» Religion » 2005.09.27 - The Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, Lord Jesus [the lemonade war series TXT] 📗

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able to reveal Myself to the people and the people would have not found anything about God, if I and the Father had not found any dwelling place and heaven in My disciples who were sanctifying the name of the Father and Mine; if they had not made My kingdom in them alive, because they gave away from themselves and left their body to Me as a dwelling place, and I put in them the Holy Spirit of the Father and Mine, and in this way I was on earth with the people, My people.


Oh, the man does no longer come to a stop from the walking of his mind, and he is no longer quiet in his mind that I may be able to speak with him and to give him instruction from heaven; to teach him from Me, because when the man receives from man, he remains within his mind and he does not get out of it, and it does not get out of him either, and I cannot find the man free from him to knock and to be opened to Me and to give him from Me, and to work in him the faith by which he works out his salvation, because the work of the salvation is great. It is the fruit of faith, and behold, the faith needs fruit so that the man may be saved by it from death.


The man loves the darkness more than the light; he loves more his wicked deeds, which wake up in him, because the man has no longer fear of God, Who sees in man and upon man. However, I exhort you, My people, in the name of My sufferance on the cross, to take much and great care and let the prayer go through your heart, because if it goes through your mind, your mind takes it and carries just as the water takes downstream everything it finds in its way. I exhort you, My people, with tears to long after the spiritual gifts, even if you do not come to love the gift of prophecy, but faith needs rich fruit from your spiritual gifts, which are to work out your salvation, because it is not received but only by faith, and the faith is the working one and not the sleeping one, which keeps the man far from God’s will. Apostle Paul was boasting within the faith, but he said this: «But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world». (Gal. 6:4)


Oh, sons, the one who flees from the way of My cross, that one does not love the way with Me and does not work out his salvation, which has the fear of God as his support, that which makes the man love God with the love which seeks within it power for it, joy for it, faith for it, because without the faith of My disciples, I could have not become love in those who are many who have found Me and loved Me without rest, because the man makes the man great and working in the way of the waiting of My coming to the man with the gifts of love, with its fruits, with the salvation, which has all My things within it. Amen.


I want, My people, to teach you more clearly My mystery with you and near you, for you to be able to love Me, and to be able to follow Me with a greater living, with more fruit of your faith in your coming to Me to prepare by the word the earth for My great day when My entire victory will take away death from the earth, because the garment on man is spoiled by man, by what he does and eats with his heart and his body. Israel was eating manna from heaven and when he was nourishing his body this way, the garment of his body was also nourished in the same way, and his garment was no longer spoiled. However, he worked out its death instead, and he has done this with his heart inside him and death has been reigning in him not God. Here it is how and where the man gets corrupted from, and then he dies not knowing God near him as his life, as his heaven and as his love.


In the time of My trumpet sounding by Verginica, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) if I was telling to a Christian that he had in him the death which was eating his life inside, his heart and his health from Me, and if I was telling him that he has got love of himself, he would not believe Me. The Christian does not believe; he does not know that he has got self-love, that he thinks according to his mind, not according to My mind. However, he is also in heaven, and he is settled by angels at Me, and the heaven is heaven and it is not earth, My people.


Oh, teaching children, oh, children from the gates, if those who believe in My coming on earth as word, if these would give their minds to Me, they would understand the Lord by it, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He who cannot love you with the whole power of their being, in such a way that I may put My love in them after that as I put it in you, those people did not understand the mysteries of My coming on earth, and they tempt My going outs and ins thorough the gates, and they take Me from heaven, as they say, and they take you from the earth, and they do not know that I take them out of you in order to know them, and that I may not tell them either when My day with glory will come, and not to tell them also: «I do not know where you come from». My Spirit, teaching children, is not your spirit, but it is Mine, and your spirit is My dwelling place in you and it is My eye upon Israel. Amen.


Oh, how well it is with the Christian who receives Me through you and not you, and who does this for Me out of love! Oh, how well it is for the Christian who comes to sit in council with you, within My council, so that I may be able to come and to give him, and for My advice to be welcomed and to be waited with faith, and that the Christian should do nothing but those of My council, because those things of him council take him out of Me each time when he has to do those things that belong to him, and which are not taken from Me to be put to work.


Oh, how well it is for the one who loves to sit in the Lord’s council! Then I would be as flexible as the flexibility of the faith and the love of the son of this work of My word upon Israel are, and I could work with My council, as I love to work and to listen to the Father, and to have this way and not otherwise a favorable place in Christian, and not to be shy of the Christian’s nature, and not to be afraid or to stumble against his hardness among you, because he who loves you, he also welcomes you and wait for you from Me to him, and with one like that I can sit in council and to be with the whole good among those that are My people. Amen. When I work through you and send you with My Spirit in you, you are fragile, and if I did not give you strength, My council from Me for every work done with My blessing would no longer take place. It is written in the Scriptures that the gates of My citadel will be opened day and night that I may be with My people, but the people should also be with Me and waiting for Me to be. Amen.


On earth there are only mires for the man’s mind, My people, but you should sit in the shade of the cross, because it is not good to fight against the waves, but it is good to leave your mind to rest and to let go out of your hand the helm in times of waves and mires, to be able to float until the waves calm down. Sit in the shade under the cross in your hard time, and seek with peace and patience waiting, because the mind’s man is drawn by mires calling from all sides, but I have taught you to stay in heaven always and to learn to be the Father’s dwelling, the Father’s heaven, My people, sanctifying with your heart and with your mouth the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I have tested the Christians of My coming within love, and I have tasted them by their love for Verginica, by whom I was sounding the trumpet and with whom I was with the people, and I found out that they needed faith for their own good, not that they loved it for Me and for their salvation from Me, the one under the cross and not without cross, because there is no glorified salvation without cross, My people. And then I have tested the Christians by their love for you, children by whom I am coming now to be with the people. Then I have tested many people and we have found them with love of themselves, as My early Christians from the beginning of My work also did, those who hold grudge and tempted My tool by which I was gifting them with the blessings of the heaven so that they might not perish from the earth and from the heaven by their self-love. However, I want, teaching children, to teach through you the people to stay under My cross and not to lose their fear of God, to earn with all their heart, with all their soul, and mind and love a good answer after My pleasure from the end of My labor for the salvation of many. The life is sweet under the cross; it is alive, it has a living heart, because only the Lord is the living One if He can stay and work in man. Teach the people to love the patience from under My cross and not other kind of patience, because patience struggles in man from the self-love of the man, too. Keep watch, children sons, and stay open for Me. Stay as open gates, so that I may be able to keep Israel always, always within light and to have a people, because My people is the one that walks in the light. Amen.


Oh, My people, always, always try and then to can always, always, to be able to be My confessor first from your inside, and then from outside of you between brother and brother, so that the Father may see you from heaven, to see from near you that you keep His name holy on earth as in heaven in your body and in your soul, My people, and that He may see His living kingdom into your midst and the council of His will in you. Be easy and moldable into My hand and then into My heart, to be able to understand than all the time the mystery of the Lord with you on earth, because I and the Father made the man on earth, on earth and in heaven, all these together; and do not forget that the fear of God is love and it keeps you within the Father, and

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