» Religion » 2007.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, Lord Jesus [read any book TXT] 📗

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the soul, the work of this good spirit is. As the Lord, I urge those who were, those who are and those who will be the people of this word of the Lord’s coming after man, I urge them all to bite their tongue instead than to slander and blame you for their works done in disobedience to God, and I urge them not to stop within the group of those who are rebellious, and then no longer let themselves be drawn and no longer draw those who are rebellious, for the rebellious people are those who are discontent, and those who are discontent are those who think they are worthy for their mind, for their works, but they are the haughty ones, and those who are haughty fall down, for this is the reward of the haughtiness in man. However, you should be in the Spirit of the Lord, in the spirit of the justice of everything, for the man has to be small, and the Lord has to be great, children sons. Strengthen yourselves for watch and gather good strength for the protection of the faithful people, for the man needs a helm upon him, even if it is hard for him to do this. Let us teach the man what humility is, humble sons. Only the one with a humble spirit, only that one has a guided life under the Lord’s shield, and those who cannot do this, will understand the weapons of the holy correction upon them, and they will seek after repentance and after love with propriety, as only the saints have these. Amen.


Oh, Lord, the work of the disciples is easy to bear by those who love to be disciples, but their light for those who are guided by them is very hard, Lord. Israel’s carelessness pressed hard upon me, but the people of Israel have to understand from You the work of justice in everything, Lord, because the time has come to its end. Let the stiff-necked man not blame You for his disobedience, the man who falls down in his self, who falls down from You, Lord.


Oh, people who have come to learning! My spirit, which turns the man back to God speaks to you in this way, to your wisdom: the Christians who fall down do not fall because of some others or because of God or because of God’s workers; they fall after they have got used to God and because each one of them likes to do something on earth, but not what it has to be done on earth. They fall in themselves, and then they fall from God; they fall from love and then from God. Among those who came and come in this people of the Lord’s coming to man, each one of them wants to have something to do with his hand and with the gifts out of their nature, and people like these cannot have the Lord strong for Him, for His will, for the Lord’s works are strong and eternal and the man has got used too much to the temporariness and its works, which always, always pull the man out of God, and here it is why the Lord could not thrive much within His plan and with many people, people united by obedience and love.


Oh, people, sanctified by the great word of the Lord! Learn what the Lord has said for those who will follow Him: «If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me». (Matt. 16:24) Amen. This means that the man should listen and love to have a cross, to stay under the Lord’s burden, for otherwise the man’s mind is anchorless; this means that the man is born of God and no longer have parents, brothers, relatives or friends in the world, for those who cannot do the same, they cannot be the Lord’s disciples, as the Lord said, and the Lord taught the disciples to know those who are His, and He told them: «You will know those who are Mine by their fruits».  (Matt. 7:16) Behold, this is your work, people who have come to the Lord’s coming. Oh, you cannot serve two masters at the same time, if you have come on the way of the Lord’s coming. You think that you can, you say that you can, you do so that you may manage, but this means that you cannot do it, for you leave one of them, and you do not believe that you do so, and truly, truly is the word of the Lord, which clearly speaks about the way of those who come to be with the Lord. Amen.


Oh, Lord, I have lived only in You and I have worked only for You, and my zeal for You was great and harsh, and it was because of this that the unfaithful man or that with little faith did not overcome me, but only You prevailed against me, and I had zeal only for You. Oh, give to Your people, give to them of my spirit, give them, Lord. And this is how Your people of today should be Your disciple, Lord. Amen, amen, amen.


– Oh, you abyss of zeal after God, oh great prophet! You had only Me as mother and father, brother, sister and friend, and that is why you had disciples for Me, and all were in your spirit, and those who have had your spirit did not fall from it. When one of the Christians longs after his self, then he only pretends that he dwells with Me, if he does, and one like that looks around with his eyes for a Christian that may like to be with himself in him and around him, and one like that rejoices when another Christians staggers, so that he may also stagger; one like that rejoices when he has someone to take after, when he longs for himself and then he longs to stagger, for staggering is self-love for those who seek the Lord on their way in their manner and not in the holy manner of the seeking. This staggering does not come from someone’s guilt, but it is naturally born in man, and the man did not get rid of it when he has tried to lose his life that he may gain it in Me. However, I had spoken ahead of time that the sifting sieve is in My hand, so that I may remain in it with the whole wheat berry, and behold, the unfulfilled berry, the empty berry, the dry berry, tries to crush in the middle the wheat berry full of Me with his haughtiness, but I watch and seek with mercy after the stiff-necked one and I call him out, only if he may hear Me when I call him out.


Oh, there is no one, no one guilty for a Christian who staggers, but only his longing of sin makes him give in to his wills, in his soup, which seems to be sweeter than the steadfast love among brothers and for brothers. I said: woe to those who, due to their staggering and because of their lack of stature and steadfastness, strike in the sides against those who preserve themselves under My leading and guided work, through hardships and temptations! Those whom I love I exhort them to stay under a guide, but woe to those who come out without guidance and they still call themselves as Mine as they are! It is written into the Scriptures: «The Lord knows those who are His!» and I, the Lord, exhort My entire people to strengthen for him his living under guidance, so that I may know him. Amen.


Oh, My people of old, and you, My people of today and tomorrow, stand up if you have sins, and wash them away from you and from Me, son, for I am good and gentle for you and I wait for you. I have brought into view into your midst, many memorial lists with sins, many hidings from God and from those who are the light of man to Me from God, and these stay before Me not cleansed, sons. The hiding of the works and that of the hidden words has become great darkness on My way to you and on your way to Me. Oh, cleanse your way, disobedient son, the way of your prayer to Me. Do not forget that each one will stay in his own order, as it is written. Do not forget that if there is no one to give good testimony for you before Me, you will cry without being comforted in the day of the testimonies, sons. Oh, therefore, get up, and cleanse your being from those who are your covered things among brothers, and by which brothers fall down, for My church is that which stays in the light and in the unity by the light. The righteous one is the one who is forgiven. He, who is in the hiding, stays without growth and within ignorance. I have taught you, My people, not to run away, from those who have to bring Me good testimony about you. Oh, do not flee from them, but run to them instead, this is what I have taught you. I have taught you to go and to ask them about Me and about you. I have taught you everything for your life. Fulfill them, sons, and knock at the door to be welcomed and cleansed by those who separate you from God. No matter how guilty you may be towards your brother, you can cleanse yourself if you want. Come back! The reward comes on the earth for any kind of work. Reconcile yourself to God in your open heart, and not otherwise, staggering son, discontent son. Oh, come to Me with the one against whose conscience you have gone wrong. Come to Me with the one who has gone wrong against you, and do not come alone. Come, you those who go wrong and I will heal you. Let us work as on earth at least, sons, at least as it is worked on earth the work of the occurrence of justice and then of the reconciliation among brothers. Work out deliverance for the conscience of those who can fall because of you from My bosom. I want to boast you for this work done among you as some of My beloved brothers, and then like some sons. I want to be your brother in order to help you, and to exhort you as a father. Get healed from everything that is not beautiful within you, from everything you have wounded in the power and conscience of those on the same way with you. This forerunning work brings its glory after it. Oh, love needs a clean road, sons. Let us be alive, sons. I am the God of the living, of those who see and of those who see like Me and not like man. Learn from My word that is upon you about your dwelling in God and about God’s dwelling in you, sons.


Oh, do not read My word that is upon you in vain! Learn it as God and not as man, sons taught by God and not by man. Oh, I want to shepherd you with tears, to listen to Me, to welcome Me, sons. Soon, soon, I gather you together to shepherd you and to wash you away from those who separate you from Me, sons. Soon, soon, I will wait for you at the spring, and I will wait for you for a long time to settle under My teaching and under the teaching of those who will bring good testimony about you before Me. Oh, learn from Paul, My apostle, who confessed the sin of his feud over My church and then, I, having called him to repentance, he was filled with

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