» Religion » 2020.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, Lord Jesus [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗

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you leaving the heaven to come down to you on earth and to bring you back to the Father, from Whom you had been running away through the breaking of the commandments of life, and you did not receive Me. However, Peter, Paul, James and John, Andrew and Philip and all of the twelve of My disciples from among you received Me, and your history has kept on being written with them, the history of Israel; it has kept on going with Me and with them, and you have fallen for the second time from the arm of Our Father God and He deeply suffered when your coldness crucified Me, especially after I had done so much good to you, at that time of your people, who were sick and all over wounded, from their head to their sole, as it is written in the prophets about the wounds of Israel. However, you were stiff-necked and forgot about what was written about you and about Me, about My painful cross, on which You put Me to stay crucified together with the two robbers, and you did this only to increase your guilt and to see then what you did, and that you may not be able to run away from your deed, of which for two thousand years you have wanted to run away without being ashamed before the nations of the world of your deed, with which you had come to hate God in such a shameful way for you.


Oh, what a great salvation I had prepared for you when I took you out of Egypt and freed you from all your enemies whom I sent to sleep in order to be able to save you and to forgive you from all your guilt, and as a result, you paid for My love for you with My death, oh, and I long for your longing of Me. I miss so much that you may feel hurt and sorry for what you did to Me, oh, for you cannot say that you did not know Me, that you did not know that I was God’s Son and that Father had sent Me after you, and even if you knew that I was the heir, you were filled with more wickedness and protected your wealth and rank, which I did not need. All I wanted was to bring your forgiveness, to reconcile you with the Father through the Son, and this was only because I had come, and after that I ascended into the heaven and I left My disciples to go all over the world and share Christ from one to another promising that I would be with them to the end of the time and that I would be with those who would receive Me to be their Savior and to lead them to green pastures.


Man has been dragging his body into sin even from the beginning, and I have been suffering bitterly, and I still suffer for the man’s body, for the soul in man needs God, not sin, not such a great sin. The man’s mind needs much food, clean food, and always holy, so that man may no longer drag his body into sin.


Man, your sin has crushed Me. Have mercy on My sufferance from you, because your separation from Me will be painful for you because you keep on dragging your life into sin, your body, your glory from God, the One Who has given wisdom to man so that he may make use of it for God, for the love between him and God.


The Holy Spirit gave Adam a mind, He gave him speech and knowledge, for many people keep asking themselves how came that Adam knew how to speak. However, the spirit of satan also gives to man from what satan has, from the one who opposes God and who defeated man in paradise.  


It is up to man to choose on which side to walk, for man is free to choose either with the Holy Spirit, or with the spirit of satan, and a man is known by his work, by his conduct on which side he works, and he is known by his looks, by his speech and by his fruit. In the time of the work done by the hand it is seen the grace or the lack of grace, the lack of the heavenly conduct, and that is why, sons, do not forget, oh, do not forget to stay under the grace, so that grace may be over you, for he who does not choose grace over him, that one is not under the grace and he always comes out from the work of the grace and becomes detestable before God and before those around him.


Oh, I know to prepare useful vessels for My entire work, but the cross is needed to be carried, sons. There has been released much contempt over those who proclaim My coming as word on earth, contempt inside, and contempt outside as well, and the golden endurance has been proved to be working and has given forth fruit, and as a result, I, the Lord, am able to go on with the work of My coming, for polishing always needs to be refreshed over the vessels with which God works, as it has happened with all the vessels bearing heavenly mysteries among people on earth, oh, and there has never been otherwise for the adornment with the heavenly things of the vessels useful to God’s mysteries, which have to be placed and known on earth.


There have been terrible, terrible shaking, sons, and pains and wounds remained after them as after a war. I know how to adorn and how ornate My useful vessels, because I heat them, I polish them and I beat them to test their power of work, their power of endurance, their power of thankfulness to their Master, their power of submission, and then My glory works with them God’s mysteries and their establishment on earth.


Sons, sons, the contempt against the vessels God uses has much work over a vessel that is has always been moulded and shaped, because a man has to admit that he is completely naked if the Lord does not give him any work for the spiritual works, which are needed to His work on earth among men, and he who does not learn the carrying of the cross, then he does not stay to be moulded and falls from the work, oh, and how deep have gone all those who have fallen from My nest, from My arm! Like a bird that falls from its nest and then is caught by the hunters, so are those who have not humbled themselves, but, on the contrary, they have wanted to test and work evil, poor of them.


Oh, take great care, sons, to measure your speech and do not utter words that can put in danger your life or your life in God, for the satan wolf lies in wait near your tongue. However, I teach you to be good and to be sweet from all your heart to those who are set over you on My behalf, oh, for many sons have fallen by the words of their own mouth that have been spread and not spoken carefully with their mind, with their love and with their tongue, dear sons. And again, I have been teaching the sons of My people what love is and what the endurance under the cross is, only for them to love the burden of the cross, their resemblance to Me, their resemblance to their Shepherd.


Oh, it is a holy feast on earth and in heaven as well for the cross of My crucifixion, for My love stayed on the cross in love. I am sitting down in My bedding with you, in the citadel of My word, and We are setting the table of holy feast, sons. We are staying above and looking insatiably. Do not forget that We are here, above, oh, and the moments spent with you are sweet to Us, and you are making them sweeter and sweeter, and let them be sweeter and sweeter still; and now peace to you, sons!


We are writing down into the book this holy speaking and then We let it go forward all over, to be shared from heaven and to give comfort wherever it goes, for We leave only comfort, only the spirit of comfort in the feasts on the table among you, at My table with the saints and with you, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

[2] «And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky (Or “in heaven”). All the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven (Or “the sky”) with power and much glory.» (Matthew: 24/30)

[3] «Do not store up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal.

Instead, store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also». (Matt: 6/19-21)

«Sell your possessions and give to those in need. Make for yourselves purses which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief can reach and where moth cannot destroy.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.» (Luke: 12/33, 34)


Publication Date: 11-09-2020

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