» Religion » The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man, Lord Jesus [classic literature books .txt] 📗

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from the earth, for the mystery that comprises you is great. You are the sign of God through the times, and take this sign to all the margins, for the Lord’s judgment is written by God to all the margins. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Virginia, from 14-12-1994



My people do not forget that you are a witness over time, that you are a sign that stirs up opposition over the people without the Holy Spirit. Israel, Israel, the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father, gathered you together on the hill full of testimonies. Here I am again in My village with My people, in the village of My word. This village will be called the village of the Word of God and will bear My name.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 11-06-1995



My people, this work of the word from heaven is My cross that I gave it to you to carry through the world, sons. It is the sign of the Son of Man, who was to appear before its visible coming. The cross is the life of Christ, carried by man; it is Christ’s face, taken out of the man, and this word and His face are My cross, carried by you. That is why this new announcement, this carried cross, is a folly for those who stay in the spirit of carelessness of this age, but for you it is the power of God. Behold, My word proves the folly of the wisdom of this age, as because the wisdom of God did not make the man to know God by wisdom, that is why God wanted to save the one who believe through the proclaiming of the cross, as it is written: «The Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom, but those that are faithful preach the Christ crucified, Who is a stumbling block for the Jews and foolishness for the Gentiles, but to those who are called from among them, is Christ, the power and wisdom of God». This is the hidden wisdom of God. He lifts up those that are low, those that are not, to destroy those that are, so that nobody may become haughty before God, and he who boasts, let him boast in the Lord. Amen.


I embrace you with great love; I and all My saints. My love is with you and I comfort you and bless you, so that you may be My joy, My people. My peace is with you; strengthen yourself from the spirit of My peace. The word is the peace from heaven and from earth. My word is My glory into your midst, and I glorify Myself in it before you. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you, Israel. You should be faithful, son, as I work by your faith, and I glorify Myself before you by the word. The word is God. Peace to you, the Lord’s people, as God is One: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1996



I said to the nations of the earth that you are My people; I said that I am your God; I said that the voice of My word is God’s glory into your midst, it is My sign before My coming, it is the cross of My glory, which is coming before Me, it is My life over your life, for I have come and chosen you from among the nations to put upon you the being of My word, the fulfilling of My word. To Me everything is possible, and I have added that everything is possible to him who believes in Me and in My word. My word feeds you, it grows you, and it fills you with its being, My people. I taught My people Israel through My Spirit in the prophets, but they loved themselves very much and did not stand before Me to have Me as their God and thus they brought Me out of its things. When I tried to make place with My kingdom in it, I chose prophets out of it from Me and I told them: «Go, but on the ways of the Gentiles do not go and do not enter the cities of the Samaritans; rather go to the lost sheep; go to Israel that lost its way», for the Gentiles and Samaritans believed in God; they believed in the One Who was to come, but Israel did not believe in anything, it did not want anything. The Samaritans were hated by the Jews, but they believed in the One Who was to come from the Father, and when I came, they welcomed Me, they met Me to take Me in their home, not like the Jews, who took Me out of their home. You should receive Me, My people as the Samaritans received Me, son, and you should bring My word into being, as I also bring all My promises into being if you give being to My word.


My word is milk and honey from heaven[4]. You shall eat My word with sweetness; you should spread it on bread like jam and you should eat and grow sweetly, oh, Israel child, so that I may become sweet with you, dear son. The Jews gave Me sour wine mixed with gall even at My most difficult moment, but you, Israel of today, become sweet for Me and give Me to drink of your water, give Me fresh water, give Me, My people, give Me, and be alert in your work, for idleness is sin of death, My people. You shall not stay in this death, for I will come soon, and I want to find you working at My coming, for I work My coming with you.


Verginica prays to Me and says, “Lord, increase the faith of Israel!” Oh, Israel, Israel, why do you believe that I asked Myself then when I spoke about My coming? For I said this: «When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?» (Luke: 18/8) Oh, I will no longer find faith on earth, but I will find with you, My people, for I have taken you from the world that you may no longer be from the world and that you may be born from above, to be from Me, not of the world, to be able to increase your faith in Me, My people.


It is a feast in you, My people. I have set you as a sign before Me and I wrote My name on your head and I sealed you with a heavenly seal and I know you by My anointed ones, who stand before Me for you, as you can be My people through the gates, for this is the godly order. I come to you through the gates. And this is how you are supposed to come in to Me too, through the gates, My people, through the gates, son, for he who climbs over the gates, that one is a spirit of Lucifer; he is not a spirit of sheep in the new fold of new Jerusalem, coming from Me upon you. That is why I have always told you: stay within the spirit of obedience, My people, and go, son, go with a guide before you, for when the evil spirit sees the guide set by Me, the evil spirit flees from My order, and if you do not follow the guide, then the evil spirit comes and spoils your knowledge, and you become like Lucifer and you do not know what you do, for it is written: «If you do not know, then you do not have sin». However, I tell you this lest you may commit sin, and keep away from the disorder about it is written in the Scriptures and in My fresh word upon you, for disorder is not good, son.


The Holy Spirit is a teacher upon you so that the Holy Spirit may teach you, My people, as it is written: «And they will be taught by God». I have someone from your gates, (gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) who, from childhood, keep saying to Me this: “Oh, Lord, let me not be in my mind and in my heart, but You, Lord, be with Your will in me, and when You see Your growing less in me, take me out of my will with Your will and make me used to be Your will, Lord, for my will is to be Your will, Your will before You.” Oh, Solomon asked for wisdom from Me; another asked Me something else, another, again, asked for something else still, but it is a great thing when I hear that someone asks Me: “Lord, I want to be Your will before You, Lord.” Oh, blessed are you, little soul and heart, that say so, for My will is the salvation of the human people. My will in man is a great wonder. Such a man is a miracle worked by Me for the man’s salvation, for the salvation of the human kind. My will is the good only, My will is good, My will is to prevail in man against the old man and to give birth to the new man in him, Christ, Me, to be born in man; this is My will in man and My love in man. Blessed are the one who becomes My will to work it, for I work redemption from death and I become a way for the one who walks to find Me.


Israel, be My will, son. Be My will, for the world, son, is the will of the evil spirit. If you want to go into the world, then you become the will of the spirit of the world; however, you should not have a desire like that, son, but you should be My will so that I may be your will, and to be one in the other, I in you and you in Me, son from Israel. Israel, Israel, do no longer be attracted to your wills, son. I will come visibly and I want to find you as My will, My people. Grow, son, grow within My will and pray saying: “Your will may be done, Lord, as in heaven so on earth and in me, Lord.” He who goes to his wills, that one does not know what life is; one like that does not know what it means to have life. It is My will above you, My people. Let Me come in you with it, son. My will is that you should not have other gods besides Me. My will is that you should not be your own god, but I to be your God in everything that I ask you from Me upon you. He who listens, that one does My will. You should be My will, son Israel, as I have called you, with My name, so that I may know that you do My will. My life and the sign of My life you should carry before Me, so that I may also come before you, and that we may meet each other before all the nations of the earth, for we wait for each other, loved Israel, I wait for you and you wait for Me, My people. Oh, blessed is the faithful one in Israel, as that one is My will before Me.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09-1996.



Oh, Verginica, all My words that are

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