with My humbleness in it. Amen. The church of Christ which saves is the one which has apostles, prophets, teachers, performers of miracles, healers, rulers, benefactors and interpreters of foreign languages according to My will and not according to the will of the world, for this is My word written in the Scriptures: «Get out of the world and be clean and separated from the world and I will receive you and I will be your father and you will be My sons and My daughters. Amen». It is written in the Scriptures that the sons of My church crucified their bodies together with their passions, lusts and the deeds of their bodies, live in the Spirit, and walk in this way accordingly, fulfilling My law and running away from the empty glory. The church of Christ is the one which has the Spirit of Christ unquenched in it, not the spirit of the world. My church is the one which do not despises My word and My messenger’s word sent to it. My church is the one which has sons, who keeps wholly the spirit, the soul and the body blameless in view of My coming, as it is written in the Scripture. This is the church of Christ which saves; this way and not otherwise, and not as the church from the world is, which has My name upon it.


But what is Christ in the church? The sons of Christ believe in Christ and become God’s sons by faith in Christ. Amen. But what is Christ in the church and how do the sons of His church believe in Him? It is written: «Who is to believe if there is not preaching?». The one who preaches Christ has to take after Christ; otherwise he is a hypocrite Pharisee, who stands into My name in front of the people and the people cannot understand what Christ in church is, and thus the people grow blind thorough blind guides, as it is written about the blind guides. The blind guides are those who cannot make people see Christ’s way and walk on it. He who does not walk in Christ’s way preaches Him in vain.


Man, without the way of Christ under your feed, you cannot be an apostle of Christ; you cannot do the things of the world and of Christ and be an apostle of Christ anymore. Who told you that you can do this way that you strive to carry My name before the people? Why do you take My name and coat on you if you do not want to be like Me before the people? Behold, you fit in front of your church, and because of you, My true messengers not fit with My light upon the earth. But I come to search the living and the dead, the righteous and the sinners, and I have with Me the reward according to the deed, and it will not be a greater woe than that for the Pharisees which became My apostles on earth, deriving benefits from My name preached by them.


Behold what Christ is and not is in the church. Christ in church is the One that is carried and worked by His anointed saints with the holiness myrrh, who sanctifies the holy Ones. Christ in church is proclaimed

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