» Religion » Journey Toward the Family of ONE my Divine Apostolic Design (DAD), Aisha McCain [ebook reader play store TXT] 📗

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me see clearly Your perfect plan for my life.”

Sit in silence for 30 minutes.
Write down intuitional insights.


Go beyond the process of balancing work and personal life to an approach to living a life that has integrity and beauty every step of the day. Work should resonate with your inner being. All life is inter-connected. Bring more feeling, imagination and heart (passion) into your time with others. Then you will increase your effectiveness at home and work.

Now we are only partial awake. The average person develops less than 15% of their mental abilities. You are using only a small part of our resources. It is time to awaken the sleeping giant within you.
We will explore ways to help you reconnect with your full potential and you will share this process with others.

Learn how to no longer react to circumstances!
Explore your key life lessons!

Do the activity that supports your design in life – who you are (being)
Learn how to be joyful, loving, trustworthy and affluent by choice.

There are four phases to development within the core group. Each one builds upon the completion of the previous. We are designing the troops of God’s love and light – 100 strong families affecting the world.
We will grow to over 10,000 families/individuals that come together as One (D.A.D’s kids).

The Divine Apostolic Design - The Family of One
Who stand strong and shakes the world!

We are an energy battery of infinite charge:
Intention + Action (Aligned with God) = Divine Charge =
A wave of prosperity.

The new definition of prosperity means to prosper in relationship to God and our neighbor; prosperity that gives increase of love, joy, understanding, health, friendship, service, blessings and divine energy.

This paradigm shift in the world will bring humanity to the next level of development: true alignment with God.

We’ll become separate from the world while still in it. We’ll hear the music of the Lord which says welcome to the family of the One.

Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one spirit just as you were called in one hope of your calling one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and in you all.

1John 2: 15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God, and everyone who is born of God know God.

1John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.

1John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.

Phase One: Self-Exploration

To bring you into alignment with your true nature is the goal.

As you heal yourself you heal the world.
Your commitment to yourself is your personal Aladdin’s lamp. The secret of the genii is your connection to a higher power (DAD). Explain what you’d like to see happen in your life if you had Aladdin’s lamp?
Are you open to self-improvement?
A. in your life
B. in your relationships
Are you willing to develop a higher self-image and awareness?
Are you willing to develop your physical well-being?
Are you willing to cultivate higher personal relationships?
Are you willing to attract more affluent wealth?
What do you look like?
How do you function in wholeness?

Step 1. Examine why you want to participate - reasons why?
What are your Goals…Motives…Commitment …Heart’s Desire

Step 2. Make a list of 10 people you love deeply.
Make a commitment …
Understand that you have chosen them to help you; get closer to God through being of service to them.
You can chose to or not to tell them.
Understand that this does not require any reciprocating action on their part; only that they have to be open to receive what God directs you to share with them.
Your commitment states that you will take an active part in showing love, caring, service and support.
This will help you to develop a heart like Christ and get closer to God the Father. Your touchstone is how Christ would show love to this person!

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind. This is the first and great commandment. And second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37 – 39

Step 3. Analyze if you are showing love and charity to yourself in all your actions.
Are you using the talents God has given you? What are they? Are you honoring the vessel (body) the Lord has given you? Explain.
Do you speak sweetly and charitably when referring to yourself? Can you be more loving to yourself? In what ways? What actions are you going to take to bring you closer to honoring the gift of you that God has provided?
How are you going to show your thankfulness?

Step 4. Study Ephesians Chapters 4 – 6. Write an outline of main points.

Step 5. Make a written journal. Define who your neighbor is.
How should you look at this person?
What are your basic needs?
What are your neighbors’ needs?
How can you live life more abundantly? What can you do today? What is your definition of life and how has it changed? Study forgiveness and what it means to let go and get over these feelings.

“Unkindness to anything means an injustice done to that thing. If I am unkind to you I do you an injustice, or wrong you in some way…if I try to assist you in every way that I can …I am kind to you.” George Washington Carver

This process takes 6 – 8 weeks to complete. Thirty minutes of daily silence for the whole time where you get in touch with God. Your commitment to the 10 people selected should continue for at least 6 weeks with a diary of how your love and service has evolved.

Make a list of the points that stood out or touched you in Ephesians. Give daily praise for 8 weeks for the blessings and great works that God has provided for you.

Do not be surprised if you have challenges during this time of growth. Stepping stones are there to advance your development and are truly blessings in disPhase Two: Vision Map

This is a process that will help you see your heart’s desires.
It is a visual representation of the direction you were called to walk.
Your life will have a clearer footing.
You will work in team collaboration for support with a facilitator to enhance the mapping of your goals. This will help to bring fulfillment to your soul and put you on new footing with your life and begins the advancement for society.
Acknowledge that today you live and breathe…there is nothing you can do to deserve more breath. Know that your life is purposeful. This means that you were created for a specific purpose in life. Your journey is to unravel and accomplish that purpose. Your purpose expressed will bring joy and fulfillment to your life and those that surround you. Be at peace with yourself and think about colors, materials, foods, stories and music, etc. whatever makes you smile or makes your heart feel warm.
Complete the Family of One Application on the last page and email to family facilitator. Participate in an Online Collaboration Workshop: Refurbish Your Life – Live God.

Phase Three: Develop a Quadrant Profile

Small steps that cover many miles…
Wisdom of how to eat an elephant - one bite at a time.
Look at your life in 24 hour blocks
~ broken into 4 quadrants of 8 hours each.
1st Quadrant = 8 hours of Sleep/Rest
2nd Quadrant = 8 hours of Employment/Livelihood
3rd Quadrant = 8 hours of Travel Time/Eating/Prep Time
4th Quadrant = 8 hours of Study/Prayer/Relaxation/Sports/Fun
Every day we can choose what we will do in each quadrant to make our lives more fulfilling.
Or we can choose to spend our day…
Being Frustrated
Living with Fears
Does the above activity change anything?

How much of your time is exploring possibilities of how to creatively express the talents/gifts that you have been given?
Will this activity change anything?guise. Stay balanced and keep moving forward.

If within each day you find joy of expression; you’ll find understanding and purpose. You will sleep with peace and the days wills turn into weeks and then months of joy, understanding and purpose: the new signature of your life.

Take the next 1 -2 weeks to notice how your quadrants are developed. Just take note be aware. Now you are more awake to your life. Now you can choose how you’d like to proceed from this point forward one hour at a time. Write down the ways in which you’d like to express your living time.

Build New Habits that support who you are and your purpose in life.
Complete the map, which you can follow to fulfillment. Every person and circumstance in our lives is there to support us by reflecting back to us the present state of our consciousness. We always have a choice to create environments that are harmonious, nurturing and mutually supportive.
Join with others who share a commitment to live in mutual support which is both self-loving and empowering.

We are now ready for …
Phase Four: Reaching Out

In this phase you will explore avenues that are new to you or have been hidden in your mind. You will experience a new level of excitement in the fresh possibilities that are now available. You will experience support of caring and concerned individuals for your success in your endeavors. You will become part of DAD’s team.
As you joyfully share your process of growth with others you will personally design an individual action plan for living God’s truth… Read Psalms 30:12 to help direct your actions.
You will become a supportive team member that rejoices in the achievements of others as you see beyond the boundaries of the present moment for those that reach out to you or join your team. Your life will be a reflection of what you believe.
You are a success regardless of education, upbringing or financial status; it’s who you are...rather whose you are!
Share with others the abundance
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